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  1. C

    Pakistan army artillery . Only calibres are mentioned with weapon designation

    A5 range would be 30 km. But at 25ton combat weight, its half the weight of K9, which means transportability and deploy ability of the system would be much more easier then K9.
  2. C

    Pakistan army artillery . Only calibres are mentioned with weapon designation

    Even if we consider them to be upgraded to A5 standard, the caliber is 39. So the range is much lower to what we are achieving with Dhanush. But on combat weight front, they would beat our SPGH hands down in deployment strategy.
  3. C

    Pakistan army artillery . Only calibres are mentioned with weapon designation

    Among M109, M110 and SH-15, I would consider SH-15 to be the most formidable among all. IMHO, M109 and M110 are just cannon fodder for us to be honest.