Futurism and ethics

Okabe Rintarou

Senior Member
Apr 23, 2018
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How will technology evolve to shape the future of humanity and what are the ethical dilemmas and questions humanity will have to face in order to overcome it?

This thread aims to keep a track of emerging futuristic technologies that could redefine our future and invites members to engage in discourse over the ethical, social, economic and political implications of such technologies. Discussion on how Great Power compeititon can lead to ethics taking a back-seat as nations try to compete by leveraging such emerging technologies can also be conducted on this thread. How these technologies might lead to transhumans and then posthumans is also a connected topic that can be discussed on this thread.

Okabe Rintarou

Senior Member
Apr 23, 2018
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Many technologies mentioned in science fiction novels are actually closer to reality than many of us realize. One such technology appears to have made some headway:-

While its only a start, with this becoming a reality, in conjunction with woke LGBTQ stuff being normalized, it could lead to a very different society if this technology reaches the point where humans are actually grown in artificial wombs. Ofcourse many hurdles remain and the potential benefits a country might have in promoting this are not immediately clear. One potential advantage could be that it could help a country with falling TFR to stabilize its population irrespective of what percentage of its existing population is procreating. The other is using this in conjuction with gene editing technologies like CRISPR to alter genes not to create supersoldiers (I have no idea how far away are we from such tech, but I guess its not happening the next couple centuries at least), but to create people of different ethnicities. Heck, why even go that far, countries could get genetic information of people from foreign ethnicities and use that to create people of that ethnicity.

One way of ensuring this never happens is to completely ban the research, development or usage of this technology for anything other than synthetic embryos. Synthetic embryos, as the video explains are not going to grow up into the full organism and can thus be used for medical studies or for growing artificial organs without breaking current ethics. But how one enforces such bans, especially on countries like China is a difficult proposition.

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