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  1. Tshering22

    Lula wins Brazilian Presedential Elections

    It is unlikely that Venezuela has the finances to even pay the regular soldiers, let alone wage a war against another country. Knowing Biden, the US won't meddle here. The Brazilian military is more than capable to intervene and stop any such designs. Such a misadventure would be the perfect...
  2. Tshering22

    Lula wins Brazilian Presedential Elections

    Rumour has it that despite Lula's overt display of distrust with the US, he is basically toeing the line that Jair Bolsonaro was toeing. This has resulted in trade policies that are more bluster than substance. Despite the talks of a Brazilian-Argentine currency effort, very few tangible gains...
  3. Tshering22

    Lula wins Brazilian Presedential Elections

    Lula is a US-skeptic. This election will definitely upset the CIA.