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  1. rockey 71

    1965 Indo-Pak war: Facts and Fiction

    Kown buddhijibi mereseay? Key meresey? Kono Hindu keho maey nai. Yes, personal karoney tow khun hotey'ee parey. Amra oboshoiyi shantis mahasamiddar.
  2. rockey 71

    1965 Indo-Pak war: Facts and Fiction

    IA's own official account of '65 War is available on line. Gen Harbaksh Singh's account and comments are included in that.
  3. rockey 71

    1965 Indo-Pak war: Facts and Fiction

    Firstly neither am I a Pakistani nor can I speak for that country. If you do not know how to be civil in a discussion, then first learn the art then come back to the Forum.
  4. rockey 71

    1965 Indo-Pak war: Facts and Fiction

    Yes, around us there are insurgencies, killings, massacres, communal riots, etc. We, however, are an island of peace. And being Muslims we are Islamists - whatever you mean by that.
  5. rockey 71

    1965 Indo-Pak war: Facts and Fiction

    Reference to the Two Nation Theory has become relevant here. If there was no Two Nation Theory and we in BD subscribed to pure Bengali nationalism, then today W Bengal must join us to carry that forward.
  6. rockey 71

    1965 Indo-Pak war: Facts and Fiction

    We are a Muslim dominated nation, not Islamic. We were not absorbed into India like W Bengal because of The Two Nation Theory which was promoted and championed by Bengali Muslims. There is no effort to break the tolerant nature of our culture - although...
  7. rockey 71

    1965 Indo-Pak war: Facts and Fiction

    We, BD, are also a fruit of The Two Nation Theory. This is a nation of predominantly Bengali Muslims where other races or faiths are not discriminated against - which is a Bengali heritage.
  8. rockey 71

    1965 Indo-Pak war: Facts and Fiction

    1.ATK Huq was an outstanding officer of the Regt. He got posted to command the Senior Tigers on promotion after serving in PMA as the Term Commander of 29th PMA. Till recent years that Course produced the highest number of generals for PA. Musharraf is...
  9. rockey 71

    1965 Indo-Pak war: Facts and Fiction

    Senior Tigers, 1 E Bengal was deployed in Luliani, Lahrore. The Div Commander was Gen Hamid, later PA Chief in 1971. This Bn,commanded by Lieut Col ATK Huq, a Bengali officer, had won the most gallantry awards by any unit in this war. Maj Zia was a Coy...
  10. rockey 71

    1965 Indo-Pak war: Facts and Fiction

    1.US Military Aid, CENTO and SEATO greatly helped Pakistan in equipping and training her forces. PNS Ghazi was the first sub in SA, as INS Vikrant was the first aircraft Carrier. M47 and M48 Pattons were modern tanks but proper reccee and study was not...
  11. rockey 71

    1965 Indo-Pak war: Facts and Fiction

    1.Foreign aid is not necessarily a negative thing or a sin. How much aid does Isreal receive annually from USA? Your country has opened up since MMS was installed as the Fin Minister. 2. My point about Pak economy is very much a fact. Why don't you...
  12. rockey 71

    1965 Indo-Pak war: Facts and Fiction

    1.Fol comments may be relevant: a. Pre-'65 War Pak economy was second only to Japan's in Asia. It was Bhutto more than anyone else who pushed Pakistan into Op Gibraltar without even rudimentary spade work. The War resulted in arresting Pakistan's galloping...