Kashmir Birth Rate and Fertility Rate Data


Regular Member
Aug 1, 2022
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Virtually all recent news articles suggest that Kashmir's birth rate has consistently fallen over the past two decades to well below replacement levels. Even in the Muslim dominant valley. The total fertility rate in Kashmir is 1.4, well below the Indian average of 2.0. The current Indian Muslim average is 2.4 (if you trust the official estimates that exclude many illegal Bangladeshis and Rohingyas).

Does anyone know why Kashmiri Muslims are reproducing at such lower rates than Indian Muslims? And drastically less than Pakistani Muslims (3.5 fertility rate)?

Jammu and Kashmir’s TFR was 3.6 in 1991. It fell to 2.3 in 2007 and later to 2. Now it is at 1.4.

Also, does the Kashmiri Valley really just have only one delivery hospital?

Valley’s lone maternity hospital records 34,500 male births, 31500 female births since 2019, say officials; In J&K, mothers prefer sons over daughters, reveals NHFS Survey. Well placed health officials revealed that around 34,500 male baby births were reported at Lal Ded Hospital in last three years while as the number of female baby births in the same period was around 31,500. In year 2020-21 the number of male births at the hospital was around 11,500, however, in the same period the number of female baby births was around 10,500.

The valley has a population of 4 million. In this hospital, they have 22,000 births each year. It is supposed to be the only maternity hospital in the valley. Even if some at-home births are not counted, these figures are very encouraging if true.

I found almost no articles that suggest any major undercounting. The below one covering 2001-2011 was the main outlier, but it is hard to believe as the source is a bit biased :)

Fertility Tables published by Census 2011 indicate that there were 85,157 live births in the Valley in the year preceding Census 2001. That number had risen to 176,673 in 2011.


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Aug 1, 2022
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Super encouraging findings in this December 2023 article.

We know that Muslims in Pakistan have birth rates of 3.5 (despite all the obesity and PCOS). Muslims in India have birth rates of 2.5.

But Muslims in Kashmir have birth rates of 1.5. Finally some good news.

  • More than 47% of deliveries in J&K are C-sections, compared to the national average of 22%.
  • Data from NFHS-5, released in 2021, showed that the overall mean age of marriage for women in J&K is 23.6 years, for men 28.6 years; the women were the latest to marry in India.
  • Two major diseases, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and premature ovarian failure (POF) have been identified as another factor responsible for infertility among women. Nearly a third of married women in J&K reported PCOS or other reproductive health problems, according to NFHS-5. "We are alarmed by the increasing incidence of diseases like PCOS and POF,” said Rizvi. “Back in the 90s, during our college days, cases of PCOS and POF were rare occurrences. It's only in the past two decades that we have witnessed the surge in such cases." They were, she said, responsible for falling fertility, although why this was happening was not clear.


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Aug 1, 2022
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I suspect that Jammu is only slightly lower than Kashmir. The articles tend to focus on Kashmir/Srinagar.

One more on the health and infertility issues plaguing the valley:

Rohingyas, Afghans and Obese Inbred Pakis have absolutely no problems in easily crossing 3 children per couple. For every infertile Paki, there is another who will reproduce 6 kids.

In Kashmir, it seems like people are not so driven.

Even terrorist Yasin Malik only has 1 kid. Wealthy Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti only have 2 kids each. And these three examples are from an older more fertile generation.

Very surprising.

Hopefully we can persuade more non-Muslims to migrate to Kashmir with the new residency laws.


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Mar 18, 2023
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Translate please!
kaashir pride of India..

dont go by this data decades of loots has made these mullas rich u can find these mullas roaming in panjab and delhi maternity hospitals also thr r plenty of smaller clinics in valley, plenty of bastards of terrorist bastards roaming in kashmir.
Seems like inbreeding has increased after 90s significantly…
Anyway kashiri pandits fertility rate actually will b same for whole different reasons

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