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  1. V

    Khalistan Terror Activities

    Does Time Magazine write about minorities in other countries? Coptic Christians in Egypt have endured slaughter after slaughter. Hindus in Bangladesh and Pakistan have been heavily reduced. Jews and Bahais in Iran have been killed or expelled. Aren't Tibetans a minority in China, what of their...
  2. V

    Khalistan Terror Activities

    Awful, scripted, predictable, grotesquely one sided. No mention of Bhindranwale's hit squads, the frequent bus and train slaughters, the killing of 19 engineering students in Patiala in 1989, the machine gunning of 15 non Punjabi employees of Dupont in 1992; the serial bomb blasts in Delhi and...
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    Khalistan Terror Activities

    This is indeed vile and condemnable. And good that it is publicly known. How were the threats to Indian diplomats in Toronto and Vancouver any less reprehensible...
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    Khalistan Terror Activities

    A footnote- soon after the Bhopal gas disaster in Dec 1984, there were a few Sikhs who were quoted in a newspaper as accusing the Indian government of sabotaging the plant, the motive being to see if the deadly gas would work, so it could be used on Sikhs. The sheer irrationality of these people...
  5. V

    Khalistan Terror Activities

    The hate and aversion that many Sikhs have toward India is astounding. It takes the form of warning European tourists about travelling to India because of the supposed danger to women. It even goes as far as criticising rakhsha bandhan, for crying out loud, as Jagmeet Singh did last year...
  6. V

    Khalistan Terror Activities

    I'm pretty certain that around the tine of the Air India flight 182 bombing in June 1985, and another linked bombing at Tokyo airport the same day, there was an attempt to bomb yet another Air India flight from New York. But that was utterly thwarted by the US, with no casualties. Interesting...
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    Khalistan Terror Activities

    That seems pretty gratuitous. I would like to think that if this threat is widely disseminated ( or even not widely, of course), the US agencies would be forced to act. At least with Headley et al, there was nothing so brazen, before the attack. Not obvious anyway. If the CIA is using this...
  8. V

    Khalistan Terror Activities

    Obvious question, can't the FBI arrest him for making such a threat?
  9. V

    Khalistan Terror Activities

    This psycho was recently at a pro-Khalistan, anti-Hindu rally. Kills totally unknown person at a Starbucks in Vancouver
  10. V

    Khalistan Terror Activities

    Right on, emphasise that all 10 Sikh gurus were born Hindus, and AFAIK, none of them were from the Jat section of society. We should also not be too hard on ourselves, for our angry emotions. Had any Western country been through what India has been, in terms of terrorism and separatism, it is...
  11. V

    Khalistan Terror Activities

    At one point in Kashmir in 1990, there was a mob of 100,000 out on the streets demanding Azadi and an Islamic state( and who knows what other repulsive things) Yet the Indian police are accused of being repressive and eager to use force.
  12. V

    Khalistan Terror Activities

    Yah, I think we should save most of our anger toward the overseas Sikh diaspora, though even there, we should pick our spots. However, we shouldn't assume that all of the overseas agitation is just disguised Islamism or Pakistani machinations. That may be a small part of it, but there are...
  13. V

    Khalistan Terror Activities

    Again, the riots in Delhi in 1984 were awful. But a prime minister was killed by her own bodyguards, people who are supposed to be way above sectarian/religious concerns. Far above the ordinary every day citizen. If security guards can just shoot someone they are sworn to protect, then what...
  14. V

    Khalistan Terror Activities

    Their goal is to go to Canada, then agitate for a separate homeland, or simply attack India, from there. Astounding.
  15. V

    Khalistan Terror Activities

    On a discussion of the London incident, Terry Milewski starting at around 15:48 refers to Khalistani terror in Canada. Milewski is a particularly courageous, principled and outspoken exposer of Sikh/Khalistani terror emanating from Canada. I am now definitely going to buy his book! I think it's...
  16. V

    Khalistan Terror Activities

    ^ They are genocidal for sure. I was optimistically hoping that Indian diplomatic missions in Australia and elsewhere, will be even more vigilant about allowing these kinds of people to travel to India. Really, they shouldn't be allowed to enter India legally. It's possible they will try to get...
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    Khalistan Terror Activities

    Those Khalistani goons will not enter India again in 100 years. And on top of that, they have made things tough for non-Khalistani Sikhs.
  18. V

    Khalistan Terror Activities

    Horrific incident in Punjab, 33 years ago. Engineering students slaughtered in their sleep.
  19. V

    Khalistan Terror Activities

    ^^^ No big fan or supporter of the Congress party. and yes, the anti-Sikh riots of 1984 were awful. But when you realise the number of horrible killings that took place before Nov 1984, bus massacres, slaughters of policemen, bombings, the murderous targeting of the Hindustan Samachar...
  20. V

    Khalistan Terror Activities

    Here is at least an encouraging development