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  1. Ray

    Indian Ocean Developments

    More visits by the Indian Navy to Vietnam, Philippines and Indonesia and the South China Seas is required. And then some naval 'friendly' interoperability exercises.
  2. Ray

    Indian Ocean Developments

    Good luck to Australia. They have much catching up to do!
  3. Ray

    Indian Ocean Developments

    No ad hominems. Please maintain a modicum of decency and having a civil tongue in the head. Moderators have no desire to become Merlins.
  4. Ray

    Indian Ocean Developments

    Very interesting and impressive looking naval craft. It will be a good experience to sea conditions in the Indian Ocean. Chinese navy has girls on board? If so, very liberal and good.
  5. Ray

    Indian Ocean Developments

    Given the ethos of the governments of India, partner India will never be, even with the pro US PM. At best, it will be some vague stuff like 'strategic partner' whatever that means. To be partners, there has to be a common strategic perspective and service facilities opened to each other...
  6. Ray

    Indian Ocean Developments

    60% of the world trade passes through the Indian Ocean. Therefore, any country can control the Indian Ocean will have a major say in international politics as also, in the event of a war, choke any belligerent country and deny it its good and more importantly, oil. The Bab el Mandeb, Straits of...
  7. Ray

    Indian Ocean Developments

    It is not for me to comment as to which country has the best sailors. However, the accidents that have occurred, does educate, even if they are semi classified. The interaction during the joint naval exercise are also a fund of information and training. To believe that wrong codes would be...
  8. Ray

    Indian Ocean Developments

    We should. But let us first make the country poverty free, educated, healthy and disease ridden and basic amenities available. Or are they not important?
  9. Ray

    Indian Ocean Developments

    Religion plays no major role in recruitment or in the functioning of the Armed Forces. I can say with authority that it has no role in the Army.
  10. Ray

    Indian Ocean Developments

    Colonel, Why must we have to have accidents to be good. Can't we learn from other's mistakes? I am sure the Chinese did not construct their submarines from scratch. They must have got technology from elsewhere, legal or otherwise (the US claims that they are stealing the US technology, but my...
  11. Ray

    Indian Ocean Developments

    I have not understood as to how a sea can surface pulses and vegetables and also offer humanitarian supplies like medicine and their like. Odd.
  12. Ray

    Indian Ocean Developments

    The nationalism is appreciated. However, one has to look at the issue holistically. The Indian Ocean spans from Babel Mandeb to the Straits of Malacca and in the south to Cape of Good Hope. Therefore, imagine the naval force that will be necessary for sea domination. Does India...
  13. Ray

    Indian Ocean Developments

    I would not go by what people or submariners have to say! As if that is the Gospel Truth!
  14. Ray

    Indian Ocean Developments

    Each post has a link. Are you meaning this:
  15. Ray

    Indian Ocean Developments

    Selling and assisting during War are two different things. If China and US has a confrontation, Russia would not take sides and carrying Chinese goods in Russia ship would hardly be worth the spat with the US for Russia.
  16. Ray

    Indian Ocean Developments

    The point was that we are back to the Cold War days. US would also be having subs around the Chinese and Russian waters.
  17. Ray

    Indian Ocean Developments

    This is also interesting. Strategic Analysis: US Naval Policy in the Indian Ocean Subscription needed.
  18. Ray

    Indian Ocean Developments

    I thought it would be a good recap as to what is the ‘Environment’ in the Indian Ocean especially from the Indian standpoint. Extract from Indian Ocean and India
  19. Ray

    Indian Ocean Developments

    Now that is just to taken on the issue of China. Consider the other threats.
  20. Ray

    Indian Ocean Developments

    NAVY TRAINING RANGE EXPANSION IS PART OF US WORLD DOMINATION SCHEME While the sleepy North Coast is being jarred awake by the prospect of the permanent militarization of the Washington, Oregon, Del Norte and Humboldt County coastlines, the expansion of the US Navy's Northwest Training Range...