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  1. Master Chief

    India-China Border conflict

    You mean Indian soldiers on LAC will no longer be glorified mawalis... Nice..
  2. Master Chief

    India-China Border conflict

    US imposes sanctions on 31 Chinese companies for supplies to Russia.. I think it's just the start
  3. Master Chief

    India-China Border conflict

    India giving China a taste of their own medicine for a change..
  4. Master Chief

    India-China Border conflict

    True, After Galwan some Nirbhays with Russian engine were deployed.. But, Nirbhay will be primarily for Central China targets.. Eastern Seaboard is beyond reach right now.. except when nuking Shanghai or Beijing..
  5. Master Chief

    India-China Border conflict

    I have long pondered about this.. Right now India can pummel Central China cities like Chengdu, with large number of missiles.. but the beating heart of the Chinese economy lies in the eastern seaboard and we can't lob huge vollies on Beijing or Shanghai.. So, we need SSGNs, with huge...
  6. Master Chief

    India-China Border conflict

    New 72 Division to be raised under Northern command for Ladakh. Initially planned under 17 MSC..
  7. Master Chief

    India-China Border conflict

    China sticking to its guns
  8. Master Chief

    India-China Border conflict

    Many of the Chinese Graves turned out to be propaganda by Indian a**int.. IA went deep into Chinese side, so naturally more IA troops would have been captured than vice versa.. Anyway doesn't matter who got whacked more.. In the end, we were surprised and lost access to areas due to China...
  9. Master Chief

    India-China Border conflict

    Of course. .IA too would have drawn blood.. But, in the early days.. the narrative on the Indian side, was that the Chinks were the once who were brutally thrashed, with tales like one dead Sikh soldier killed 20 PLA Chinkus.. All that stopped later once PLA released some pics..
  10. Master Chief

    India-China Border conflict

    Did you not see the pics of captured Indian soldiers that was released by PLA..around 30 I guess, in a valley
  11. Master Chief

    India-China Border conflict

    No dude.. We saw pictures of dozens of captured Indian soldiers who were whacked out of shape by PLA..
  12. Master Chief

    India-China Border conflict

    After being called senseless by India, for renaming places in Arunachal.. now ultra mega superpower China being called Shameless by Taiwan :facepalm:
  13. Master Chief

    India-China Border conflict

    You are talking Total war Here... It would involve a hell lot of sacrifices from the average Chinese.. A place even Putin is afraid to tread.. But yes.. Great power war will essentially morph into an existential war and hence a total war as WW1 and WW2 have shown.. But, even then, China's...
  14. Master Chief

    India-China Border conflict

    You know that raw materials are limited right.. Most raw materials are available in decent quantities in most big countries doesn't mean that you can run a China sized economy at the same time as ramping up war production.. Access to sea borne trade makes a lot of difference.. It made a big...
  15. Master Chief

    India-China Border conflict

    I agree with you about India being unprepared. But, I was not talking about their MIC being mostly indigenous.. I was talking about raw material constraints imposed on China by a first Island chain blockade by the US - JAPANESE navies.. Anyway, doesn't matter in a India China war, as Indian...
  16. Master Chief

    India-China Border conflict

    Looks more like propaganda .. There will be material constraints.. Especially during a war, when enemies will choke China trade through the first Island chain..
  17. Master Chief

    India-China Border conflict

    Send some C-17 with medical aid.. Mirchi daalo
  18. Master Chief

    India-China Border conflict

    Image please.. can't open the link
  19. Master Chief

    India-China Border conflict

    Unfortunately not.. I am not worth setting a honey trap .. :facepalm:
  20. Master Chief

    India-China Border conflict

    That girl is cute.. She is 22 years.. old.. and he looks like smooth talking fraud.. Looks like s*x and Ganja for a month. And they do not know how they got here from Kathmandu..:bplease: