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  1. ezsasa

    QRSAM ( Quick Reaction SAM ) of IA

    for now it's only IDRW that's saying so. no hurry, we can wait for official confirmation whenever it comes.
  2. ezsasa

    QRSAM ( Quick Reaction SAM ) of IA

    it's not about either or, it's about AD bubbles with different ranges of AD systems, it's about layered defence. whether IA will want to carry both QRSAM and Akash NG along with them is a separate issue. that's for theatre commander to decide as per the prevailing op. QRSAM = 30 km Akash NG =...
  3. ezsasa

    QRSAM ( Quick Reaction SAM ) of IA

    manu pubby has been on my ignore list for years now, don't really care what he says, except for trying to guess what the dalal lobby is focussing on. purpose of QRSAM remains the same, give AD capability on the move for IBGs.
  4. ezsasa

    QRSAM ( Quick Reaction SAM ) of IA

    having pentagon type org. only delays the truth from coming out, only after a billion $ mistake becomes a trillion $ mistake. not suited for us.
  5. ezsasa

    QRSAM ( Quick Reaction SAM ) of IA

    are there any missing QRSAM sub-systems in this post other than reloader?
  6. ezsasa

    QRSAM ( Quick Reaction SAM ) of IA

    India successfully conducts 6 flight tests of Quick Reaction Surface to Air Missile (QRSAM) system from a defence facility off Odisha coast. Missiles fired against high speed aerial targets mimicking various types of threats demonstrate capability.