Israel-Palestine Conflict

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Tihar Jail
Dec 1, 2016
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I don't get it, who will go on war with whom. What are Palestine military capabilities? It has no mention in globalfirepower. Turkey won't fight, Saudi won't , then who. No big casualties so far in clashes since Trump's announcement. Palestinian have nothing but stones which won't work against Israel.


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Feb 15, 2014
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I don't get it, who will go on war with whom. What are Palestine military capabilities? It has no mention in globalfirepower. Turkey won't fight, Saudi won't , then who. No big casualties so far in clashes since Trump's announcement. Palestinian have nothing but stones which won't work against Israel.
The world has changed and people have become more practical and less zealous. A resolution would always need some compromise and this generation of Palestinians are beginning to understand that - beyond the politics and posturing of Hamas and Mahmoud Abbas.
In any case, the Islamic claim to Jerusalem was always an afterthought and lot less valid than the Jewish claim.


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Feb 12, 2014
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4 Palestinians killed in new wave of violence over US Jerusalem move
President Donald Trump’s December 6 announcement that he would break with decades of US policy and move the embassy to Jerusalem has stirred global condemnation.

Four Palestinians were killed and hundreds wounded Friday in clashes with Israeli forces as tens of thousands demonstrated against Washington’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

President Donald Trump’s December 6 announcement that he would break with decades of US policy and move the embassy to Jerusalem has stirred global condemnation, as well as demonstrations across Arab and Muslim countries.

On Friday, three men were killed in clashes between Israeli troops and stone-throwing Palestinians.

Two died along the border of Israel and the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian health ministry said, after the Hamas Islamist group that rules the enclave had called for another “day of rage”.

A third Palestinian was killed in clashes north of Jerusalem after being shot dead in the chest by the Israeli army, the ministry said.

The fourth stabbed an Israeli border police officer near a checkpoint on the outskirts of the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah, before being shot, police said.

The assailant, who later died of his wounds, wore what appeared to be a suicide vest, though it was unclear if it was operational.

The violence comes days before US Vice President Mike Pence is due to visit Israel, though he will no longer see Palestinian officials after they cancelled meetings in protest at the embassy move.

“We understand that the Palestinians may need a bit of a cooling off period, that’s fine,” a senior White House official said Friday. “We will be ready when the Palestinians are ready to re-engage.”

Pence is expected to try to push the Israeli-Palestinian peace process forward after he lands in Jerusalem on Wednesday, US administration officials have said.

“Obviously the last couple of weeks in the region have been a reaction to the Jerusalem decision,” said a second senior administration official.

Protests erupted across the West Bank after Friday weekly prayers, often a catalyst for clashes between young Palestinians and Israeli soldiers.

‘Bomb’ thrown at Mideast

In Gaza, tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets and a few thousand clashed with Israeli forces along different parts of the border.

The Palestinian health ministry said 164 people were injured in Gaza, with five in serious condition, and more than 100 were hospitalised in the West Bank.

Israel’s army said around 2,500 people were involved in “riots” in the West Bank and about 3,500 in Gaza.

Friday’s deaths brought to eight the number of Palestinians killed in violence or air strikes since Trump’s Jerusalem move.

Four men were killed in Gaza last week, two in protests. Two Hamas militants were killed in an Israeli air strike.

In Jordan, thousands of people also demonstrated on Friday in the latest round of protests called by the Muslim Brotherhood, burning Israeli and American flags.

The diplomatic fallout continued, with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan calling Trump’s decision a “bomb” thrown at the entire Middle East.

He called Israel a “terror state” and said: “Trying to make Jerusalem capital of a terror state is not a situation that can be accepted by Muslims.”

The status of Jerusalem is one of the most controversial issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Israel seized control of the eastern part of the city in the 1967 Middle East war and sees the whole of Jerusalem as its undivided capital. The Palestinians view the east as the capital of their future state.

Support for uprising

For decades global powers have avoided taking an opinion, keeping their embassies in Tel Aviv instead.

Trump declared, however, that he would move the embassy and has recognised the city as Israel’s capital.

Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas will not meet Pence next week and has warned that Washington no longer had a role to play in the peace process.

A poll conducted after Trump’s announcement by the respected Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research found 45 percent of Palestinians supported a violent popular uprising, up from 35 percent three months previously.

Khalil Shikaki, the centre’s director, said the “only possible explanation” for the increase was Trump’s decision.

He said, however, the effectiveness of the Israeli forces and the Palestinian security forces’ ongoing cooperation with them had ensured the protests in the West Bank remained relatively minor.

While angered by Trump’s declaration, Abbas has not instructed his party Fatah or security forces to cut ties with Israel.

“Hamas is too weak in the West Bank to carry out any serious attacks (and) Fatah does not want to engage in violence,” Shikaki said.

“This is not likely to change any time soon.”

In Gaza, hermetically sealed off by Israel and Egypt, at least 12 rockets or mortar rounds have been fired from the territory since Trump’s announcement, with Israel hitting at least 10 sites in response.


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Mar 21, 2009
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Mar 21, 2009
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The video, published by #ISIS in Sinai, Egypt, during the execution of a member of #Hamas, was recorded just meters from a military base belonging to #Israel
An Israeli forces military tower of communication appeared in the video The tower is located at The Kerem Shalom crossing is a border crossing on the border between the #Gaza Strip and Israel. It is located west of Kerem Shalom. It is under the authority of the Israel Defense Forces


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Nov 19, 2017

BEIRUT: A Hamas official narrowly escaped death when his car exploded in Sidon, south Lebanon, on Sunday afternoon.

He escaped the assassination attempt with leg injuries and underwent surgery at Hammoud Hospital in Sidon.
The explosion, from a 500-gram device placed under the driver’s seat, targeted Hamas member Mohammed Omar Hamdan, (aka “Abu hamzah“). It happened while Hamdan was entering his car, which was parked in Albustan Alkabir neighborhood.

Reporters at the scene said Hamdan told his rescuers he was trying to open his car boot to clean it when the explosion happened.

Jihad Taha, Hamas deputy political official in Lebanon, said: “Hamdan is a member of the movement, and he works at the office of its political official in Lebanon, Ahmad Abdul Hadi.”

Ghassan Ayoub, from the Palestinian People’s Party at Ain Al-Hilweh camp, told Arab News that Hamdan was not active in Sidon; rather, his activities are limited to Beirut.

“The explosion aimed to kill the target, not just injure him,” Ayoub noted.

“If Israel targeted Hamdan, it wouldn’t be the first time Israel failed to kill its target.”

The official Lebanese National News Agency reported later that “the explosion resulted from a 500-gram explosive device which was placed under the driver’s seat.”

The Lebanese army command said in a statement: “The explosive device went off in a grey BMW in Albustan Alkabir, which resulted in the injury of its Palestinian owner Mohammad Hamdan. The army forces imposed a security cordon around the area, and the military expert checked the location of the explosion to determine its size and nature.”

Hamdan was the only casualty in the blast, although his wife and one of his children were following him.
A security source said “The forensic evidence section collected the videos recorded by local cameras and listened to witnesses who were present at the scene. The investigation is trying to find out whether the explosion was caused by remote control or due to friction, as well as deciding the time Hamdan parked his car, and whether another person was driving the car.”

Taha accused the Israelis of targeting Hamdan, and so did Ayman Shana’a, a Hamas political official, who stressed that “we are waiting for the results of the investigations of the security forces.”

Hamas declared in a statement that “the initial indicators point to the presence of Zionist links behind the criminal act.”


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Apr 13, 2013
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"Algeria, where are your Jews?" — Hillel Neuer silences the U.N.

We Indians can ask...every other muslim nation...Where are your Hindus!!!


Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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Israel s secular fabric torn into tatters....
Israel Adopts Jewish Nation-State Law That Gives Special Status To Jews
World Agence France-Presse
The European Union expressed concern and called for the rights of minorities to be respected.
Updated : July 20, 2018 06:45 IST

The legislation, adopted by 62 votes to 55, makes Hebrew the country's national language.

Israel's parliament on Thursday adopted a law defining the country as the nation state of the Jewish people, provoking fears it could lead to blatant discrimination against Arab citizens.

Arab lawmakers and Palestinians called the law "racist" and said it legalised "apartheid" following a tumultuous debate in parliament.

Others said it neglects to specify equality and Israel's democratic character, implying that the country's Jewish nature comes first.

The European Union expressed concern and called for the rights of minorities to be respected.

The legislation, adopted by 62 votes to 55, makes Hebrew the country's national language and defines the establishment of Jewish communities as being in the national interest.

Arabic, previously considered an official language, was granted only special status.

The law, passed in the early hours of Thursday, speaks of Israel as the historic homeland of the Jews and says they have a "unique" right to self-determination there, according to its final text.

The legislation becomes part of the country's basic laws, which serve as a de facto constitution.

"It is our state, the Jewish state, but in recent years some have tried to question that as well as the principles of our existence and our rights," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said after the vote on the legislation, backed by his right-wing government.


He called its approval a "decisive moment" in Israeli history.

A range of opposition politicians denounced the vote. The head of the mainly Arab Joint List alliance Ayman Odeh called it "the death of our democracy".

Arab parliament members who called the legislation "racist" ripped up copies of the bill in the chamber of the Knesset, Israel's parliament, after it was passed.

"This is a law that encourages not only discrimination, but racism as well," lawmaker Yousef Jabareen said.

Arab citizens account for some 17.5 percent of Israel's more than eight million population. They have long complained of discrimination.

Saeb Erekat, secretary-general of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, called the legislation a "dangerous and racist law" that "officially legalises apartheid and legally defines Israel as an apartheid system".

Turkey defined the legislation as a "racist" attempt to create "an apartheid state" discriminating against Israeli Arabs.

An EU official said they were "concerned" with the new law and were engaging with Israeli officials on the issue.

"We believe the basic principles, including when it comes to respect of minorities, needs to be assured and needs to be respected," said Maja Kocijancic, spokeswoman for EU Foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini.

The sponsor of the law, Avi Dichter from Netanyahu's Likud party, has said it aims to defend Israel's "status as a Jewish and democratic state."

But others pointed out that references to "Jewish and democratic" in earlier versions of the law had been removed and that the law lacked references to equality as specified in the country's 1948 declaration of independence.

Shuki Friedman of the Israel Democracy Institute think tank said much of the law is symbolic, but it would force the courts to consider the country's Jewish nature and lead to a more "narrow interpretation of Arabs' rights".

By emphasising Israel's Jewish nature, it is "reducing, not directly but indirectly, its democratic nature," Friedman told AFP.

Rightward shift

Various versions of the legislation have been debated for years.

Netanyahu's government, seen as the most right-wing in the country's history, had pushed for the law's approval before the parliament's summer session ends.

Israelis on Thursday appeared split over the law.

Some, like Roni Pearlman in Tel Aviv, were "sad" and "disappointed".

"Another part of Israeli democracy is being kicked away," she said.

But others, like Yehuda in the city of Holon, welcomed it as a move that "strengthens the connection of the people of Israel to the land of Israel".

"We need to believe in our truth and go all the way with it," he said.

The passage of the law continues Israel's rightward shift in recent years amid frustration with failed peace agreements with the Palestinians and steady growth in settlement building in the occupied West Bank.

Netanyahu has been in power since 2009, after having also served as premier between 1996 and 1999, and religious nationalist settlement advocates wield strong influence in his current government.

Parliament's term expires in November 2019, but there has been speculation that Netanyahu, facing a potential corruption indictment, will opt for polls before then and could use the passage of the law to boost his popularity with his base.


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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What is the bed that the God's Chosen People (GCP) are going to strike in Iran soon? given the recent sabre-rattling both sides are doing, how much do you think that the war is now a possibility?
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