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  1. Daredevil

    India Takes First Step Towards Indus Water Treaty Withdrawal

    Pakistan to move WB on Kishenganga Pakistan is all set to move the World Bank (WB) for appointment of a neutral expert instead of opting for the Court of Arbitration on the Indian Kishanganga Hydropower Project. “The WB-appointed neutral expert is our top most priority after receiving a...
  2. Daredevil

    India Takes First Step Towards Indus Water Treaty Withdrawal

    IHK government calls for compensation for Indus Water Treaty IHK government calls for compensation for Indus Water Treaty * Finance minister of disputed region says IHK has capacity to produce 20,000MW of electricity but faces 10-hour power blackouts By Iftikhar Gilani NEW DELHI: The...
  3. Daredevil

    India Takes First Step Towards Indus Water Treaty Withdrawal

    India says no to compensation for blocking Chenab in Aug ‘08 India says no to compensation for blocking Chenab in Aug ‘08 Wednesday, June 24, 2009 ISLAMABAD: New Dehli has refused to extend compensation both in shape of water or in monetary form to Islamabad for the blockade of Chenab river...
  4. Daredevil

    India Takes First Step Towards Indus Water Treaty Withdrawal their lies, so far, stands exposed.:blum3:
  5. Daredevil

    India Takes First Step Towards Indus Water Treaty Withdrawal

    Pakistan takes up water compensation issue with India NEW DELHI, June 1 (APP) -Pakistan on Monday took up water compensation issue with India for the loss of about 200,000 cusecs of water India had stopped last year for filling the newly built Baglihar Dam on Chenab River in occupied...
  6. Daredevil

    India Takes First Step Towards Indus Water Treaty Withdrawal

    If India has indeed stopped or reduced the water flow to Pakistan, then how is it possible for Pakistan to have a bumper crop wheat compare to last year and has reached to a stage where they are exporting the wheat now. This hullabaloo about Indus water treaty is all a charade put up by...
  7. Daredevil

    India Takes First Step Towards Indus Water Treaty Withdrawal

    Of course it is against the international laws and the Indus Water treaty. India has uphold this treaty despite three major wars and unabated sponsor of terrorism targeted against India. Pakistan is making unnecessary noises just to attract attention and show India in a bad light. If they cross...