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  1. patriots

    AKASH-NG ( next generation )

    But it is mentioned that Aakash ng is developed to defeat low RCS object s . And will be used by airforce And the project is funded by iaf The problem with old airdefence sams is that they are unable to defeat low RCS objects It might be a drone or a stealth fighter
  2. patriots

    AKASH-NG ( next generation )

    Might be. But first time we saw missile and Radar mounted on a same vehicle
  3. patriots

    AKASH-NG ( next generation )

    The above pic resembles the below. The below pic is from akash ng test
  4. patriots

    AKASH-NG ( next generation )

    Aka Akasg ng Will fit between Akash and mrsam Each missile has certain pros and cons The cons with akash is mobility issue But qrsam is more mobile At the same time akash can destroy a fighter at higher altitudes which qrsam can't Also vlsraam is coming
  5. patriots

    AKASH-NG ( next generation ) Akash NG trials this year BEL Chairman M V Gowtama confirmed that the first trials of the upgraded version of surface-to-air missile (SAM) Akash NG (new generation) will...
  6. patriots

    AKASH-NG ( next generation ) BEL Chairman M V Gowtama while speaking to media has confirmed that with all final components in place, assembly of Akash NG (new generation) which is a brand new variant of surface-to-air missile...
  7. patriots

    AKASH-NG ( next generation )

  8. patriots

    AKASH-NG ( next generation )

  9. patriots

    AKASH-NG ( next generation )

    Abhyaas....drone is in development..... May banshi or lakshya pta