Latin America the impact of the Spanish empire in modern times


Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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Computers and telephones designed in Mexico, while the hardware is partially made in Mexico, it also has made parts made else where, however Mexican brands make computers and smarts phones locally

Mexican designed tablet by Meebox

Lanix made Tablet designed and made in Mexico

Evotec designed and made computer


Nyx made smart phone, made and designed in Mexico by this brand


Other brands that make and design cell phones in Mexico are Lanix, M4Tel, STF, Nyx Mobile, Senwa, Solone, Zuum, Ginga, Bmobile, Boombox, F2 Mobile, Inco y Uneone

Solone telephone






Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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that is not true and tell me where was the first university set in the Americas? yes in Mexico city, Spain did educated the people, however Spain came late to the industrial revolution, so the education lagged with respect England, we as colonies, were restricted to get immigrants from England.

Spanish priests also set up in the Philippines in 1611 the oldest university in Asia, University of Santo Tomas. But it only educated the elites and mostly in religious education.

Some of the poorest and most corrupt countries are former Spanish colonies. And the more religious the former colony its usually the more corrupt.


Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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Spanish priests also set up in the Philippines in 1611 the oldest university in Asia, University of Santo Tomas. But it only educated the elites and mostly in religious education.

Some of the poorest and most corrupt countries are former Spanish colonies. And the more religious the former colony its usually the more corrupt.
that is not accurate, corruption exist everywhere, blaming Spain for the corruption in the philipines is a lame Excuse, you were part of the USA empire in fact you were a protectorate of the USA that in fact you started using English instead of Spanish, why do not you blame the USA for the corruption in your country?

Spain as an Empire got the industrial revolution later than England, by 1890s they were far behind, Spain only got really industrialized after the 1990s.

In Latin America, we are a melting pot of races, however contrary to the popular belief that Spain was an evil empire, in the colonial times just being christian granted freedom, most Indians (native Americans) were free, and have their own courts and semi-autonomy.

The idea Spain was an evil empire came from England and the Netherlands and was used by the criolles (white people born in the americas) that Spain was oppresive, however all is British propaganda.

Spain used a humanitarian philosophy that all would become christians in their dominions, the native were considered Humans, with rights.

Only the tribes making war or attacking spanish positions or troops were punished with enslavement.

The Fact the Spanish married native americans, africans or asians meant they were not racist, in fact some Aztec nobility went with all their rights to Europe.

However after our independence Britain and the USA balkanized the Spanish empire, and the local landlords accepted that for their own political ambitions and the void of a central command meant the empire fragmented into weak states with little commerce within them and linked to the USA and England as economic colonies.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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that is not accurate, corruption exist everywhere, blaming Spain for the corruption in the philipines is a lame Excuse, you were part of the USA empire in fact you were a protectorate of the USA that in fact you started using English instead of Spanish, why do not you blame the USA for the corruption in your country?

Spain as an Empire got the industrial revolution later than England, by 1890s they were far behind, Spain only got really industrialized after the 1990s.

In Latin America, we are a melting pot of races, however contrary to the popular belief that Spain was an evil empire, in the colonial times just being christian granted freedom, most Indians (native Americans) were free, and have their own courts and semi-autonomy.

The idea Spain was an evil empire came from England and the Netherlands and was used by the criolles (white people born in the americas) that Spain was oppresive, however all is British propaganda.

Spain used a humanitarian philosophy that all would become christians in their dominions, the native were considered Humans, with rights.

Only the tribes making war or attacking spanish positions or troops were punished with enslavement.

The Fact the Spanish married native americans, africans or asians meant they were not racist, in fact some Aztec nobility went with all their rights to Europe.

However after our independence Britain and the USA balkanized the Spanish empire, and the local landlords accepted that for their own political ambitions and the void of a central command meant the empire fragmented into weak states with little commerce within them and linked to the USA and England as economic colonies.

Spain is one of the worst colonizer on par with France and Belgium.


Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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I have a little Spanish blood. My great grandmother was ethnically Spanish who was born and grew up in Samar island, the place were ships from Mexico first land in the Philippines during the old Manila-Acapulco Galleon trade.
we all are we humans, in Mexico as well as the Philipines we share blood, in Oaxaca Mexico and Guerrero Mexico we have some Philipine blood, and funny in the Philipines you have tlaxcalptecan Blood that is the native americans from Mexico that the Spaniards took there. This is my maternal grand mother, she was the daughter of an Asturian man (from north Spain) and a Lebanese/Mexican woman.
I am Mestizo since I also have Indian (native American blood) but I have also Spanish ancestors and they are not more than 2 generations from me, since


So time suffering and blood join us in history as part of an empire that crossed the world, you in the Philipines and from Mexico

This is my aunt who I really loved her she was really nice

Now my family has from Negros, Chinese, Japanese, Polish, blood, we are all human


Regular Member
Oct 23, 2019
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Whats your ethnicity and nationality Mig-29SMT?

Since, you are interested in south american things:

Basically latest evidence proves that The Amazons are not a natural phenomena, they are only a few centuries old. A giant pre-colombian civilization had artificially terra-formed this region full of walled cities and gardens. The demographic collapse resulting from european exposure created overgrowth. The modern amazon rainforest grew out of this abandoned man-made gardens over a few centuries. ( this is preety normal, when humans abandon cities, foliage n trees get supercharged n grow extremely fast)

They found remnants of universities, building, fish pond etc that they should not find in the middle of the jungle if it was natually made. Also the species of vegetation in the current amazon basin is not found to be indigenously naturally-growing. Which further points to man-made theory.


Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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Whats your ethnicity and nationality Mig-29SMT?

Since, you are interested in south american things:

Basically latest evidence proves that The Amazons are not a natural phenomena, they are only a few centuries old. A giant pre-colombian civilization had artificially terra-formed this region full of walled cities and gardens. The demographic collapse resulting from european exposure created overgrowth. The modern amazon rainforest grew out of this abandoned man-made gardens over a few centuries. ( this is preety normal, when humans abandon cities, foliage n trees get supercharged n grow extremely fast)

They found remnants of universities, building, fish pond etc that they should not find in the middle of the jungle if it was natually made. Also the species of vegetation in the current amazon basin is not found to be indigenously naturally-growing. Which further points to man-made theory.
Ethnically I am Mestizo, Nationality Mexican

I am interested in learning about my own cultural zone and share it

Here is an AESA radar made and designed in Argentina by INVAP



Senior Member
Dec 29, 2010
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Most Chinese are as poor as Colombians I know you get great pride to have nuclear weapons or J-20, but Sorry Brazil has Embraer and Argentina or Brazil can make nukes, but that is not progress.
When we talk about economy you talk specific product, when we talk about specific product you mention poor people ...

China's per GDP is more than most nations from Latin America, from 2020 China's per gdp passed USD10,000.


You still didn't answer my question:
How spanish people see US treated Latin America as banana republics?

And How's the Spanish people's reaction during Argentina vs UK 1982 war? When USA, France betrayed Argentina? Why didn't Spain came to help?


Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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When we talk about economy you talk specific product, when we talk about specific product you mention poor people ...

China's per GDP is more than most nations from Latin America, from 2020 China's per gdp passed USD10,000.

View attachment 118299

You still didn't answer my question:
How spanish people see US treated Latin America as banana republics?

And How's the Spanish people's reaction during Argentina vs UK 1982 war? When USA, France betrayed Argentina? Why didn't Spain came to help?
Your antagonistic view trying to portrait Latin america as banana republics is frankly a cliche, basically for ignorant people or for Chinese people like you thinking you are superior.

Latin America is divided in different type of economies.

You have economies like el Salvador or honduras that have very low development, however what you miss is that those nations have small populations around 10 million people.

you have middle size nations like Venezuela, Argentina or Colombia, in the ragion of 25 to 50 million people.

Argentina is a very high developed nation mainly because the core of its population is from European stock.

You have the large Economies of Mexico or Brazil with populations of 200 million people since Mexico has 126 but you have around 40-50 million Mexicans in the USA.

Of all the latin American nations Brazil is a very industrialized nation

Call it a banana republic si for Ignorants


The mansup is a missile that has a microjet engine developed in Brazil


can build an design cars and tanks, and SAMs


has EMBRAER the third aircraft builder in the world ahead of China

can build and design tractors


So call Brazil a banana republic certainly is to make you feel China is better forgeting you have hundreds of millions of poor in China

Mexico is another country where you have a lesser developed economy but still we build many things from aircraft to trucks to computers hardware or cell phones




Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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When we talk about economy you talk specific product, when we talk about specific product you mention poor people ...

China's per GDP is more than most nations from Latin America, from 2020 China's per gdp passed USD10,000.

View attachment 118299

You still didn't answer my question:
How spanish people see US treated Latin America as banana republics?

And How's the Spanish people's reaction during Argentina vs UK 1982 war? When USA, France betrayed Argentina? Why didn't Spain came to help?
in Mexico we can design buses DINA makes them

We can design radars too


Argentina can build nuclear plants see

Nucleoeléctrica Argentina SA (NA-SA) will complete the construction of the prototype CAREM-25 reactor under a contract signed with the country's National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA). The contract specifies construction of the small modular reactor will be completed within three years. Work on the small pressurised water reactor began at a site adjacent to the Atucha nuclear power plant in Buenos Aires Province in early 2014, but has been suspended several times
Reactor design

CAREM - the name is taken from Central ARgentina de Elementos Modulares - is Argentina's first domestically-designed and developed 32 MWe nuclear power unit. At least 70% of the components and related services for CAREM-25 are to be sourced from Argentine companies.

Argentina builds and design helicopters Cicare designs them and sells them in Europe and the USA


Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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When we talk about economy you talk specific product, when we talk about specific product you mention poor people ...

China's per GDP is more than most nations from Latin America, from 2020 China's per gdp passed USD10,000.

View attachment 118299

You still didn't answer my question:
How spanish people see US treated Latin America as banana republics?

And How's the Spanish people's reaction during Argentina vs UK 1982 war? When USA, France betrayed Argentina? Why didn't Spain came to help?
The major players covered in Aerospace Fan Cases Markets:

    • GE Aviation
    • Magellan Aerospace
    • Rolls-Royce
    • Frisa
    • Mecachrome
    • Pelonis Technologies

Remember FRISA is a Mexican company so basically many jet engines use Fan cases made by Frisa so Mexico is in the jet engine bussines already


call Mexico a banana republic when you have the same proportion of poor and you have hundreds of millions when we have dozes is quiet hypocrite


Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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that is not accurate, technology is not about pride, but about practicality see
Ignorance is not a excuse to do not research before opening the mouth

Boreas 2018 built and designed in Spain

read you will see the car is a western invention and Spain can design them

View attachment 117978

Uro vanmtak research where it is designed
View attachment 117981
I cannot make sense of your replies. If it's all about photos, this thread can be filled with a tonne.

Most middle powers and upper middle income economies have at least a small degree of civil/lower tier military aircraft, automotive and military vehicle manufacturing, even New Zealand would be called an R&D hub that way. You are displaying same for Spain. What is the position of Spain with respect to UK, Germany or France since it's just assembling their helicopters?

It's just being reflected as a lower tier European power what I told it to be. Once again, you won't have a search such a news even in a non-Spanish newspaper and it would be common if Spain actually a geopolitical force.
Spanish fighters to monitor the Baltic in the midst of Russian military escalation
December 31, 2014

in Frontpage, Spain

View attachment 117975


Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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I cannot make sense of your replies. If it's all about photos, this thread can be filled with a tonne.

Most middle powers and upper middle income economies have at least a small degree of civil/lower tier military aircraft, automotive and military vehicle manufacturing, even New Zealand would be called an R&D hub that way. You are displaying same for Spain. What is the position of Spain with respect to UK, Germany or France since it's just assembling their helicopters?

It's just being reflected as a lower tier European power what I told it to be. Once again, you won't have a search such a news even in a non-Spanish newspaper and it would be common if Spain actually a geopolitical force.
Sorry my friend you are avoiding the facts, Indra designs parts of the systems it provides, ITP also designs and built parts for the EJ-200 in fact the thrust vector system was designed in Spain, you do not say anything the fact Spain builds aircraft carriers in fact it builds them for Austraila.

The pictures I posted some true need a title.

For engesa, Montana, Lanix, Invap and so on but you are simple trying to imply Spain is not a great power, In Europe they work on collaboration, the 6th generation fighter or the IRIS-T or Meteor have parts designed and built in Spain, same is Airbus Spain, you want to minimize that claiming Spain only assemble but that is not the case.

In Europe cooparation is to reduce costs.

tell me why Eurofighter has built more aircraft than Dassault Rafale?
Dassualt is highly dependant in exports, Eurofighter built more aircraft.

Colaboration means you get cheaper price for more products.

Airbus is the whole concept tell me if Spain builds the wing for Eurofighter, if it builds 400 wings is enough to make it a success, they only build some parts but the budget is smaller .

Same is FRISA from Mexico, they built the engine cases yes the engines are built by Pratt and Whitney or Rolls Royce, but the engines cases they build are for many types of jet engines, they do not get the name but they get the money.

And same is Embraer they do not need to build the whole jet just manage the program sucess in cooperation is better than have a higher content but at higher price and lower numbers

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