Indian Economy: News and Discussion


Regular Member
Nov 11, 2023
That is the way to go. We get 28 nm and then 14 nm and then we master the 7 nm and India should be self reliant on chips even it means that we are still behind the western world.

We need to start manufacturing our own DUV machines and EUV machines. We have to break that ASML monopoly.
How likely would there be bottleneck after 3nm or so. Because such void can be used by us to catch up atleast for self-sufficiency. Also Is there any plan to design AI chips by Indigenous Companies? Because they are crucial in AI Missiles or Fighter Jets or Loyal Wingmans. Its too sensitive to source them from others.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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They should go after all those chinku smartphone brands doing business in India; quite literally a national security threat!

But Elon has to come and set up shop in India eventually; his company has been conceding market share at a breakneck pace in cheeniland.
They are going via the ED and other financial crime agencies.
And banning them directly without a good pretext is dead in the water because meelards.

Perhaps after the next Chinese ambush during their salami slicing?


Regular Member
Nov 11, 2023
He can be smart like the Apple guys and setup a plant here and allow imports of his cars, you know as a plan B in the fastest growing major economy in the world that will have consumers now and in the future.

Or he can continue to beg, plead and grovel at Emperor Xi's feet to get his subjects to buy his filthy American cars instead of fabulous BYD made in China patriotic electric cars, all the while the same BYD and assorted other chink car merchants ass-fuck his company and all other gora merchants across North America and the EU.

The only reason govt isn't courting BYD here is because they know Suzuki, Hyundai, Tata and Mahindra lalajis will be totally wiped out, like how Micromax and Lava were thrown the fuck out of the smartphone market.
The same will happen with those import-and-sell TWS headphone merchants too inshallah.
Elon Muskrat was praised to heavens by Chinks to soothe his ego, laid a trap and he walked right into IT with Gigafactory in China and now got booted out after stealing his technology. I mean don't gora sahibs usually learn from history? What's with this cuckoldry regarding China?


Senior Member
Aug 9, 2021
Elon Muskrat was praised to heavens by Chinks to soothe his ego, laid a trap and he walked right into IT with Gigafactory in China and now got booted out after stealing his technology. I mean don't gora sahibs usually learn from history? What's with this cuckoldry regarding China?
He knew what he was getting into, China has got him ~$100B in revenue


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Elon Muskrat was praised to heavens by Chinks to soothe his ego, laid a trap and he walked right into IT with Gigafactory in China and now got booted out after stealing his technology. I mean don't gora sahibs usually learn from history? What's with this cuckoldry regarding China?
Ancient fetish for China's large markets
Just because the Bri'ish got away with it by peddling Opium long ago doesn't mean the chinky hasn't wized up to tricks.

At a high level this is a jewish scheme to make a PRChina what it is today, a boogeyman much mightier than the USSR since it is uncrippled by c*mmunist ideology.

There is no rational excuse for China's rise beyond this.

They kept pouring tech and money into China and giving it preferential market access WITH the CCP being as is, looked the other way to it's military industrial espionage and stopped the fuck with regime change tricks after the Tiananmen Square flop because "muh ally against Soviets" and "muh corporate greed lmao" and the biggest turd among these bullshit excuses of them all:bplease: "China will democratize as it becomes rich". :bplease:

Remember these are the same guys who have been promoting regime change mobs against Modi govt since 2014, refuses to share any defense tech with us, doesn't sign any trade agreements by being adamant on use opening our markets for foreign agricultural imports knowing we won't budge, doesn't promote us as the "investment destination" among their suit-boots all because we are a wee bit friendly with Russia and do not obey every one of their commands like slaves.

But China was "licensed" to do all it did.

Remember they do their best to stonewall investment into India by their own companies, knowing what a threat China is, and knowing Little Vietnam won't be safe once Uncle Chang goes into active land grabbing mode, like for e.g that Laptop Import ban? it was intended to arm-twist HP/Dell/Lenovo to start assembly plants for laptops and servers here atleast, but Uncle Sam gave our govt back channel threats and forced them to drop it, the main reason our govt did this because they wanted to stop the imports of CBU made in China laptops and servers.

If the laptop ban was successful, we would be having made in India IT hardware, but no, we have to directly import from Chong sahib because Gora sahib's "reasons"


Senior Member
Mar 3, 2021
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They are going via the ED and other financial crime agencies.
And banning them directly without a good pretext is dead in the water because meelards.

Perhaps after the next Chinese ambush during their salami slicing?
They can ban chinku smartphones on the grounds that they are national security threats - there are enough precedents already (TikTok, Alibaba etc). There are legitimate concerns over these brands; even a WTO appeal would not work. Simultaneously, the GoI can invite/collaborate with/incentivise/help desi companies form JVs with phoren brands to set up shops - would be a logical conclusion to the PLI scheme. It is the responsibility of the GoI to protect the interest of the nation; these chinku brands are anyway price dumping with minimum domestic value addition. And since the competition is not fair it is only logical for the GoI to step in (even if you ignore the natSec angle).

I am well aware of those raids conducted by agencies but that alone will not suffice.


Regular Member
Mar 10, 2022
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interesting to see , india achieved 1 trillion $ economy in 2007 , 2 tr $ in 2014 , 3 tr $ in 2021 (exact 7 years gap in each ) but 4 tr $ in 2024.
We lost a big part of our growth during the pandemic (April 2020 I think was the first lockdown) and then until close to mid of 2021)
We were 2.86 trillion USD in 2019 and went to 2.63 trillion in 2020.
We were among the few countries (3 or 4 major economies) posting growth soon after pandemic.

Would have reached 3 trillion in 2020 and accelerated further to 4 by 2023


Regular Member
Jul 15, 2022
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We lost a big part of our growth during the pandemic (April 2020 I think was the first lockdown) and then until close to mid of 2021)
We were 2.86 trillion USD in 2019 and went to 2.63 trillion in 2020.
We were among the few countries (3 or 4 major economies) posting growth soon after pandemic.

Would have reached 3 trillion in 2020 and accelerated further to 4 by 2023
looks like we will be reaching 5tr$ by late 2027 then and 6tr$ by 2029.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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I remember having joined a Delhi based company in Mumbai whose employees salary accounts was handled by this bank. For 3 consecutive months after joining KM Bank Mumbai couldn't co ordinate with their Delhi team to create an account for new employees with the result I was taking home my salary by cheques till finally I had HR accept my Savings Bank account which used to be my salary account in my previous company as my current salary account.

Incidentally in the 18 months I spent in that company they never completed those formalities with the result the account was never created .

And now I come across this bit of news . Really tragic to see this once reputed Bank fall to such depths.


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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looks like we will be reaching 5tr$ by late 2027 then and 6tr$ by 2029.
that is highly optimistic. To go from 5T to 6T inside of two years would require posting growth rate of 10% per annum. I doubt India has the necessary infrastruture to accelerate to double digit growth rate without inflation doing most of the driving.
The only way i see this happening, is if the rupee strengthens due to balance of trade becoming positive - which i also dont see happening as oil will get more expensive in the near future,not cheaper.


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2023
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that is highly optimistic. To go from 5T to 6T inside of two years would require posting growth rate of 10% per annum. I doubt India has the necessary infrastruture to accelerate to double digit growth rate without inflation doing most of the driving.
The only way i see this happening, is if the rupee strengthens due to balance of trade becoming positive - which i also dont see happening as oil will get more expensive in the near future,not cheaper.
The real growth of 10% is difficult to achieve but when the GDP is calculated we have to keep in mind effects of price changes and drops and appreciation or depreciation of rupee.

So a growth rate of 7% probably means a gross growth of 10 or more in USD terms.

The way Modi Govt is going CAD will be reduced to zero with in next 5 years… the rupee appreciation could happen giving a boost to USD numbers for GDP


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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The real growth of 10% is difficult to achieve but when the GDP is calculated we have to keep in mind effects of price changes and drops and appreciation or depreciation of rupee.

So a growth rate of 7% probably means a gross growth of 10 or more in USD terms.

The way Modi Govt is going CAD will be reduced to zero with in next 5 years… the rupee appreciation could happen giving a boost to USD numbers for GDP


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2022
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Senior Member
Feb 27, 2018
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They should go after all those chinku smartphone brands doing business in India; quite literally a national security threat!
They should have done that very early. The Chinese companies quickly built up an support ecosystem with ten of thousands of jobs at stake making it difficult to go after them directly. That's why we are seeing closer scrutiny of their finances. The Chinese being Chinese can always be trusted to do something financial greedy and there are means to make life difficult for them. The size of the market has so far kept the Chinese here inspite of those risks.


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2016
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Senior Member
Jan 14, 2013
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I remember having joined a Delhi based company in Mumbai whose employees salary accounts was handled by this bank. For 3 consecutive months after joining KM Bank Mumbai couldn't co ordinate with their Delhi team to create an account for new employees with the result I was taking home my salary by cheques till finally I had HR accept my Savings Bank account which used to be my salary account in my previous company as my current salary account.

Incidentally in the 18 months I spent in that company they never completed those formalities with the result the account was never created .

And now I come across this bit of news . Really tragic to see this once reputed Bank fall to such depths.
Banking isn't a very high growth business. Its a highly regulated business.
Heavy growth needs corner cutting and fraud.
RBI should not hand over licenses to anyone.

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