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  1. 1971ftw

    Japan's population dropped by nearly a million in 2022 and rapidly ages because Japanese women are too uppity and too greedy to date men and have kids

    Hence im explicitly stating this is your personal bias, we are comparing India to japan nothing else you have a inherent bias which i can see from a mile away, we all have been places and talked people that's not a source. eh...did you forget the context or something? this debate started...
  2. 1971ftw

    Japan's population dropped by nearly a million in 2022 and rapidly ages because Japanese women are too uppity and too greedy to date men and have kids

    What makes life worth living is subjective and differs from person to person. you are just expressing your personal bias by littrally genraling a entire country, japan is a wonderful place with wonderful people with its share of problems, its not some black mirror dystopia . - If we are...
  3. 1971ftw

    Japan's population dropped by nearly a million in 2022 and rapidly ages because Japanese women are too uppity and too greedy to date men and have kids

    its stagnating because the era of globalization is winding down since 9/11, India entered at the final stage even we grew rapidly in 80-90s. Japan had debt-gdp ratio over 100% by 1960 itself, even before they started to industrialize, you forget they owe lot of money because of ww2, On Top of...
  4. 1971ftw

    Japan's population dropped by nearly a million in 2022 and rapidly ages because Japanese women are too uppity and too greedy to date men and have kids

    They will hold the title in 2030. with fraction of the population, i dont get why a you are even mocking them, japan is infamous for his work and perfectionist culture. A Japanese would be a million times more depressed if they were in india and a indian wold flock to japan given the chance...
  5. 1971ftw

    Japan's population dropped by nearly a million in 2022 and rapidly ages because Japanese women are too uppity and too greedy to date men and have kids

    Just because Japan doesn't want to breed like rats doesn't make them lazy, Japan is the 4th largest economy, and will hold that title for a long time to come.