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  1. vampyrbladez

    India China LAC & International Border Discussions

    You are hereby appointed Supreme Commander Of The Indian Military
  2. vampyrbladez

    India China LAC & International Border Discussions

    Looks like some action happened at Y bend recently. Can see less Chinese structures all of a sudden.
  3. vampyrbladez

    India China LAC & International Border Discussions

    Actual situation on the ground is fluid. We are making ingress to deal with Chinese cockroaches as well.
  4. vampyrbladez

    India China LAC & International Border Discussions

    Don't spread confusion here in the name of concern trolling!
  5. vampyrbladez

    India China LAC & International Border Discussions

    Part of an Akash Missile unit.
  6. vampyrbladez

    India China LAC & International Border Discussions

    Our men can attack Siachen in winter. These yellow scum stand no chance. Galwan was just a trailer.
  7. vampyrbladez

    India China LAC & International Border Discussions

    Looks to be a pretty ordinary aircraft.
  8. vampyrbladez

    India China LAC & International Border Discussions

    Seems like a radar/signal antenna.
  9. vampyrbladez

    India China LAC & International Border Discussions

    Please don't make uninformed statements.
  10. vampyrbladez

    India China LAC & International Border Discussions

    True. The little yellow man did not meet Chanakya.
  11. vampyrbladez

    India China LAC & International Border Discussions

    So you are here to spew garbage and pollute this thread? How very unsporting. Limit your outbursts to the Chit Chat thread and keep the flow of information here clean. :nono: :nono:
  12. vampyrbladez

    India China LAC & International Border Discussions

    2 front war = Total War aka start of WW3.
  13. vampyrbladez

    India China LAC & International Border Discussions

    “Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  14. vampyrbladez

    India China LAC & International Border Discussions

    So you agree that you are admitting your failings as a citizen?
  15. vampyrbladez

    India China LAC & International Border Discussions

    Why 'India' why not 'us' or 'we' have?
  16. vampyrbladez

    India China LAC & International Border Discussions

    Mods and some posters were complaining about me tagging accounts in the name of 'democracy'. See for yourself the troll campaign being run on this thread by Pakis.
  17. vampyrbladez

    India China LAC & International Border Discussions

    CKMKB + Do the math!
  18. vampyrbladez

    India China LAC & International Border Discussions

    Looks like Endgame for China.