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  1. Punya Pratap

    IN Scorpene Submarines - News & Discussions

    Ajai Shukla's latest broadside:
  2. Punya Pratap

    IN Scorpene Submarines - News & Discussions

    Parrikar takes a dig at A.K Antony at the ceremony of undocking Scorpene submarine. Published April 6, 2015 | By admin SOURCE : IDRW NEWS NETWORK ( INN) Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar speaking to media at the undocking ceremony of first Scorpene submarine said that Previous Defence...
  3. Punya Pratap

    IN Scorpene Submarines - News & Discussions

    Thanks for the insight Arnabmit and I too would prefer the remaining SSK's to be 3+3 follow on option of both P75 & P75 (I) I fervently pray that the IN & the MoD sit down an allocate specific ship building roles to the PSU's and the Pvt Yards to streamline everything.....The IN's objection...
  4. Punya Pratap

    IN Scorpene Submarines - News & Discussions

    Thanks for the inputs @grampiguy & @DivineHeretic, However I am a bit confused regarding the number of Arihant class.... as I came across this below given chart which mentions 04 Subs and both of you are saying 03 Subs Name Pennant Builder...
  5. Punya Pratap

    IN Scorpene Submarines - News & Discussions

    You mean there will be 4 Arihant class SSBN + 6 SSN's???
  6. Punya Pratap

    IN Scorpene Submarines - News & Discussions

    Good piece akshay now I wonder what shall be the break up?? Would it be as below: 24 Total subs 18 conventional - 6 scorpene's + 6 P71 (i) & I wonder whether the remaining 6 will be 3 each of P75 / P 75 (i) to retain the know how and TOT acquired through both these projects. I for one would...
  7. Punya Pratap

    IN Scorpene Submarines - News & Discussions

    Casper the problem with most defense deals is that each OEM/Source nation looks to build upon their business and they would prefer to keep the importing nation on their "To Sell List" Be it the French or the Russians they always want India to be dependent on them andd for that they employ...
  8. Punya Pratap

    IN Scorpene Submarines - News & Discussions

    Dear Casper please note IN is in dire straits when it comes to its under water capabilities so forget about cancelling they wont even exercise the penalty clause!! DCNS is just shooting itself in the foot and can forget a follow on order.... I think I know why Dassault was twisting its...
  9. Punya Pratap

    IN Scorpene Submarines - News & Discussions

    And to add to Arnabmit's recent post the following news : DCNS has successfully completed the operational and intermediate level crew training sessions of Platform Management System and Steering Console for the Indian Navy on 08th August 2014. The trainings were conducted during five weeks at...
  10. Punya Pratap

    IN Scorpene Submarines - News & Discussions

    If I am not wrong, the delivery schedule is 1st sub by 2016 and one each per year there on? Experts please advise! ! Also the Russians were proposing Two Amur class as stop gap solution but I heard that they are engaging with China for co-production of Amur with a joint venture of AIP...