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  1. Indx TechStyle

    UN Elects Abusers to Human Rights Council: UN Watch

    It is. These newly elected countries on human rights councils themselves are most dangerous countries to live in and now run campaigns for each other whenever one of them faces criticism for atrocities.
  2. Indx TechStyle

    UN Elects Abusers to Human Rights Council: UN Watch

    What are you going to do without UN? Make your own? It is an organization of "peaceful countries" and has most countries as its members. Given its policies barely affect anyone, why to villainise yourself boycotting it?
  3. Indx TechStyle

    UN Elects Abusers to Human Rights Council: UN Watch

    Well I posted this thread only to update from now on after seing something from @Arihant Roy But since it has been bumped.
  4. Indx TechStyle

    UN Elects Abusers to Human Rights Council: UN Watch

    A general view on the opening of a meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Council, in Geneva, Switzerland, on Sept. 18, 2020. (Fabrice Coffrini/AFP via Getty Images) UN Elects Abusers to Human Rights Council: UN Watch