Central Asian Conflicts

Love Charger

Senior Member
Oct 9, 2021
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Russians have more or less stopped it. Have the situation in hand. No wonder Catholic Biden hates Putin and the Russians. Catholics, Israelis, Muslims, Greeks.... for at least 3000 years one or another of those types of people have been instigating ritual bull fights.
Catholic Filipinos, since they are in Asia, seem to prefer chicken fights.
You are a autist, just like iam
Kek kek kek
You funny Anglo white man


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2021
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US fingerprints allover
the US, really?
How many times has the USA attacked/invaded/been at war with Russia?
How many times have Catholics invaded or made war upon Russia? Hitler, Napoleon, Crimean war, persecution of Catholics by the Red Army, maybe more I don't know


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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the US, really?
How many times has the USA attacked/invaded/been at war with Russia?
How many times have Catholics invaded or made war upon Russia? Hitler, Napoleon, Crimean war, persecution of Catholics by the Red Army, maybe more I don't know
This unrest war is not limited to Kazakhstan / Russia, but is being spread everywhere in the same textbook fashion.

These are not normal protests; there is a clear organized hand in them. Why so? Because we have evidence of this type of nonsense happening in our country as well.

India is supposed to be a partner nation, isn't it? A friendly partner who is instrumental in furthering rule of law in the Indo-Pacific region, has multiple cooperation agreements and overall, is contributing to the increasing bilateral relations. Then what are such protests doing here? Our government was overwhelmingly elected by the people. Not a dictatorship. Then what's the excuse?

The template is pretty effective - pick up the flimsiest of local issues and turn it into a violence fest. Meanwhile, the Neoliberal Elitist-controlled media is points all its cameras & journalists towards that particular government to record their response.

  • If the authorities respond with force, then declare them as tyrannical, expand covert funding for the unrest further through NGOs & topple/discredit incumbent governments who don't "fall in line".
  • If there is feeble response, then use social media & local "dissidents" to socially engineer an image that the ruling government is weak, ineffective & demand for elections until a puppet regime is installed.
Here's the thing; the CIA-Elitist nexus is used to causing havoc in small countries that can't really do something about it; but it doesn't work with us or with the likes of Russia & Kazakhstan here.

If this is the position the American Elitists keep for both close paratners and adversaries, then they will have no proper friends in the region, except the 2 vassal states of Japan and South Korea.

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