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  1. NeXoft007

    Prahaar Short Range Tactical Missile System

    Anyways, in few years time we will have a formidable Rocket Artillery Force with 122mm Grad 214mm Pinaka Mk. I 214mm Pinaka Mk. II 214mm Pinaka Mk. II ER (Guided) 300mm Smerch 420mm Prahaar
  2. NeXoft007

    Prahaar Short Range Tactical Missile System

    R&D on MLPGM project was not completed few years back. The debut test of MLPGM will happen only when SANT starts its trials to prove its MMW Seeker. How can the project be dead when the official scaled down MLPGM model was made on April, 2017?
  3. NeXoft007

    Prahaar Short Range Tactical Missile System

    1. MLPGM is real and designed to be launched from TBM. But Prithvis are getting retired, so the only option we have are Pralay and Prahaar TBM. Only time will tell if my theory is legit or not. TBH, I am myself not 100% sure of it. 2. Driving LCH deep into enemy territory full of enemy MANPADS...
  4. NeXoft007

    Prahaar Short Range Tactical Missile System

    I never denied that, yes MLPGM is basically SANT, but some differences inside, both have MMW Seeker, but MLPGM have 10kg warhead instead of 8kg warhead of SANT.
  5. NeXoft007

    Prahaar Short Range Tactical Missile System

    :::: :::: The 420mm Prahaar is beautifully designed to carry three 190mm Missile Launched Precision Guided Munition (MLPGM). P.S - This is purely my assumption, coz MLPGM was designed to be launched from a Tactical Ballistic Missile (TBM). I simply calculated the number of MLPGMS that can be...
  6. NeXoft007

    Prahaar Short Range Tactical Missile System

    This isn't the best way to calculate length.. But still enough to give the impression that the new Prahaar is indeed longer than original Prahaar.
  7. NeXoft007

    Prahaar Short Range Tactical Missile System

    Possibly it's new Prahaar II/ ER. Coz the NOTAM Range was 200km and Hemant Sir said First Developmental Trial of new SRBM will be conducted today, so testing the old 150km range Prahaar and claiming it to be first developmental trial doesn't makes much sense. P.S. - Let's wait for official DRDO...