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  1. abingdonboy

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    The U.K. govt has 100% hunted down IRA outside of Northern Ireland and that isn’t even contested to compare khalistanis who have murdered 100s of innocent Indian citizens (forget about the armed sovereignty challenge) to Scottish independence campaigners is beyond disingenuous. When faced with...
  2. abingdonboy

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    This is nonsense. 4.5 gen fighters will be the backbone of all large airforces for at least another 2 decades
  3. abingdonboy

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    Where’s the RFP? It took 10 freaking years from RFP to order for the C295, I don’t think many can comprehend how complicated the cost and contract negotiations will be for near cutting edge equipment and weapons with the added complication of the local assembly stipulation. The original MMRCA...
  4. abingdonboy

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    Oh yes and this is another piece of reality- TEDBF isn’t even a sanctioned project formally. From when it is to delivery is at least a 10-12 year process
  5. abingdonboy

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    1) as per October 2023 they may have started price negotiations 1-2 years for that, 1-2 more years of the DAC—>CCS circus then 2-3 years for first deliveries...
  6. abingdonboy

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    This is what Indian defence fanboys are reduced to- complete fantasy pipe-dreams. It’s 2024 almost and the second tranche option hasn’t been exercised hence it has likely expired and anyway IAF had publicly stated they weren’t interested in merely 36 more and it was 114 or nothing As for the...
  7. abingdonboy

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    A paper plane is a paper plane if MRFA RFP is issued 01/01/2024, delivery will not be before 2031-33, spread out well into the 2040s inaction/sabotage of the last 3-5 years has ensured the 2030s are another lost decade for the Indian armed forces where the gap between them and their foes...
  8. abingdonboy

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    IAF and IA are both utterly screwed for the next 15-20 years at least and mostly by their own doings. IN is only slightly ahead but on a global scale they are nothing special
  9. abingdonboy

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    Everyone needs to get it in their head that MRFA is not a quick fix even IF it was to happen- almost 2024 and no RFP, RFP—> delivery is 7-10 years, and the delivery period is 8 years you do the maths on that.
  10. abingdonboy

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    They gave Uncle Sam a veto on the LCA MK.2 with the clause linking the engine to funding so I don’t think they care strategic autonomy has been transformed into pimping out to all the different interests- to get votes from Russia/France/US they Sprinkle billions every now and then what are...
  11. abingdonboy

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    It’s obvious what the game is they’ve delayed the Su-30 upgrades, they’ve sat on LCA MK.2 funding, AMCA is nowhere to be seen and LCA MK.1 orders are being kept spread out enough to barely sustain retirement rates the case for MRFA is being propped up and furthermore they’ll soon be demanding...
  12. abingdonboy

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    It’s been obvious for a while hence why you see little actual R&D or IP emerging from Indian private sector- the most they want to do is an MOU with a foreign OEM so they only invest capital when/if deals are actually signed then you have the other end- Kalyani that has linked mammoth...
  13. abingdonboy

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter I REALLY wonder what’s going on behind the scenes, this seems like the most obvious attempt to subvert Indian MIC in recent times but then again it definitely feels like the import lobby is back in charge these days
  14. abingdonboy

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    IAF are brochure babies, reality is hitting them across the face but they are still refusing to take the medicine
  15. abingdonboy

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    As always intentional sabotage or peak incompetence is impossible to discern but the end result is the same In 2030s some form of MRFA will still exist because these clowns/sellouts today are doing everything...
  16. abingdonboy

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    0 chance MK.2 is inducted by 2030 or AMCA by 2032 (AMCA MK.2 maybe not even by 2040 now) IAF/MoD/import played their hand and have kept the focus on MRFA and other foreign toys whilst the fighter fleet depleted. Even now there’s no interest in more MK1As or fast tracking the MK.2, MRFA is the...
  17. abingdonboy

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    Some will keep spinning and trying to use the delivery of 414s years ago to refute this but reality always wins. Every update since CCS ‘clearance’ last year has had the rollout/first flight pushed back, it was mid/late 2024, now it’s 2025. the only explanation is the linking of the 414 deal...
  18. abingdonboy

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    With what money?
  19. abingdonboy

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    It’ll still have to go sit in CCS holding patterns at the end of all this even IMRH is still yet to be sanctioned by CCS the more time goes by the more I’m disgusted by the disconnect in the rhetoric and follow through of their govt. at least UPA didn’t have the shamelessness to proclaim self...
  20. abingdonboy

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    Yeah that news didn’t just come out of nowhere, it would have been an incredibly weird thing to just imagine up times now Even now the GE deal isn’t signed only...