Japan's population dropped by nearly a million in 2022 and rapidly ages because Japanese women are too uppity and too greedy to date men and have kids


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May 21, 2016
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its stagnating because the era of globalization is winding down since 9/11, India entered at the final stage even we grew rapidly in 80-90s.

Japan had debt-gdp ratio over 100% by 1960 itself, even before they started to industrialize, you forget they owe lot of money because of ww2, On Top of that they had to rebuild entire cities with a worn down economy. The fact that japan fought its way out of a financial chock-lock like that is a miracle .

thought we were comparing india to japan, no one is denying japan doesn't have problems, i would like to see which heavenly nation has no problems, the fact is these are next to non factor compared to nations like india . try to convince me otherwise, we both know what india is like.

people dont have kids in devloping countries due to cost and responsibilities , who ever told you they dont date or have relationships are putting a flower in your ear. Japan has the same marriage rate as Germany. its consistent with their decresing population per capita among the developed nations.

japan tax rate is 45% German tax rate is 45 UK tax rate is 45%, Its consistent with developed nations

In exchange they get valued services ,
-Universal Healthcare
-Free Education
-Top tier Infrastructure


i would trade places anyday rather than indian government mooching off middle-class salaried employees while millionaires in informal sector are untaxed because it causes riots and election losses. only weak nations without law and order do cowardly shit like this, pick on the politically wekest segment of their vote bank.

going to needs source for this buddy.

regardless, Japan is one of the the pillar entertainment capitals of the world, one of which being pornography market. atleast its regulated unlike india where prostituion is legal and in forever limbo state because of how widespread it is so they turn a blind eye.
What makes life worth living is subjective and differs from person to person. you are just expressing your personal bias by littrally genraling a entire country, japan is a wonderful place with wonderful people with its share of problems, its not some black mirror dystopia .

- If we are talking about Japanese in japan your argument falls flat to outright baseless.

- if we are talking about the 0.000001% of Indians there, ofc they will feel alienated. they have a alien language and customs that are worlds apart from a Indians. it doesnt help that they are xenophobic as most east asians towards dark skinned people.

you are talking as if there indian immigrants who move to loose money and have shitter quality of life? thats littraly the main reason people immigrate.

- You mock Japanese work culture, as if Indian work corporate culture is any better, there is a reason why we are called IT koolies, overworked and underpaid, most dont even pay overtime here, nothing is regulated and west loves exploiting us. And those are the lucky ones according to our society

- Japan is a secluded protectionist anti emigration nation, there are barely brown people any in japan, like most east asia they have a stereotypical view on brown people due to this alienation. I again drag parallels on how this is any diffrent than how Indians in general treat Africans in india.

so throw any statistics to the bin and trust your word for it? India doesn't even address mental issues, its culturally shunned and hidden. Japan has deep culture , tradition and vibrant lifestyle ,your personal bias again doesn't dictate how they feel or what they do. And i am being biased speaking as a RW indian, a Japanese could cook up a million reasons why japan is better than india based on his or hers lifestyles bias.

you cook up baked allegations and refuse multiple sources dating from decades of research from multiple groups only to justify your people are better than others with nothing but words to back it up. lets see your sources i would love to read it, its half the reason i come here. do shere where you got the story how 1 in 200 Japanese women are porn starts to.

what civil war ? in this century? wtf lol buddy im not a foreigner as a indian i know your POV is bs, im not some NRI to impress, i grew up boiling water for baths and cooking with wood for years because the goverment was too corrupt to push papers, we arent even poor. this is in the 90s , hell half my neighborhood was demonized and fled for weeks because it was the fuking government doing it for inter state politics.
whatever i said here, i picked it up from japani people themselves, around various places on internet - 4chan to telegram chats and all,
and @Tshering22 himself have been to japan

you're overreacting so much here, as if we both want to malign japan for some specific reasons 😒

if japan is so VIBRANT hurr durr you are mentioning, then how come they are full of suicides ? they literally have a designated 'suicide forest' where many people just walk upto and hang themselves or jump off a cliff or something...

and yeah if you want to believe in some stats than word-of-mouth then all the best, even these PEER REVIEWD stats said covid vaccines are 99 percent safe and effective when Pfizer, Moderna and all launched it and now we all know how it was all big baloney

as for your asking for 1 in 200 japani women have worked in adult film industry...

this is from 2011, more than a decade ago
and 2012

go figure yourself about situation today after these years


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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Senior Member
May 21, 2016
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Worry about your own population drop.

they aren't suffering from issues like workforce crisis, back breaking inflations that require abysmal debt-to-gdp via virtues of banking things to keep prices afloat, gigastacy women (although i would argue chinese women are still feminists in their own ways) and imports dependency
they are doing fine even with some drop in populations.

rest there are quite a lot of problems which are universal among east asians in general, effemination of menfolks, overly governing families, higher emphasis on earning and work-life balance issues and so.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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they aren't suffering from issues like workforce crisis, back breaking inflations that require abysmal debt-to-gdp via virtues of banking things to keep prices afloat, gigastacy women (although i would argue chinese women are still feminists in their own ways) and imports dependency
they are doing fine even with some drop in populations.

rest there are quite a lot of problems which are universal among east asians in general, effemination of menfolks, overly governing families, higher emphasis on earning and work-life balance issues and so.
Why're you answering for him ? Was that posed to you ?


Senior Member
Jul 21, 2023
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Regular Member
Sep 9, 2016
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whatever i said here, i picked it up from japani people themselves, around various places on internet - 4chan to telegram chats and all,
and @Tshering22 himself have been to japan
Hence im explicitly stating this is your personal bias, we are comparing India to japan nothing else you have a inherent bias which i can see from a mile away, we all have been places and talked people that's not a source.

you're overreacting so much here, as if we both want to malign japan for some specific reasons 😒

eh...did you forget the context or something? this debate started because someone called japan of all countries as lazy, every following reply has been to defend this ridiculous pov all because of a decreasing population .


if japan is so VIBRANT hurr durr you are mentioning, then how come they are full of suicides ? they literally have a designated 'suicide forest' where many people just walk upto and hang themselves or jump off a cliff or something...
- Their cultural difference has made suicide a honorable way to end ones life in japan , it doesn't have the same taboo as most countries. Most of the suicides have been of the elderly who feel isolated and a burden to society and take their life, this is very common in India too, especially at that age group if they get to live that long that is.

- secondly japan has a depression same as India as my previous links stated, at least they acknowledge and address it.

- Lastly their suicide rates spike like clockwork around every financial crisis, 98 ,08 ,2022.

and yeah if you want to believe in some stats than word-of-mouth then .....
as for your asking for 1 in 200 japani women have worked in adult film industry...

this is from 2011, more than a decade ago
and 2012

go figure yourself about situation today after these years
:rofl:so you threw my sources from WHO and other international NGOs only to post me a decade old second hand article refering to fuking japanese porno tabloid interview with a porno producer who is trying to normalize AV taboo.

sure buddy you are definitely not biased, BTW that same soruce in 2010 claimed 1 in 500 are doing AV. vs 1:200 in 2011 , SOOO thats a 150% spike in 1 year . its bs :pound:

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Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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They will hold the title in 2030. with fraction of the population, i dont get why a you are even mocking them, japan is infamous for his work and perfectionist culture. A Japanese would be a million times more depressed if they were in india and a indian wold flock to japan given the chance. Japan has lot of problems but no one in theri right mind would trade it for indias problems.

The slow growth has nothing to do with depression, you are literally looking for excuses to shit on them.

FYI India is more depressed than japan :

japan rankIndia ranksource
rank 1 [WHO]_

Developed countries all have lower birth rates as the cost and responsibility of taking care of a child is high, unlike abdul and his 9 puncture shop kids.

dude india literally still has mini civil wars, you telling me with a straight face people in manipur right now are more happy than people in japan? dont make me pull stats on who far behind we are .
Japanese income levels today is a result of growth till 80s. Given that they have declined from 3/4th to US GDP in 1990s to less than 1/4th in 2020s, there is nothing commendable for modern Japan since things are South now. Japanese demographics and due to that, economy is gone. All the wealth and innovative Japanese eco system is an infrastructure of past which will soon start to disappear due to lack of investments.
And there is no hope for Japan in long term unlike India which will continue to stabilize as it gets richer.


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2020
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Japanese income levels today is a result of growth till 80s. Given that they have declined from 3/4th to US GDP in 1990s to less than 1/4th in 2020s, there is nothing commendable for modern Japan since things are South now. Japanese demographics and due to that, economy is gone. All the wealth and innovative Japanese eco system is an infrastructure of past which will soon start to disappear due to lack of investments.
And there is no hope for Japan in long term unlike India which will continue to stabilize as it gets richer.
In the long term, not only Japan but also the entire post-colonial legacy of western dominance during the past five hundred years will gradually decay. However, their political philosophy and scientific feats will be enshrined in our textbooks forever.


Senior Member
May 21, 2016
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Simp Culture in Japan:
heh, this is what you get when social media becomes parts of your lives too much; and even japani "adult video actor/actresses" are not allowed to date the "adult video actor/actresses" they "work" with - because "off-screen romance could spoil the acts in video" :lol:


Senior Member
Aug 16, 2014
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heh, this is what you get when social media becomes parts of your lives too much; and even japani "adult video actor/actresses" are not allowed to date the "adult video actor/actresses" they "work" with - because "off-screen romance could spoil the acts in video" :lol:
The Japan Times reports that the local porn industry is suffering a severe manpower shortage. While there are 10,000 female porn actresses, the industry is down to its last 70-or-so men.

Some of the old Male actors have returned from retirement and started again at age above 60.

We should offer @Kumaoni from India.



Senior Member
Jan 7, 2022
The Japan Times reports that the local porn industry is suffering a severe manpower shortage. While there are 10,000 female porn actresses, the industry is down to its last 70-or-so men.

Some of the old Male actors have returned from retirement and started again at age above 60.

We should offer @Kumaoni from India.
Kumaoni, reporting for duty. On your orders Saab.


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Japan ka Visa apply karo!
You won't get even the audition role. :lol:

Learn Japanese; it could land you a wife though. Once Japanese women come out of Japan, they are more open to having a family, because in Japan family = extreme rigidity.

Our foreign minister is the proof of it. heheheh!

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