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  1. ezsasa

    Sri Lanka Terror Attack (21 April 2019)

    eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, There is no other way....
  2. ezsasa

    Sri Lanka Terror Attack (21 April 2019)

    Just one correction, Orthodox Christians are extreme. It’s just that they have stopped using war as a tool for expansion. In the U.S regular Americans think twice before getting married into or dating a person from orthodox Christian family. If our media chaps start focusing on American...
  3. ezsasa

    Sri Lanka Terror Attack (21 April 2019)

    if it was the case couldn't they used a simple term "victims of terror", is it the case that they are using divide and rule even among the terror victims?
  4. ezsasa

    Sri Lanka Terror Attack (21 April 2019)

    A holes!!! CNN coverage is more about muslim community in sri lanka than the actual victims... Bhai wah!!! Both the perpetrators and victims are the same, while the real victims are side lined !!!! More over apparently obama and hillary are calling srilankan Christians as eastern worshippers in...
  5. ezsasa

    Sri Lanka Terror Attack (21 April 2019)

    For now i haven't seen statements from ISIS or bombers themselves talking about the bombing as a revenge for christ church. Christ church angle was introduced by media...
  6. ezsasa

    Sri Lanka Terror Attack (21 April 2019)

    i was just scrolling thru tweets in SL attack... looks like there is a silent narrative being built that christians are being attacked in india... most of these tweets are not in english, hence going unnoticed by us.....
  7. ezsasa

    Sri Lanka Terror Attack (21 April 2019)

    Good catch!!! Hindu sounding name does not mean their religion is Hindu. They could be atheists or commies or crypto Christians who don’t change their name.
  8. ezsasa

    Sri Lanka Terror Attack (21 April 2019)

    incase chaps didn't realise this yet, this guy(one of the bombers) is speaking tamil...
  9. ezsasa

    Sri Lanka Terror Attack (21 April 2019)

    any idea who introduced the christ church angle into this incident? was it CNN or NY times or somebody else altogether...