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  1. mayfair

    Pakistani Lies & Denial thread

    Napakis are themselves calling it a "working official visit" whatever that means.
  2. mayfair

    Pakistani Lies & Denial thread

    We enjoy a trade surplus over them and I am fine with that. That's not what the Baki was saying. He was saying that once India gets the land route to Afghanistan and beyond and once it's up and running, Bakis can and should threaten to close it whenever there's a problem and India will have to...
  3. mayfair

    Pakistani Lies & Denial thread

    Bollocks he wants Pakistan to give India the land route over Afghanistan as he feels "it can be used as a leverage in the future against further hostilities". He's said so himself many times. He's as rabid a jihadi as any, just more polished. Watch any of his "interviews", or read his...
  4. mayfair

    Pakistani Lies & Denial thread

    The problem is it's not the Khalistani's whose girls are being targeted by the Napakis, but regular Sikh folk. I would not be surprised if the Napakis were pointed in this direction by Khaali dimaagis to weaken the Sikh community and allow the Khaali dimaagis to take over.
  5. mayfair

    Pakistani Lies & Denial thread

    I think it's more on the lines of Cheeni attempting to spin the spread of Buddhism into China as originating from what's now Pakistan rather than Eastern/North-Eastern India.
  6. mayfair

    Pakistani Lies & Denial thread

    These are Napaki wet dreams, in the same category as Ghazwa-(b)e-hind.
  7. mayfair

    Pakistani Lies & Denial thread

    These NATO waalahs whine so much without actually doing much and to think we give our own HM much grief for his kadi ninda.
  8. mayfair

    Pakistani Lies & Denial thread

    Shitistan is a country where everyone lies to everyone, including themselves because they just can't handle the truth- Not about their origins, not about their character, not about their faith and definitely not about their future. Too many skeletons, too many uncomfortable questions- the stark...
  9. mayfair

    Pakistani Lies & Denial thread

    ^^ That would be the time just after Mushrat was forced to abdicate following BB's murder and the infamous Kerry Luger bill. The fauj was in a transition with a new COAS taking over after 9 years. A lot of chaos much like the post-1971 senario in left-over shitistan. I recall the videos you...
  10. mayfair

    Pakistani Lies & Denial thread

    ISI owns the shows and the channels and the studios. None of these channels are NOT backed or funded by the fauj in part or in full. There are red lines that are not to be crossed and ISI danda ensures this. Sample this- all TV "shows" gripe and rant about about foreign policy failures and...
  11. mayfair

    Pakistani Lies & Denial thread

    Do note that all blame is assigned to the civvies- hukumaraan and naukershaahi. Not an iota of blame is ever laid at the army's doorstep. Even their misdeeds are attributed to the civvies. Ever seen a Napaki talk show blame fauj for the state Shitistan finds itself today?
  12. mayfair

    Pakistani Lies & Denial thread

    Who's the third panel chap? Alam
  13. mayfair

    Pakistani Lies & Denial thread

    Do read about Rvaider Kaushik about the loss of our human assets.
  14. mayfair

    Pakistani Lies & Denial thread

    Do note that the halaaled kamaandu's skin tone was perceptibly lightened in the portrait probably commissioned after halaalat. Napakis are obsessed with skin colour even in death..
  15. mayfair

    Pakistani Lies & Denial thread

    Good reason for Iran to carry out surgical strikes inside Pakistan.
  16. mayfair

    Pakistani Lies & Denial thread

    X-post So now Napakis officially admit that that they cannot and will not disclose their casualty figures at LoC :rofl::rofl::rofl: Do not want the enemy to know or do not want their people to know...
  17. mayfair

    Pakistani Lies & Denial thread

    This thread can be a gem if made sticky. Paki lies and deceit should be up there and visible for all to see and understand.
  18. mayfair

    Pakistani Lies & Denial thread

    This thread deserves to be made a sticky on the Pakistan page, right up there with Failed TSP. All Paki lies exposed and immediately available for all to see.