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    The Terrible Cost of Presidential Racism(Nixon & Kissinger towards India).

    security guarantor has left Europe without food or energy.

    The Terrible Cost of Presidential Racism(Nixon & Kissinger towards India).

    very good ooint. It was not that USA willingly gave any technology. Chinese were very good at technology theft and buying US politicians. Chinese also offered their market as a bribe where they would get the technology spin off in a separate company and give no business to th e Americans. The...

    The Terrible Cost of Presidential Racism(Nixon & Kissinger towards India).

    what Friendship??? Chinese defeated USA in korea and Vietnam . USA changed policy to open trade rather than try to challenge China after2 defeats. Emotions don’t determine policy. .

    The Terrible Cost of Presidential Racism(Nixon & Kissinger towards India).

    US was beaten into being cordial to the Chinese in Korea and Vietnam. China even when it was poor made it clear to USA who was the boss in the region. India never did any such thing, US and world respects might and India has yet to show any??

    The Terrible Cost of Presidential Racism(Nixon & Kissinger towards India).

    what friendship was being rekindled?? America hated communists .

    The Terrible Cost of Presidential Racism(Nixon & Kissinger towards India).

    I have some excerpts in 1971 war threat. Always felt Nixon was bitter about India being a soviet ally so him and Kissinger came up with policy to open China. The policy that has been a disaster and the downfall of USA and much of the world.