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  1. Dark Sorrow

    Russian Airforce News & Discussion

    Not true. T-90 we do import barrel, engine, ERA, countermeasure systems, etc. Su-30 we do import a lot from screws to single crystal blades to different avionics to sensors and actuators. Brahmos we import warhead, booster, seeker and guidance computer (until recently), fuel injection system...
  2. Dark Sorrow

    Russian Airforce News & Discussion

    All arms purchases are expensive. Western tech is far more advanced and sophisticated than Russian tech hence they can expect premium on that. Western equipment also has superior quality and availability compared to Russian equipment. What I like about West is that they mention all pricing up...
  3. Dark Sorrow

    Russian Airforce News & Discussion

    This has been Russian mentality for every deal we made with them INS Vikramadatya T-90 Su-57/FGFA Su-30 Brahmos AK-203 Russians treat us as cash cow and try to milk us to the fullest extent. They are supported by our import lobby. Russians want us to be dependent on them for eternity.
  4. Dark Sorrow

    Russian Airforce News & Discussion

    `I believe what Russians achieved with Su-27/Su-30 was one off and will never be repeated again in history. The geopolitical situation was just ripe that Su-27/Su-30 was accepted by all major non-NATO/non-US allied air-forces. All major AF either have their own program 4.5th/5th gen/6th gen...
  5. Dark Sorrow

    Russian Airforce News & Discussion

    Isn't Su-57 suppose to be the best Russian fighter ever built?