India's Internal Security Review

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
Country flag
You keep inventing excuses
This isn't an invented excuse. It's the reason for an almost civil conflict in Northeast and at first place, the caus of beginning of Indian data system to record population aspects.
when it only takes careful screening to weed out the undesirables, something that India is fully capable of
Neither India nor any other country in world is capable of a magical screening to separate Hindus out.

Your logical fallacy that you are assuming everyone to be an untrained and uneducated genuine refugee. It's not a tough job to learn a bit about Hindu gods, Vedas, customs for an aam Pakistani Abdul (there are actually such people living in Punjab), leave alone a spy with far better preparation.
India is already infiltrated and besides these hindu refugees will not be allowed to work in sensitive sectors but given jobs in non essential sectors that will allow them to earn living wages.
Working in sensitive or non sensitive sectors doesn't help security of India and citizens in anyway.

Still though, India does that and refugees live in India, wait for decade to naturalise.
ou should learn from other countries on how they screen those refugees out.
There are no such countries in world. It's just an online fanboy qutiyappa which was generally more prevalent among online pakis.
Besides, infiltration has already happened. If you are so concerned about infiltration, why haven't you concentrated on those areas.
We don't have enough resources and a corrupt system. But that doesn't justify putting our head under the blade either. That will just be final nail our coffin.
You are just inventing excuses in order to avoid taking any kind of action.
You just have invented a new out of the box solution and rejecting anyone who doesn't appreciate it without even thinking of it's repercussions, like a 12 years old kid.
Myopic thinking
Nope I am calling out your myopic and short sightness thinking. You are very typical of an Indian babu who can only see the tip of his nose and with his thumb up his ass.
At least be logical with your insults. Myopia is something what's lack of far sightedness. And it is you who is advocating for opening borders without even thinking of catastrophe that will come through it.

Your entire argument is pure emotional and you can call others insensitive. Myopia is reserved for you.
Who says I m shouting? I am calling out your bullshit and you are the one spouting nonsensical arguments and displaying your head in the sands while Hindus that need our protection are dying and you are playing the blame the victim card.
Well, since you have already declared people running to Indian border as genuine Hindus without even demanding any evidence, there is no one who can argue with you.
Who needs enemies when we got friends with the likes of you? Your attitude is typical of the attitudes of Indian kings who got invaded by Islamic invaders because they were too short sighted to see the danger and the need to be proactive. Instead they were reactive and as a result, they ceded that momentum to the Islamic invaders and look at the past 1000 years of suffering at the hands of Islamic invaders.
Which Kings got invaded and who will be killed LOL?
Who protected the frontiers vs who gave the free pass to Islamic Invaders inside India in name of goodwill?

You haven't offered a single argument to support your garbage.
Using your moderator status to shut down a debate you started? Yeah what a classy way of showing your competency. :bplease:
Do you even know the definition of "competency"? All you are doing is copying my words without any context or meaning. Competency is strictly about knowledge and reasoning on the topic of debate. Given that I haven't faced any from you yet, I'm least affected by any of your words. That thread is my favourite which I want to keep free from it.
You are at bottom two cells of the debate pyramid and have not made any single point to support your case despite typing a thousand words yet LOL.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
Country flag
Besides if you are willing to cede 6% of the hindus to be left defenseless and open for slaughter while playing the blame the victim card, I definitely do not want you in my foxhole.
A large portion of rest 6% Hindus rather live away from Indian subcontinent with much better lives and social status in west, Africa, Carribea and Middle East. The rest poor bunch has been living in Pakistan and Bangladesh for 75 years despite Indian state opening itself to invite them multiple times.

So all your love is one sided. They are more concerned about their wealth. Hindus aren't a tribe unlike Muslims and won't ever be like one. It's their nature.

There has been no census in Pak for past 43 years. All the figures of minorities in Pak and BD are mere estimates. It is quite unlikely you are going to find as minorities there as they claim to have.
You are not the sort that will stand up and fight but prefer to flee away and hide behind someone who is brave enough and will not let that brave person protect someone else because you want to be the one to be protected. And if that brave person gets hurt or mowed down, you will not stand up and fight but continue to move to the next brave person to hide behind.
How do you judge that I'm not soulful enough to pick a gun and fight for people of my country?
Just because I don't have a special fondness for Pakistani Hindus, who I don't even know about if are real or what kind of people they would be?
Let me ask you something: What happens when you run out of brave people? And it is only you and the horde of enemies coming your way? What will you do then? Convert and become one of them. Yeah that's most likely.
That isn't happening in India and to a person like me at all anytime soon.
People living in Pakistan for 75 years wouldn't have been converted or wouldn't be working for them is the wildest assumption what makes me laugh at this case.
Just check their d#cks, like they did during Operation search-light if one is too afraid of sleeper cell entering under Hindu refugee identity.
Chances of ISI managing to infiltrate with a non circumcised porky infiltrator/or a Hindu Saboteur is less than what they could manage to scrape with our own M / S (pro-khalistani) population.
That isn't something they can't bypass. There are Muslims who don't circumcise. It is 2023, not 1971 and threats have become far intelligent. Mumbai attackers came with parandas
We place them into areas where saboteurs can't do any trouble and we keep an eye on them and they will not qualify for any governmental posting or sensitive job sectors. But their next generations can because by that time, we will have collect records on them and they will show their true colors within 10 years of living year. You cannot stay hidden for too long. Deep state sleepers do not survive the next 10 years because your true nature will boil out anyway.
We do that already. It is your lovely Pakistani Hindus who don't prefer to migrate.
Trust me it's easier for ISI to infiltrate via BD border and that too posing as a Muslim instead of sending as a Hindu refugee.
That doesn't justify started taking in people from Pakistan also. We know the situation of West Bengal.
Not concentration camps but into areas where they will be welcomed and look after as part of the community outreached and will be rehabilitated.
There is barely any money to build and sustain such areas for poors of India. There are no such areas in Canada itself.

Only thing India can do is concentration camps.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
This isn't an invented excuse. It's the reason for an almost civil conflict in Northeast and at first place, the caus of beginning of Indian data system to record population aspects.

Again creating excuses by cherry picking data to suite your narrative. No the reason for the conflict in the Northeast is due to influx of illegal muslim Bangladeshis and uprooting the culture there. The approach I advocate is entirely something else.

Neither India nor any other country in world is capable of a magical screening to separate Hindus out.
Again you keep coming with made up or false narratives. Yes there exists a practical screening to separate the Hindus.

Your logical fallacy that you are assuming everyone to be an untrained and uneducated genuine refugee. It's not a tough job to learn a bit about Hindu gods, Vedas, customs for an aam Pakistani Abdul (there are actually such people living in Punjab), leave alone a spy with far better preparation.
Now who is coming up with fallacies? You think that the Indian civil service is not capable of weeding out the fake hindus from real hindus. You seem to think that Indian people are very incompetent. Again creating excuses for not doing anything.

Working in sensitive or non sensitive sectors doesn't help security of India and citizens in anyway.
Wrong. By protecting Hindus it helps the security of India and its citizens because it sends a strong message to the rest of the world and its own citizens that India is fully capable and willing to protect Hindus just as Israel have done so.

Still though, India does that and refugees live in India, wait for decade to naturalise.
Whose fault is that? Certainly not BJP but at the hands of Congress.

There are no such countries in world. It's just an online fanboy qutiyappa which was generally more prevalent among online pakis.
You conveniently left out Israel. And you left out certain examples where countries have taken certain tribes such as America rehabilitating tens of thousands of people from Somalia or the boat people from Vietnam. Making sweeping broad generalization does not help your argument.

We don't have enough resources and a corrupt system. But that doesn't justify putting our head under the blade either. That will just be final nail our coffin.
This is what a weak man with no moral center will say. Always looking for a way out or excuses not to do anything. You have the mentality of a crab willing to pull others down because you are just afraid.

You just have invented a new out of the box solution and rejecting anyone who doesn't appreciate it without even thinking of it's repercussions, like a 12 years old kid.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! Coming up with insults and looking to put down others who dare to propose solutions without offering anything and therefore keeping the status quo as it is. Sounds familiar?

At least be logical with your insults. Myopia is something what's lack of far sightedness. And it is you who is advocating for opening borders without even thinking of catastrophe that will come through it.
Now I am laughing my ass off. Myopia means short sightness. And no I do not advocate open borders. I only advocate opening the borders for Hindus only screening the bad ones out. What’s so hard to understand about that? It seems to me that you are the illogical person.

Your entire argument is pure emotional and you can call others insensitive. Myopia is reserved for you.
And you are being insensitive to the plight of Hindus outside our borders because you don’t want to do any heavy lifting or be bothered to do anything because you are safe and sound. You do not care about the others only about yourself. Contempt is reserved for you, let alone myopia.

Well, since you have already declared people running to Indian border as genuine Hindus without even demanding any evidence, there is no one who can argue with you.
What a nice way of twisting words to suit your false narrative. I did nothing of such. I have said that we should only accept bonafide hindus and that means screening the bad/fake ones out. Nowhere did I say accept the hindus without any evidence. But that doesn't mean you should raise the barriers too high. First we establish a holding area where we can conduct more in depth interviews and let them in after they have passed the test. Those who have not passed the test can return back to Pakistan or go somewhere else.

Which Kings got invaded and who will be killed LOL?
If you do not know what I am talking about, then you have a very poor grasp of Indian history. Look up Ghazni King Prithviraj and how he let Ghori go even though he pledged to come back.
Who protected the frontiers vs who gave the free pass to Islamic Invaders inside India in name of goodwill?
You make no sense. I said nothing of letting in more muslims. Only hindus seeking refuge.

You haven't offered a single argument to support your garbage.
That’s what a man of fallacious logic would say. Your arguments are full of holes and fallacies and therefore amount to garbage.
Do you even know the definition of "competency"? All you are doing is copying my words without any context or meaning. Competency is strictly about knowledge and reasoning on the topic of debate. Given that I haven't faced any from you yet, I'm least affected by any of your words. That thread is my favourite which I want to keep free from it.
You are at bottom two cells of the debate pyramid and have not made any single point to support your case despite typing a thousand words yet LOL.
Ha ha ha ha ha. Now you are just creating a false narrative and making up such bullshit so you can claim that you are the person of reason and such. You are the one that engaged in name calling in the first place. You were the one that made ad hominem attacks on me and you are the one responding to the tone of the argument in the first place and now you accuse me of doing what you are doing? And as for the thread being your favorite and wanting to keep free, well then you shouldn't be a moderator in the first place. It sounds like a fox being asked to guard a pen of hens. Either take your moderator gloves off or do not engage in the debate because it is readily apparent that you cannot keep an objective mind while engaging in debate.

And look at who’s writing long posts trying to justify his ad hominem attacks. Ain’t me.

Get real. Your arguments have no substance or importance. You just don’t like it when someone challenges your post. I have notice that you engage in the same kind of behavior when other posters challenge your posts and assertions. You go all out and start engaging in behavior highlighted in the meme you so posted.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
A large portion of rest 6% Hindus rather live away from Indian subcontinent with much better lives and social status in west, Africa, Carribea and Middle East. The rest poor bunch has been living in Pakistan and Bangladesh for 75 years despite Indian state opening itself to invite them multiple times.
And now you are advocating not to let them in now. What has changed?

So all your love is one sided. They are more concerned about their wealth. Hindus aren't a tribe unlike Muslims and won't ever be like one. It's their nature.
Wow I can't believe that you would justify abandoning a group of people that belonged to our religion based on partisan lines. It is the type of thinking that has kept India divided for so long and made it easy targets for invaders. We got posters on this forum wondering why not much has been given to protect Hindus out in the world. Well look no further than you and your posts and you are a moderator of this forum.

There has been no census in Pak for past 43 years. All the figures of minorities in Pak and BD are mere estimates. It is quite unlikely you are going to find as minorities there as they claim to have.
Immaterial. As long as there are hindus being persecuted, India has a moral duty to protect those hindus.

How do you judge that I'm not soulful enough to pick a gun and fight for people of my country?
Just because I don't have a special fondness for Pakistani Hindus, who I don't even know about if are real or what kind of people they would be?
Because you are making excuses for non action and out of antipathy and myopia. The very sort of attitude that has made India such an easier target for foreign invaders.

That isn't happening in India and to a person like me at all anytime soon.
That is what King Prithviraj thought and look what happened to him.

People living in Pakistan for 75 years wouldn't have been converted or wouldn't be working for them is the wildest assumption what makes me laugh at this case.
Have you been blind to what is going on in Pakistan? Are you such a shill that you would believe Paki newspapers and propaganda? Have you not been paying attention to what is going on against the Hindu community? Wives, sister, and daughters being abducted and raped and taken as property? Hindu men and boys being killed for trying to protect their wives, sisters, and daughters? Hindus being killed over false claims of blasphemy. Hindu temples being destroyed?

That isn't something they can't bypass. There are Muslims who don't circumcise. It is 2023, not 1971 and threats have become far intelligent. Mumbai attackers came with parandas
Again making excuses for not doing anything

We do that already. It is your lovely Pakistani Hindus who don't prefer to migrate.
Now who is denigrating a group of people. Of course they want to migrate but they are not being allowed to.

That doesn't justify started taking in people from Pakistan also. We know the situation of West Bengal.

There is barely any money to build and sustain such areas for poors of India. There are no such areas in Canada itself.
Again making excuses because you are afraid and asking others to do the hard work. No wonder why the rest of the world do not have that much respect for us when they have respect for Israelis and Americans because they were willing to do the hard work and protect the communities that they want to be saved.

Only thing India can do is concentration camps.
Now you are just plain ridiculous. I find your attitudes towards Pakistan hindus to be concerning and ridiculous. It sounds like you have contempt and a pathological hatred for that group. And i think it is affecting your bias.

On your prior posts you have displayed contempt for those Hindus who got left behind in Pakistan. Therefore I am correct in calling you out on your sentiments towards Pakistani Hindus.

Do you hate Pakistani Hindus so much that you would deny them safe entry into India in order to escape persecution?


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
And by the way moving this debate to this thread does not mean it affects internal security of India. it is about the actions of Pakistan towards Hindus. So I would request that these posts get moved back to the original thread. Your intentions are not viewed under a favorable light.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
Country flag
Again creating excuses by cherry picking data to suite your narrative. No the reason for the conflict in the Northeast is due to influx of illegal muslim Bangladeshis and uprooting the culture there. The approach I advocate is entirely something else.
NRC, 1971 conflict and plight of East Pakistani Hindus once made India loose it's security, and get a never ending mess in East and Northeast whose trembles are even felt in Delhi.

Pakistani border meanwhile always remained tight with guns which allowed entry to barely anyone. Still many Pakistani Muslims secretly migrate to Punjab, live as Hindus (and sometimes get caught in some crime and are identified). Fall out of idiocy on western border will be far more catastrophic than that was in East.
Again you keep coming with made up or false narratives. Yes there exists a practical screening to separate the Hindus.
Explain with elaboration on process, accuracy, time period and financial viability.
Now who is coming up with fallacies? You think that the Indian civil service is not capable of weeding out the fake hindus from real hindus. You seem to think that Indian people are very incompetent. Again creating excuses for not doing anything.
Which world you are living in? Where dogs can sniff out anyone from their thing from miles away? Or where ISRO can land humans on moon tomorrow if has budget? This is not a cartoon animation or movie going on. You can't read a prepared imposter human. He will know more about Hinduism than those oppressed, uneducated and poor Hindus who don't have time for anything except arranging for their daily breads.

No, Indian services can't weed out Hindus from Muslims if Muslims or Pakistani state has decided to send them to India. They can't accurately separate Christians and Muslims within India itself. And this is not incompetency, this is a very difficult thing to do and isn't taken up anywhere in world. Fake passports, fake immigrants are a global reality and India will become a living furnace if Pakis become the migrants here. There will be nothing except blooded bodies of India Hindus on roads if such things go ahead.
Wrong. By protecting Hindus it helps the security of India and its citizens
No, it doesn't. What are you drinking?
because it sends a strong message to the rest of the world and its own citizens that India is fully capable and willing to protect Hindus just as Israel have done so.
Neither Israel nor India can and do anything more than expressing anger on plight on beyond the frontier Jews and Hindus.
Most of Western Jews and Hindus anyway disgust Israel and India. Nor there is any Indian state policy to be thekedar of Hindus everywhere. So sit down.
Whose fault is that? Certainly not BJP but at the hands of Congress.
It's fault of every party. Pakistani Hindus won't leave their property for 100 years if it isn't destroyed for 100 years. So India must open borders for 100 years LOL?

Bharat Mata is only a cash cow and land of opportunity only when there is no other way. Government needs to care more about people who migrated within first 10 years of partition and have built entire goddman cities with high revenue for them. There must be a state policy about criteria of accepting people who already have came in and borders must be closed thereafter so that a proper screening and census of Indian population can take place and India heads towards being a fully formalized and recorded developed country.
You conveniently left out Israel.
They don't do that.
And you left out certain examples where countries have taken certain tribes such as America rehabilitating tens of thousands of people from Somalia or the boat people from Vietnam. Making sweeping broad generalization does not help your argument.
LOL? West took in hundreds of Vietnamese and Somalis en-masse at once from their land without filtering. You wanna take Pakis en-masse?
This is what a weak man with no moral center will say. Always looking for a way out or excuses not to do anything. You have the mentality of a crab willing to pull others down because you are just afraid.
If this is all about moral characteristics, India must open borders for every supposedly oppressed community and turn this country into a bloody zoo LOL.

You are willfully acting as an idiot living in fairy tales who thinks everything is so simple and every potential problem is just an excuse. You just think that you have become smart and saviour of Hindus by questioning the intentions of world's largest Hindutva movement.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! Coming up with insults and looking to put down others who dare to propose solutions without offering anything and therefore keeping the status quo as it is. Sounds familiar?
This is intended not as an insult. You are actually having tone like a 12 years old.
And again, besides these words, I have elaborated every repercussion while you have conveniently rejected everything as an excuse and are dreaming of a simple solution.

Yes, this logical fallacy is a characteristic of kids before they become teenagers. All your post is pure emotional with absence of any kind of logics which makes me think you are an immature teenager or even younger.
Now I am laughing my ass off. Myopia means short sightness.
Well, are you dumb or what? You are replying just for sake of replying.
At least be logical with your insults. Myopia is something what's lack of far sightedness.
And no I do not advocate open borders. I only advocate opening the borders for Hindus only screening the bad ones out. What’s so hard to understand about that? It seems to me that you are the illogical person.
You have to open borders to take people in en masse for screening them. And screening about religion many times more to disqualify a Hindu than a spy.
And you are being insensitive to the plight of Hindus outside our borders because you don’t want to do any heavy lifting or be bothered to do anything because you are safe and sound. You do not care about the others only about yourself. Contempt is reserved for you, let alone myopia.
I'm more inclined to not kill the Hindus who are already safe.

There is something called realism. There might be a solution for plight of Pakistani Hindus down the line which if I knew, I would have been a paid consultant to home ministry. Opening borders for screening is just straight out ass.
What a nice way of twisting words to suit your false narrative. I did nothing of such. I have said that we should only accept bonafide hindus and that means screening the bad/fake ones out. Nowhere did I say accept the hindus without any evidence. But that doesn't mean you should raise the barriers too high. First we establish a holding area where we can conduct more in depth interviews and let them in after they have passed the test. Those who have not passed the test can return back to Pakistan or go somewhere else.
Explained above.
If you do not know what I am talking about, then you have a very poor grasp of Indian history. Look up Ghazni King Prithviraj and how he let Ghori go even though he pledged to come back.
At least quote my complete post. Who established relations with caliphs and let their populations set in India? The larger cause of India's fall was implosion from inside.
You make no sense. I said nothing of letting in more muslims. Only hindus seeking refuge.
You can't differentiate.
That’s what a man of fallacious logic would say. Your arguments are full of holes and fallacies and therefore amount to garbage.
I haven't seen you pointing out any logical fallacy or holes in my arguments or present a counter argument. You are just calling everything excuse and singing your same unpleasant fairy tale solution.
Ha ha ha ha ha. Now you are just creating a false narrative and making up such bullshit so you can claim that you are the person of reason and such. You are the one that engaged in name calling in the first place. You were the one that made ad hominem attacks on me and you are the one responding to the tone of the argument in the first place and now you accuse me of doing what you are doing? And as for the thread being your favorite and wanting to keep free, well then you shouldn't be a moderator in the first place. It sounds like a fox being asked to guard a pen of hens. Either take your moderator gloves off or do not engage in the debate because it is readily apparent that you cannot keep an objective mind while engaging in debate.

And look at who’s writing long posts trying to justify his ad hominem attacks. Ain’t me.

Get real. Your arguments have no substance or importance. You just don’t like it when someone challenges your post. I have notice that you engage in the same kind of behavior when other posters challenge your posts and assertions. You go all out and start engaging in behavior highlighted in the meme you so posted.
No, it is you who made ad hominem attacks and strawman arguments first. All my responses with personal attacks in anger still had the argument written along while you were empty and emotional as always.You are still teasing me for being a mod but you haven't put up any counter arguments I have been asking you for.

Your second post is nothing but repitition of same nonsense.
And by the way moving this debate to this thread does not mean it affects internal security of India. it is about the actions of Pakistan towards Hindus. So I would request that these posts get moved back to the original thread. Your intentions are not viewed under a favorable light.
Allowing Pakistanis into India is very much a thing about internal security of India and the original thread is about online Pakistanis posting their L's online.


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
Country flag
Neither India nor any other country in world is capable of a magical screening to separate Hindus out.

Your logical fallacy that you are assuming everyone to be an untrained and uneducated genuine refugee. It's not a tough job to learn a bit about Hindu gods, Vedas, customs for an aam Pakistani Abdul (there are actually such people living in Punjab), leave alone a spy with far better preparation.
This is sophistry- a system does not have to be perfect for it to be in place or even be in working order. Every country does background checks for refugees. And no background check system is foolproof. If aam abdul pakistani can pretend to be hindu, aam abdul iraqi can pretend to be not part of Sadr militia. Some will be spotted, some won't, the issue is of success rate of screenings - which, i have no reason to believe, is a low number.
Spies will infilitrate any nation that allows refugees and immigration, so short of 19th century Japanese style isolationism or current day NoKo style isolationism, there is zero chance of averting spies.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Indx, since you are engaging in sophistry as GaudaNaresh said so and I decline to engage in such sophistry, so rather rebuting you point by point in your rather long post, let me ask you a simple question:

Would you try to save those Pakistani Hindus from persecution and if so, how so?

If you don't want to save those Pakistani Hindus, how do you morally explain your position?


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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Indx, since you are engaging in sophistry as GaudaNaresh said so and I decline to engage in such sophistry, so rather rebuting you point by point in your rather long post, let me ask you a simple question:

Would you try to save those Pakistani Hindus from persecution and if so, how so?

If you don't want to save those Pakistani Hindus, how do you morally explain your position?
Saving pakistani hindus is pretty easy if you think about it.
How does Canada verify the 'normal-ness' of syrian refugees, because unlike Europe, Canada vets its refugees ? Simple- Canada has operatives on the ground, who verify the story of the refugees as best as they can.

So we follow the same method. obviously, Pakistan being a hostile nation and not allowing Indian NGOs for hindu refugees means we tap into our spy network in Pakistan and do it clandestinely - which is a relatively safe and low risk proposition, since ISI does not have the resources or the desire to follow up on some dude asking around the paan shops of Larkana for the whereabouts of some Ram Dayal trash collector.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

Love Charger

Senior Member
Oct 9, 2021
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Sonia mata sent him ... it was a conspiracy by Whites to open Nepal to Xian missionaries. The King was bumped off, Nepali communists were created overnight (arms were dropped for them from the sky - remember Purulia), and then Yechuri ji was sent to declare Nepal as secular country where conversions would be called "freedom of religion." The same trick they are trying to do in Burma through Suu Kyi (married to a British white dude who has since kicked the bucket, but the two sons are Xians). The same trick they tried to do in Sikkim by getting the Chogyal's son married to an American socialite (Hope Cooke), belonging to the Protestant Episcopal Church. Upon marriage, she immediately asked India to handover Darjeeling to Sikkim. Alerted, Indira Gandhi sent army to Sikkim and merged it into India, thus nipping this mischief in the bud. (But she did not realize her own son will fall for the trick).
Come to think of it, the Whites have already done the same trick to India through Sonia Gandhi. This has a long history -- Europe was Christianized like this, by inserting Xian wives into pagan royal households who will turn the next generation into Xians. Whites have a civilizational memory of this trick.

So while Muslims try to pull non-believer women into their household, Xians try to push Xian women into non-believer households.



धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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Agar thora comments padh liye hote to pata chal jata na tujhe ki , Barrages se pani chhore jane par pani bhar raha hai border areas par

Travelled around noida since last 1 week, did not see any majot areas flooded with water like other areas in whole NCR.

Apne Confirmation Bias se bahar nikal akal ke andhe!

and get medical helo for your Bipolar disporder!
And get yourself fucked in that river schizo, dfi has given an ignore button, use it and continue to give self BJs.

Even I've travelled across Delhi during the whole time but couldn't witness any flood which you claimed to have happened. Jal gayi fir?

This isn't some "Shining India" thread, there are many other negative news which I ignore due to them being irrelevant mostly. This is something I found to be an issue and I posted it, and as I said, use the ignore button and gtfo.
Last edited:


Senior Member
Aug 16, 2014
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And get yourself fucked in that river schizo, dfi has given an ignore button, use it and continue to give self BJs.
We are talking for your better health only.

See in current age these disorders does not give much issues, but you will age more and more disorders will creep in and will not only you but your whole family.

Achcha nahi lagega na when your family will ditch you out in some Vridhashram at age of 60!

So get help at right time and age.

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