China Economy: News & Discussion


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2016
Young people in China today are very fashionable and proud of Chinese brands! Future is very bright!


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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You can make up all kinds of stuff but you cannot make up money :)

You either have money or you don't ;)

Chinese people have money :D

The people you called "slaves" in China buy more Mercedes and BMWs than Europe and more than twice as many as the biggest and wealthiest economy in the West !

Sour grapes is not very becoming ;)

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You've money but no future which is being reflected by your falling TFR & the fact that many Chinese women aren't marrying or not procreating after marriage focusing on their careers. That's exactly the point of that tweet. Moreover you're still an export oriented economy who're yet to transition or balance domestic consumption with exports.

By the time you'd get around to doing that assuming if you do that your falling demographics will render domestic consumption sub par. In the meanwhile your exports oriented economy is rapidly becoming a victim of its own success by now directly infringing upon the economies of the western nations - your primary partners & from where you derive your maximum income as well as profits where they're gearing up for retaliation.

As I've remarked plenty of times earlier your best days are now in the past . However for things to really deteriorate & do so rapidly , you'd have to wait for another 3-4 years i.e 2027-28. Co incidentally the armed forces restructuring / reorganization as well as modernisation plans also ends around that time which means the army of the party would be ready to undertake the many wars that great helmsman 2.0 would want them to wage.

Then the real fun begins. All the best to you . I've a feeling you're really going to need it. 😭


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2016
You've money but no future which is being reflected by your falling TFR & the fact that many Chinese women aren't marrying or not procreating after marriage focusing on their careers. That's exactly the point of that tweet. Moreover you're still an export oriented economy who're yet to transition or balance domestic consumption with exports.

By the time you'd get around to doing that assuming if you do that your falling demographics will render domestic consumption sub par. In the meanwhile your exports oriented economy is rapidly becoming a victim of its own success by now directly infringing upon the economies of the western nations - your primary partners & from where you derive your maximum income as well as profits where they're gearing up for retaliation.

As I've remarked plenty of times earlier your best days are now in the past . However for things to really deteriorate & do so rapidly , you'd have to wait for another 3-4 years i.e 2027-28. Co incidentally the armed forces restructuring / reorganization as well as modernisation plans also ends around that time which means the army of the party would be ready to undertake the many wars that great helmsman 2.0 would want them to wage.

Then the real fun begins. All the best to you . I've a feeling you're really going to need it. 😭
Europe, Japan and South Korea have had falling TFR for decades and Somalia, Bangladesh, Nigeria and the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia have had huge advantages in births in those same decades :)

In 1990, someone in Rwanda tells you Japan has no future but Rwanda does because of the birthrate. Would you believe him?

Big overpopulated countries were and are invariably poor with the one exception of China . And China was as poor as India when it was having babies like India ;)

TFR being "important" for growth only became an "issue" with China. Traditionally, it was preferable for wealthy countries to have stable populations to increase wealth per person instead of an expanding population to divide more and more of a single pie.

Let's face it, poor nations breed like rabbits -- until they grow wealthy:


China has a slowing birthrate because it got wealthy. It happened to Japan, to Korea and now to China. It will happen to Vietnam.

It might or might not happen to India because it is in South Asia and South Asia has never became weathy so we cannot tell. Maybe you are happy with this :)


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2016
Despite what the West tells you gullible Indians, China is not an export oriented economy ;)



China has the largest domestic market for practically everything :)

Yes, China is the world's greatest trading nation and exporter but that is just a nice side affect of having the world's largest consumer markets. Economy of scale developed for domestic consumption is what allowed things to be affordable for exports.

China doesn't just make and exports cars, cellphone, solar panels and ships, it is the world's biggest market for each one of them :)


Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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You've money but no future which is being reflected by your falling TFR & the fact that many Chinese women aren't marrying or not procreating after marriage focusing on their careers. That's exactly the point of that tweet. Moreover you're still an export oriented economy who're yet to transition or balance domestic consumption with exports.

By the time you'd get around to doing that assuming if you do that your falling demographics will render domestic consumption sub par. In the meanwhile your exports oriented economy is rapidly becoming a victim of its own success by now directly infringing upon the economies of the western nations - your primary partners & from where you derive your maximum income as well as profits where they're gearing up for retaliation.

As I've remarked plenty of times earlier your best days are now in the past . However for things to really deteriorate & do so rapidly , you'd have to wait for another 3-4 years i.e 2027-28. Co incidentally the armed forces restructuring / reorganization as well as modernisation plans also ends around that time which means the army of the party would be ready to undertake the many wars that great helmsman 2.0 would want them to wage.

Then the real fun begins. All the best to you . I've a feeling you're really going to need it. 😭
In general I agree with you, and the Chinese posters fail to understand a few factors.

A) technology has spread thus most nation can build technology, specially big economies like India.
B) Chinese goods will have a back lash in few words China can not grow economically at the expense of other economies thus protectionisim will appear.

C) the larger a population the larger the potencial size of its economy.

The USA is the largest western economy but also the largest population.
Brazil is the largest latin American nation in population thus is the largest econmy in Latin America.
Germany is the largest economy in Europe thus it is the largest economy in Europe.

Small economies can be wealthier due to lower populations but larger economies are large populations.

and D) economic protectionism will lead to economic zones, thus the USA, Canada and Mexico are setting tariffs for Chinese goods as a block.
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Senior Member
Oct 3, 2016


Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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Despite what the West tells you gullible Indians, China is not an export oriented economy ;)

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China has the largest domestic market for practically everything :)

Yes, China is the world's greatest trading nation and exporter but that is just a nice side affect of having the world's largest consumer markets. Economy of scale developed for domestic consumption is what allowed things to be affordable for exports.

China doesn't just make and exports cars, cellphone, solar panels and ships, it is the world's biggest market for each one of them :)

chinese customer destroys his car due to low quality of Chinese car brands
yes really good crap


BYD on fire in China

Chinese car brands tent to get on fire as this one Chirey on fire in mexico

BYD F0 worst car rated in latinamerica as 0 safety stars basically crap

7 CHINESE cars that should never have been sold! It is totally true that the vast majority of people when purchasing a vehicle make the serious mistake of choosing a model only because of how beautiful it looks on the outside, and even more so if it comes with good entertainment equipment such as the amount of speakers, a good music system and of course the famous touch screen; However, something very unfortunate and of greater incidence in Latin countries is the little interest that consumers have in finding out how safe the vehicle they are buying is. Which obviously allows many brands in complicity with corrupt governments to sell us totally unsafe vehicles that not only put the lives of their drivers at risk, but also of pedestrians and even cyclists. So in this video, in addition to revealing to you which are those 7 cars that should never have been sold, we will also tell you what are those 2 negative characteristics of these 7 cars that you should take into account in any other model to never buy them. So without further ado, let's get started!


Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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Ora Cats from Great Wall Motors are even more girl friendly! 75%!

they are also fire and accident friendly

Lifan 320 one of the unsafest cars rated in Latin America has not even airbag


Other coffins from China Tiggo 3 like the one got fire in culiacan mexico


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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Europe, Japan and South Korea have had falling TFR for decades and Somalia, Bangladesh, Nigeria and the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia have had huge advantages in births in those same decades :)
Europe Japan & RoK have had the benefits of economic boom when there was little to no competition. Right now there's competition but it'd get worse with time. What saves these countries is the fact that though they're immensely wealthy their population is falling thereby ensuring it'd be wealthy for some time.

Paradoxically their falling TFR & population also damages their economy. This is most clearly visible in Japan which has seen deflation & stagnant growth since the past 3 decades.

The EU has managed to stave it off by pooling in resources though recent events like the war in Ukraine has cruelly highlighted all the short comings in their economies. China's rise is going to be another factor in their falling economic indices.

In 1990, someone in Rwanda tells you Japan has no future but Rwanda does because of the birthrate. Would you believe him?
Yes , I would. For without any growth in population over a period of time you become extinct. Do you actually require a book or some documentary to tell you that ?

Big overpopulated countries were and are invariably poor with the one exception of China . And China was as poor as India when it was having babies like India ;)
China is still poor except the 100 million or so who're either members of the CCP or closely connected to them. This is the Mafia running China at the moment. Do not confuse the prosperity of the CCP to that of its Han slaves.

TFR being "important" for growth only became an "issue" with China. Traditionally, it was preferable for wealthy countries to have stable populations to increase wealth per person instead of an expanding population to divide more and more of a single pie.

Let's face it, poor nations breed like rabbits -- until they grow wealthy:
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China has a slowing birthrate because it got wealthy. It happened to Japan, to Korea and now to China. It will happen to Vietnam.
If Vietnam follows the same policies as China it eventually will. However Vietnam will be prosperous since its population base is much lower than that of China

TFR is an issue affecting every nation on the earth including the most powerful nation on earth - the US. Why do you think they're taking in talents from the rest of the world including China . Incidentally practically all your CCP members have their relatives & immediate family living in the west including the daughter of great helmsman 2.0 😭

It might or might not happen to India because it is in South Asia and South Asia has never became weathy so we cannot tell. Maybe you are happy with this :)
"South Asia has never been wealthy . "


Spoken like a true semi literate peasant slave wumao the kind which China's filled with from top to bottom coz all the aristocracy , scholars, businessman etc fled out of China when CCP took over , which is why I'm more than confident that in the war to come China's doomed coz all they have are soldiers belonging to single child families & low IQ wumaos like you which makes China a paper tiger .😭


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2016
Europe Japan & RoK have had the benefits of economic boom when there was little to no competition. Right now there's competition but it'd get worse with time. What saves these countries is the fact that though they're immensely wealthy their population is falling thereby ensuring it'd be wealthy for some time.

Paradoxically their falling TFR & population also damages their economy. This is most clearly visible in Japan which has seen deflation & stagnant growth since the past 3 decades.

The EU has managed to stave it off by pooling in resources though recent events like the war in Ukraine has cruelly highlighted all the short comings in their economies. China's rise is going to be another factor in their falling economic indices.

Yes , I would. For without any growth in population over a period of time you become extinct. Do you actually require a book or some documentary to tell you that ?

China is still poor except the 100 million or so who're either members of the CCP or closely connected to them. This is the Mafia running China at the moment. Do not confuse the prosperity of the CCP to that of its Han slaves.


If Vietnam follows the same policies as China it eventually will. However Vietnam will be prosperous since its population base is much lower than that of China

TFR is an issue affecting every nation on the earth including the most powerful nation on earth - the US. Why do you think they're taking in talents from the rest of the world including China . Incidentally practically all your CCP members have their relatives & immediate family living in the west including the daughter of great helmsman 2.0 😭

"South Asia has never been wealthy . "


Spoken like a true semi literate peasant slave wumao the kind which China's filled with from top to bottom coz all the aristocracy , scholars, businessman etc fled out of China when CCP took over , which is why I'm more than confident that in the war to come China's doomed coz all they have are soldiers belonging to single child families & low IQ wumaos like you which makes China a paper tiger .😭
What a ludicrous reply of cope and hope devoid of any economic sense! None of the wealthy countries went extinct and none were passed by countries with the "best" TFR ;)

Rwanda never did beat Japan in despite decades of MUCH higher birth rates :)

Taiwan, Hong Kong and Korea has major income increases from 1990s to 2000s just as China was coming up. There can be no greater competition.

As for Han "slaves" ;)

31% of 1.4B is 439M and could support a 4M car market:

China's middle class supports a market of 30M car sales. That middle class has to be many times bigger than India's to support that many more cars and much MORE expensive cars too -- BMW and Mercedes sell 40 times in China than India! ;)

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smooth manifold

Regular Member
May 14, 2019
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Very rare that Whites ever need to discuss a war in Europe with an Asian nation, this must be the first time :D

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One of Xi's gift to the French:

The Space Variable Objects Monitor (SVOM) is a planned X-ray telescope satellite under development by China National Space Administration (CNSA), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the French Space Agency (CNES), to be launched on 24 June 2024.


vin bharat mahan

Kumaoni, Uttarakhand
Senior Member
Jan 7, 2023
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What a ludicrous reply of cope and hope devoid of any economic sense! None of the wealthy countries went extinct and none were passed by countries with the "best" TFR ;)

Rwanda never did beat Japan in despite decades of MUCH higher birth rates :)

Taiwan, Hong Kong and Korea has major income increases from 1990s to 2000s just as China was coming up. There can be no greater competition.

As for Han "slaves" ;)

31% of 1.4B is 439M and could support a 4M car market:
View attachment 251831

China's middle class supports a market of 30M car sales. That middle class has to be many times bigger than India's to support that many more cars and much MORE expensive cars too -- BMW and Mercedes sell 40 times in China than India! ;)

View attachment 251833 chinese (244 million approx) still following indian teachings (buddhism etc) of poor india😝. u r boosting about ur 30 million cars, here more than 10 million chinese r doing yoga everyday in china. not including meditation etc.
always remember india was/is/will teacher of china.
u hv no idea, how many chinese get benefitted by indian invention plastic surgery nd different maths concpets (number system, algebra, calculus, geometry etc).
u should pay 1 trillion dollar every year to india as tribute🤑...coz indian things r helping many chinese life from two thousand years 🤭😝.


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2016
In 2023,

BMW sold to --
China : 826,300
India: 22,940

Mercedes Benz sold to --
China: 765,000
India: 17,408

The numbers are around 40 to 45 times more in the Chinese market for luxury vehicles than in india.

So it is very silly sour grapes to call Chinese people "slaves" when they are that much wealthier -- everyone knows that slaves have NOTHING let alone luxury cars from Europe ;)





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