Dharmic Exposition and Discussion Thread


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Mar 22, 2021
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Prof Makarand Paranjape speaks, and fields questions, about Dharmic culture and consciousness, as well as the demographic threat to India. Credit to Barkha Dutt( who is definitely not our favourite media person) for conducting this. There are many people on the left of the spectrum, who wouldn't want to give someone like Paranjape such acknowledgement. Long, watch when you have time.

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Jun 2, 2022
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I'll start believing the Ghar Wapsi fantasy when we are able to return even 1 million muslims back to Hinduism who are already in India. There has never been a large scale conversion of muslims over any significant geographic area in history. Muslims have only been kicked out of places, like what happened in Spain, Portugal and Israel. No one has been able to convert them en masse.

The best we're going to get with Pakistan is breaking it up into 4 subservient countries.
There has been no central or even regional grouping of Hindus to carry out Ghar Wapsi. And even if a grouping of some scale happened, the atmosphere of secularism would've killed it. Ghar Wapsi is more possible today than ever.

Don't put anything as the 'best' we could do, the best would much better than the one we're thinking. If the existing radicals won't convert, surely their next generation can.

And why think this generation won't convert? They are humans like everyone else. Strike them where you should and you could change them.

Some will remain hardcore but the rest could be put through a deradicalization phase and then push to Sanatana Dharma. It doesn't matter how we do it, but do we should.

Sanatana Dharma also has one God, no idol practice is needed, so just create a new school of thought for these Abhramic converts of 1st generation. Tell them the true religion was born way before 600. God already made his choice when he picked this land. Their children will be far more easier to integrate with Hindus.

This is just a thought on top of my head, but point is that there are infinite solutions to the existing problems. Rather than thinking it's unsolvable and going for the worst option of keeping them islamic, we should convert them en masse, both home and outside.

As Swami Vivekananda himself said, "Every hindu converted isn't just one less hindu lost, but also one more enemy made."

Since the conversion is a plausible event, we should have a vision, draw a roadmap and work for it, no matter how hard it seems.

As long as Bharat embraces its roots and becomes Sanatani—with enough reforms within Hindu society regarding caste and mindset—we will have minimized or eliminated all internal discordant elements and can forget ahead to meet our goals.


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Mar 31, 2023
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There has been no central or even regional grouping of Hindus to carry out Ghar Wapsi. And even if a grouping of some scale happened, the atmosphere of secularism would've killed it. Ghar Wapsi is more possible today than ever.

Don't put anything as the 'best' we could do, the best would much better than the one we're thinking. If the existing radicals won't convert, surely their next generation can.

And why think this generation won't convert? They are humans like everyone else. Strike them where you should and you could change them.

Some will remain hardcore but the rest could be put through a deradicalization phase and then push to Sanatana Dharma. It doesn't matter how we do it, but do we should.

Sanatana Dharma also has one God, no idol practice is needed, so just create a new school of thought for these Abhramic converts of 1st generation. Tell them the true religion was born way before 600. God already made his choice when he picked this land. Their children will be far more easier to integrate with Hindus.

This is just a thought on top of my head, but point is that there are infinite solutions to the existing problems. Rather than thinking it's unsolvable and going for the worst option of keeping them islamic, we should convert them en masse, both home and outside.

As Swami Vivekananda himself said, "Every hindu converted isn't just one less hindu lost, but also one more enemy made."

Since the conversion is a plausible event, we should have a vision, draw a roadmap and work for it, no matter how hard it seems.

As long as Bharat embraces its roots and becomes Sanatani—with enough reforms within Hindu society regarding caste and mindset—we will have minimized or eliminated all internal discordant elements and can forget ahead to meet our goals.
You are correct about the need for reforms in Hinduism. The problem with Hinduism is, it is not just being Hindu. There is always a caste associated with it. So, when you convert others, where do you send them? Castes don't accept outsiders unless they were born in it. Without being able to accept outsiders, Hinduism may not survive too long.


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Nov 1, 2016
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You are correct about the need for reforms in Hinduism. The problem with Hinduism is, it is not just being Hindu. There is always a caste associated with it. So, when you convert others, where do you send them? Castes don't accept outsiders unless they were born in it. Without being able to accept outsiders, Hinduism may not survive too long.
The Hinduisation of India should be closely studied, as to how Hinduism spread all over the subcontinent and an equally large South East Asia, incorporating local beliefs into a vedic whole, the spread of Mahabharata and Ramayana, and integrating local Kula Devtas into the Hindu pantheon.

But unfortunately, even in depth knowledge of this process will not be enough to know how to convert abrahamics, with their fear of hell and hatred of beliefs and people that are different from their infantile texts.

Ancient Indians who created/discovered what we know as Hinduism had no exposure to Abrahamics since they lived millenia before them, hence left no road map on how to deal with abrahamics. The last 1000 years of Indian history is due to this lack of clarity. Unfortunately we no longer have the people of that caliber as those who wrote the vedas and Mahabharata, to provide clarity on what to do at this stage.

The only Christians and Muslims who convert to Hinduism are those who are already agnostic and skeptical of their religions, who then find Hinduism more positive. Believing Christians and Muslims who take the Bible and Quran seriously are 99% impossible to convert.
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Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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There has been no central or even regional grouping of Hindus to carry out Ghar Wapsi. And even if a grouping of some scale happened, the atmosphere of secularism would've killed it. Ghar Wapsi is more possible today than ever.

Don't put anything as the 'best' we could do, the best would much better than the one we're thinking. If the existing radicals won't convert, surely their next generation can.

And why think this generation won't convert? They are humans like everyone else. Strike them where you should and you could change them.

Some will remain hardcore but the rest could be put through a deradicalization phase and then push to Sanatana Dharma. It doesn't matter how we do it, but do we should.

Sanatana Dharma also has one God, no idol practice is needed, so just create a new school of thought for these Abhramic converts of 1st generation. Tell them the true religion was born way before 600. God already made his choice when he picked this land. Their children will be far more easier to integrate with Hindus.

This is just a thought on top of my head, but point is that there are infinite solutions to the existing problems. Rather than thinking it's unsolvable and going for the worst option of keeping them islamic, we should convert them en masse, both home and outside.

As Swami Vivekananda himself said, "Every hindu converted isn't just one less hindu lost, but also one more enemy made."

Since the conversion is a plausible event, we should have a vision, draw a roadmap and work for it, no matter how hard it seems.

As long as Bharat embraces its roots and becomes Sanatani—with enough reforms within Hindu society regarding caste and mindset—we will have minimized or eliminated all internal discordant elements and can forget ahead to meet our goals.
You are correct about the need for reforms in Hinduism. The problem with Hinduism is, it is not just being Hindu. There is always a caste associated with it. So, when you convert others, where do you send them? Castes don't accept outsiders unless they were born in it. Without being able to accept outsiders, Hinduism may not survive too long.
The Hinduisation of India should be closely studied, as to how Hinduism spread all over the subcontinent and an equally large South East Asia, incorporating local beliefs into a vedic whole, the spread of Mahabharata and Ramayana, and integrating local Kula Devtas into the Hindu pantheon.

But unfortunately, even in depth knowledge of this process will not be enough to know how to convert abrahamics, with their fear of hell and hatred of beliefs and people that are different from their infantile texts.

Ancient Indians who created/discovered what we know as Hinduism had no exposure to Abrahamics since they lived millenia before them, hence left no road map on how to deal with abrahamics. The last 1000 years of Indian history is due to this lack of clarity. Unfortunately we no longer have the people of that caliber as those who wrote the vedas and Mahabharata, to provide clarity on what to do at this stage.

The only Christians and Muslims who convert to Hinduism are those who are already agnostic and skeptical of their religions, who then find Hinduism more positive. Believing Christians and Muslims who take the Bible and Quran seriously are 99% impossible to convert.
Problem is Hinduism isn't a religion of Abrahamic definition. Hindu was just a name given to Indian characteristics by western world who was illiterate about co existence of monotheism, polytheism, atheism, a culture of free thought, dvait and advait etc..

Hindus can be more assertive of their identity with more economic prosperity & military and emerge as a global force again but there will be no Christianity like expansion.

Hinduism is a rather a characteristical identity of Indians/a club of Indians only than a brainwashing belief system. It explains why only cult movements like Hare Krishna's, ISKCON and not core Hinduism finds appeal in outside world.

vin bharat mahan

Kumaoni, Uttarakhand
Senior Member
Jan 7, 2023
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Problem is Hinduism isn't a religion of Abrahamic definition. Hindu was just a name given to Indian characteristics by western world who was illiterate about co existence of monotheism, polytheism, atheism, a culture of free thought, dvait and advait etc..

Hindus can be more assertive of their identity with more economic prosperity & military and emerge as a global force again but there will be no Christianity like expansion.

Hinduism is a rather a characteristical identity of Indians/a club of Indians only than a brainwashing belief system. It explains why only cult movements like Hare Krishna's, ISKCON and not core Hinduism finds appeal in outside world.
i dont think hare krishna is cult movement...they only focus in krishna. whom said himself almighty god in geeta. same thing shiva nd durga maa etc follower do. they called shiva nd durgaa maa highest nd almighty. vedic period indra is considered highest god. tribes etc think nature nd kuldevi etc r highest god. so this different thinking is part of hinduism. calling them cult is bad. i mean they hare krishna people working hard nd distributing geeta to abrahmaic lands. ISCON is making mandirs in dubai etc places. arya smazi is doing ghar wapasi...we should celebrate even those people who r converting abrahmics in charwaak (atheist). but look at ourself, who r doing nothing for hinduism....just labelling them cult etc. thats the biggest problem with hindus. 😰😭
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Senior Member
Aug 16, 2014
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i dont think hare krishna is cult movement...they only focus in krishna. whom said himself almighty god in geeta. same thing shiva nd durga maa etc follower do. they called shiva nd durgaa maa highest nd almighty. vedic period indra is considered highest god. tribes etc think nature nd kuldevi etc r highest god. so this different thinking is part of hinduism. calling them cult is bad. i mean they hare krishna people working hard nd distributing geeta to abrahmaic lands. ISCON is making mandirs in dubai etc places. arya smazi is doing ghar wapasi...we should celebrate even those people who r converting abrahmics in charwaak (atheist). but look at ourself, who r doing nothing for hinduism....just labelling them cult etc. thats the biggest problem with hindus. 😰😭
Hare Krishna is very much a Cult. Highly influenced by how any random Cult works in West.


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2019
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People, people, people.

Adapt or go extinct.

No one cares if Hinduism doesn't have a well oiled machinery for conversion.
Hell, they want you to rip your hair out debating the validity of the conversions while they harvest souls.

If you don't have one, invent it.

We already have one, btw. Tyagi ji (formerly Waseem Rizvi) was "adopted" into the the Tyagi tree by others. So were several others (Tufail ji) Similarly, you can do your part.

Do NOT repeat the mistake of our ancestors.

Adapt or Die.

As for the people who think we're going to suddenly uproot or remove some 20-30 crore people from earth, I recommend a test for autism available at your nearest clinic. I understand that life is hard for you but help is available. You are special in your own way and just because you're different doesn't mean you can't be good at other things.

Sure, you're utterly useless in anything even mildly resembling realistic planning and lack common sense but that doesn't mean you can't be good at other stuff (like painting, dancing, sex).
images (29).jpeg

I love how people will hype up our dharma by stuff like "we have multiple paths to god" and "we are inclusive and flexible" but turn as rigid as YinyLeon's ass when it comes to thing which would actually benefit Dharma in the long run.

How do you think the large Buddhist population was brought back to Hinduism by Pushyamitra?
Definitely not with YOUR attitude towards conversion.

I want to see Herath celebrated in Kashmir by the entirety of it's populace in this lifetime. Don't fuck my dream up.
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vin bharat mahan

Kumaoni, Uttarakhand
Senior Member
Jan 7, 2023
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Hare Krishna is very much a Cult. Highly influenced by how any random Cult works in West.
cult meaning:-
1:- hare krishna (krishna bhakti) not consider unusal in hinduism.
2:- krishna isnt only popular in a particular group of people,,, but most hindus worship him.
yes its inspired by western abrahmaic conversions...but bhakti andolan also did same thing in india. "hare krishna" people dont reject other hindu gods, only thing they said that krishna is supreme of them. just like ram, sivates or shakti etc follower think their god is supreme.

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Senior Member
Mar 22, 2021
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From what I understand by the word 'cult', it is an entity that is firstly, difficult to get into, or only entered through duress or force; it indulges in brainwashing that their way is the only way; it inflicts serious punishments for any diversion from the stated norm and stated goal; and, very importantly, makes it very difficult for the adherent to leave the organisation. It could be often only on pain of death. ISKCON and just about anything Hindu related/affiliated doesn't qualify( i.e the Shirdi and Satya Sai Baba movements, Self realisation fellowship, Theosophy et al)


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2021
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And another characteristic of a cult, is that it infantalises its followers, makes them into helpless wards or children. There are two religions that meet these definitions, one of them much more in the pre-modern era( Christianity) and the other right in contemporary times, Islam. No Hindu organisation really indulges in this behaviour.


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May 10, 2023
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The general use of the term "cult" historically has been where a group decides to focus worship on a particular aspect of a wider culture [CULTure] or religion. In older polytheistic cultures this could be the veneration of one or more gods in a particular pantheon, usually excluding most other gods but acknowledging their existence, somewhat similar to henotheism. We can find cults of Dionysus in ancient Greece for example where rituals focused more on aspects related to him such as the imbibing of wine. Cults spring up amongst the Abrahamics too with cults dedicated to the Virgin Mary and various saints.

As hinted earlier, there is a connection between "cult" and "culture". Both terms are related to "cultivation" as in "agriCULTure". The word can also be discovered in biology as in biological cultures where biologists can study and test on living organisms, usually in a petri dish. In the sociological context, we can be guided by the biologists and see how cults were used by cultures to cultivate a group necessary for the functioning of society. The Cult of Mithras was given by the Roman elite to its army due to its warlike imagery and mythology.

Cults have often gone by the name of mystery traditions too. The aforementioned cults of Dionysus and Mithras are alternatively known as the Dionysian Mysteries or the Mithraic Mysteries. Thus there is an element of claimed esoteric or secret knowledge about them. They were often initiatory societies requiring some form of test or demonstration of particular knowledge to enter them. They generally have a goal which is dependent upon its leaders. Cults like the Mithraic had a military application whereas the Dionysian seem to be more cosmopolitan societies intent on destabilising the state they were in; a kind of ancient communist revolutionary group if you like.

I have often said religions are big cults and cults are small religions. This is abundantly clear in Christianity with its predominant emphasis on the Messianic aspects of Judaism and its claim to have fulfilled Jewish prophecy. Christianity does not and can not work without Judaism. Starting off as a small sect or cult of Jewish zealots, who themselves had been informed by various Greco-Roman mystery cults - the initial fusion of which is generally lumped under the banner of Gnosticism, Christianity grew to carry out the intentions of the rabbis i.e. to bring knowledge of the Torah to the world and comfortably succeeded in doing so in the west. If we grant that cults hone in on specific segments of an established ideology then Christianity is without doubt a cult.

Gnosticism was largely purged from Christianity but its ideas still remained influential especially in Islam who retained the Gnostic idea of Jesus not dying on the cross as he was essentially a ghost and could not be physically harmed. The Sabaeans are considered another cult (planetary cult to be precise) with Gnostic ideas that were influential to Islam and are also categorised as a "people of the book". Islam was accepting of Jesus as the Messiah, however the pre-Muslims were not happy at the elimination of kosher food, circumcision and other Jewish practices so it became a kind of back to basics tradition meant to correct the wrongs of Christianity while retaining Jesus. It too carried out the same task as Christianity of bringing knowledge of the Torah to the world but this time it went to the east. It is therefore even more cultish than Christianity. Side note Dionysian ideas can be found amongst Gnosticism and thus early Christianity especially in the symbolism of wine. Jews too were often accused of filling the ranks of the Dionysian mysteries. You can extend this enquiry further if you look into the Dionysian Builders and the cult of Solomon's Temple which evolved into Freemasonry and like minded secret societies.

From these considerations we see then that cults contain an element of reform about them. Judaism itself was reformist of traditions found in earlier cultures and very zealous in its practices. Cultish reform is akin to a pathological progressivism and thus it is not surprising we find the phenomenon of the "cult of personality" generally amongst leaders of leftist movements in the 20th century. Even amongst the right leaning totalitarians of the same era we discover many of them being socialists at earlier parts of their career.

I want to avoid making this excessively long but the point is that reform, progress and zealousness tend to be common amongst cults along with an appropriation of ideas/cultures that have nothing really to do with cultish adherents ancestrally. By this criterion ISKCON is without doubt a cult. Indeed ISKCON has had many internal spats regarding the role of Jews in its leadership and is largely white dominated with people taking on names alien to their ancestors while expanding the movement. In fact both Islam and Christianity have instituted this as common names such as David, Matthew, Mohammad or even the Indian politician Stalin etc are not indigenous names to the populations they are found in. Cults can thus be seen as also expansionist after embarking upon a form of appropriation of another culture with its subsequent reform and zealous progressivism.


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Nov 1, 2022
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May 10, 2023
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Collective identities are often formed based on an opposition to "the other". Jews form a collective basis on the othering of gentiles and their Abrahamic brethren do likewise with terminology such as heathen or kafir. Wokeists are a collective mix of several groups who historically defined themselves based on treatment by the other. Feminists blame men, gays blame straights, poor blame rich, blacks blame whites etc. All of them embark upon activities to distinguish/separate themselves from the other.

Nietzsche has already identified this phenomenon as "transvaluation of values" by slave morality practitioners i.e. what is deemed "good" by the other is recast as "evil" by the slave moralist. It is a recurring issue in the west as invading Christians deemed indigenous pagans as evil only to be followed by invading enlightenment liberals to deem Christians as evil and we're already seeing the invading muslim deem the west as evil for being liberal.

All those groups are utopian and globalist in outlook. The Jewish utopia sees the promised messiah arrive ushering in the Kingdom of God on Earth where all dead Jews are resurrected to live in a gentile free world. Christians modified this to Jesus as the promised messiah who will return to establish his rule over the whole Earth and the non-believers will be so impressed they'll instantly convert. Islam just added Muhammad as Jesus's right hand man in the end-times. Leftist movements spoke of the coming communist utopia and a worldwide dictatorship of the proletariat after a world revolution.

Even movements themselves derived from leftist movements preached similar. Nazism was a workers movement, Hitler's early career saw him attend the funeral of Jewish revolutionary communist Kurt Eisner at the time of the short-lived Bavarian Socialist Republic, Nazi propagandist Goebbels frequently wrote against England's evil capitalism and often pointed out that the Nazis were socialists belonging to the left and opposed to the right. The other "great" fascist of the time Mussolini himself started off as a socialist, was bankrolled by the Jewess Margherita Sarfatti with whom he was having an affair and was praised by both Lenin and Trotsky earlier in his career. They form an early basis of the modern neoconservative movement in America where many members were card carrying Trotskyite communists in university and often Jews from families who had fled Russia.

To go along with the upcoming utopian society, all these movements preached the new man for the new age. The Nazis of course said it would be the blue eyed blonde "Aryan", the New Testament literally discusses becoming the new man upon accepting Christ, Jewish Kabbalah insists on a new stage of evolution related to reincarnation for Jews in the Kingdom of God, in Soviet society it was called homo-Sovieticus, the fascists preached the new man concept often and it finds adherents in the LGBTQ crowd with promotions of an androgynous transhuman/human 2.0 cyborg to populate the new age.

Almost always these groups invoke a mythic golden age - Abrahamics proclaim it as the era of the Garden of Eden before the serpent induced the fall of man, feminists invoke the ancient matriarchy, communists preach of a prehistoric classless society, Nazis talk of the era of ancient "Aryan" conquest to spread civilization prior to racial contamination, blacks have the meme "we woz kangz" and so on.

Clearly then, effective collective identities require a golden age, a fall, a period of persecution and a prophesied utopian age to be filled by a new human type. Even the founding of America follows this template; Europe was once wonderful but fell under the dictates of evil monarchs and popes who persecuted their populations, these myriad Europeans left for the new world and, depending on if they were Christians or occultists, they fulfilled the creation of either a New Jerusalem or a New Atlantis. The American motto "E Pluribus Unum" means "out of many, one" as in through a mix of different people (English, Dutch, Irish, Scots, Italians, Germans etc) a new type was created - the American.

Another concept important to collectives is the promise to clean up the world and therefore progress. While this is essentially covered in utopianism as it is a necessary preparatory phase for the utopia to emerge, a few remarks are useful: the Abrahamics insisted on purging the world of non-believers either through conversion or persecution as non-believers were empowering Satan. The communists and Nazis routinely used the term "backward races" who were retarding progress - both viewed Eastern Europeans as racial trash for example. Even in Mao's China the great leap forward was in part to cull off traditionalists. Communists very quickly became colonialists and, much like their Christian forebears, banned many indigenous languages and traditions as part of re-educating the new masses they encountered. The Americans fell upon the concept of manifest destiny which morphed into American exceptionalism which gave them "the right" to "export democracy" and "spread freedom" by bombing and regime changing non-compliant countries the world over. "Exporting democracy" was merely the modern equivalent of the colonialist mantra of "civilizing the savages" which itself was the Abrahamic version of converting the heathens. So now we can add a sense of exceptionalism, progress and a missionary ideal to spread the message in understanding collective identities.

Paradoxically, all these collectives thrive on promoting a period of being persecuted and exploited themselves and memory of these mostly mythical persecutions serve as a key component to reinforcing the collective. Judaism memorialises it in its religious holiday of Purim alongside countless recollections of what other peoples did to them such as the Romans, Assyrians, Egyptians, Babylonians, Germans etc. Christians were fed to lions and attacked for merely trying to save people. Blacks never stop talking of slavery. Feminists are victims of male oppression. Communists victimised by capitalists and on and on it goes. This is not a paradox when one understands psychology.

The narcissist (and the west is currently undergoing an epidemic of narcissism) is fully able to make exceptionalism and victimhood co-exist. The narcissist is victimised due to their perceived superior and exceptional nature. The narcissist also suffers from a severe entitlement mentality. Entitled welfare lefties are often mentioned but we forget that the Abrahamics showcase this too by insisting they spread the word in exchange for your land and obedience. All the aforementioned movements then are essentially collective narcissistic movements. A common theme in narcissism is the desire to transcend human limitations hence the need for the new man no longer at the mercy of being merely human. Thus these movements become very anti-human especially if you do not belong to their group. They try to impose guilt on "the other" for merely existing. The Abrahamic concept of being born in sin finds its secular equivalent in white guilt or in placating the average citizen of being an environmental burden contributing to climate change or overpopulation.

I say all that to say this. There are two "options" one can take to create "Hindu collective identity". The obvious one is just appropriating the above, and I stress, immature narcissistic tactics. Satya Yuga can just become the golden age torn down by evil mlecchas who have persecuted Hindus ever since through invasions and colonialism. The appearance of Kalki avatar will usher in a new golden age of plenty and the next spiritual and biological evolution of mankind once Kalki destroys the mlecchas. ISKCON type tactics can be used to obtain new followers. Concentrating primarily on persecution seems the most effective tactic for creating and maintaining the collective. It is a form of trauma bonding reinforced by competing in the oppression olympics.

The second and infinitely more preferable method is to first and foremost show the trajectory the west is on. It also serves as a warning for utilising option 1 as that will also be the trajectory for anyone else who uses those methods. It is readily observable how ruinous the west has been through its Judeo-Christian and partial Greco-Roman heritage. It is depressed, becoming more infertile and narcissistic, divorcing itself from nature and their own families. It survives on debt and exploitation of the rest of the world. It has poisoned the air and oceans and insists, in totalitarian fashion, that the rest of the world follows its example which is nothing more than an anti-human ideology. The budgets blown on western military expenditures could've fed the world many times over and created innumerable great social programs. These crazy amounts spent yet have embarrassments such as Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and now Ukraine to show for it. They spend needless billions on pointless movies to give the useless children of their elites something to do which is to effectively propagandise to the rest of the world through fiction and entertainment.

Next is to instill a sense of pride in the accomplishments of our ancestors and moderns despite the attempts by this ideological utopian virus to destroy us. We don't need to play victim, we were not treated any differently to natives the world over. What we do have exclusive claim to though is being the only culture on this planet that survived Abrahamism, leftism and internal traitors with our culture intact. That counts for something. Not only did we survive but we are in the process of beginning to thrive. We already have the traits they claim to imbue, we are multicultural within a Dharmic framework representing many peoples, languages and religions. The Abrahamic system crushes and homogenises, the Dharmic doesn't. We have not fully succumbed to the mistakes ancient cultures made by utilising this tolerance to accept the Abrahamic virus as just another religion(s). This tolerance does still play on the Indian mind and needs addressing, it remains naive to the intentions of those forces but, funnily enough, the west has already thoroughly critiqued all of these things before but not laid it all together side by side to see the overall picture. It has instead used these critiques to give itself a face-lift and perpetuate its decay inducing system under other names.

We have shown a remarkable pursuit of knowledge throughout our history and made many indispensable contributions to science and philosophy. We continue to do so and always will because we are truth seekers at heart and not propagandists. Truth is an eternal endeavour and what we need to learn is that there are forces adamant on homogenising this world under a system antithetical to life itself. Our land is a microcosm of the world and its history. The ways of life that people practice range from the most modern to the most ancient. This diversity is where we gain different perspectives to aid in problem solving and ultimately our ability to survive.

We can then become a real beacon of inspiration for other cultures who still retain some memory of their ways prior to their colonisation by Abrahamism/leftism. The world is undergoing massive changes right now, changes difficult to envision a few years ago. An opportunity is emerging to veer the world away from the trajectory of zombifying itself. Dystopia seemed inevitable but the defeats globalization has taken recently are opening up pathways not seen for a very long time.

It won't be an overnight phenomenon and will require hard work but our people have survived worse.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
stop this aathueist takes, we are the ones who need protection, not her, she is the one who is protecting this country, she will leave the kshethra if we mess with rituals, then who will protect us ,you??
Entire grand temples got razed down all across this country when will you stop coping like this.


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Jun 27, 2020
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Entire grand temples got razed down all across this country when will you stop coping like this.
Aren't those temples getting resurrected again?? It started with somanath, ayodhya is under construction, Kashi will be next & more will go in the same path......its not the cope, its the truth, our gods are not some imaginary figures or just personifications, they are real, they exist, its as simple as that

From interacting with you, one thing I understood is, it seems you don't believe in existence of our gods, then what hindu rashtra do you want?? Why do you care if this country is hindu or not??


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
Does anyone here on the forum actually believes that We would be handed over both Krishna janam bhoomi and Kashi?
What is the justification of your cope.

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