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  1. Johny_Baba

    Lula wins Brazilian Presedential Elections

    @IBSA another side effect of Lula presidency Truth ? If yes then it's first step of americal cultural enrichment inside your homeland, already Jair Bolsonaro was prevented to stand up in elections by the courts there and now this sort of abrupt 'legalization' ? Does the supreme court of Brazil...
  2. Johny_Baba

    Lula wins Brazilian Presedential Elections

    paging our Brazilian friend @IBSA
  3. Johny_Baba

    Lula wins Brazilian Presedential Elections

    still it's good to see him doing something right that's pro-India in ;big picture; way rest things can be managed i guess
  4. Johny_Baba

    Lula wins Brazilian Presedential Elections

    @IBSA do courts in Brazil charge people with muh raycism muh homophobia reee in general ? if not you think this is a new globohomo sponsored development there after Lula's alleged win in that election there recently ? besides, imagine taking side of an outright cheating subhuman like Lewis...
  5. Johny_Baba

    Lula wins Brazilian Presedential Elections

    It would be interesting to see how he and his govt responds to BRICS now, though he was originally supportive of that in past (when he used to be pro-russia etc) but since he got this win from ;patronage; of the anglospehere such supportiveness cannot be expected much in this newer times.
  6. Johny_Baba

    Lula wins Brazilian Presedential Elections

    You think....probably american voting machines are responsible ? Why do you people even use american voting machines to start with ? i looked in wikipedia and found in past there were lots of electronics companies in past there making first and second generation personal computers (clones of zx...
  7. Johny_Baba

    Lula wins Brazilian Presedential Elections

    both sides rioted as far as i know, Bolsonaro's guys literally blocked roads to certain regions in North
  8. Johny_Baba

    Lula wins Brazilian Presedential Elections

    Well Lula was originally anti-anglosphere back in those times and very pro-russia - but he also turned politically weak since supposedly right wing party won elections and so; this time he is getting lots of backing (in monetary terms as well) from same anglosphere because they are angry at...