Pakistani political discussions


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Thanks for all the updates. @Pythonlover has analyzed few scenarios in his comments. But I strongly believe their army will not let Imran again in political corridors. In fact they will be regretting they even let Imran to be PM especially Bajwa. I said long ago, unlike some revolutions which happened in the past like French revolution and Russian revolution where the target was French monarchy and Russian czars, in the case of Pakistan there is no specific target. The target is entire system of elites who comprise less than 5 million in Pakistan which includes military and their feudal elite.

I am strongly inclined to believe this will fizzle out in 3-4 days. Because the protestors themselves have not worked out who to target properly. All they are doing is vandalism and destruction of private property. Most likely the army will let the protestors run out of steam after a few days and then shoot the remaining few protestors and carry on like before. The army and feudal elite will fight to the last bullet because it is not only their future at stake but also their lives. So they will deploy every weapon at their disposal to kill as many protestors as they can. However, in case the unthinkable happens with Imran returning to be PM, then he will weaken the military like never before but the old feudal system will remain in place since he is like a feudal lord himself.

All in all we should wait and watch and strike if there is an opportunity which arises. We should not be a mute spectator if they are going to go Syria way, we might as well invade PoK and get what is rightfully ours back. As of now with the chaos going on, we should do some surgical air strikes on their military and terror infrastructure and not announce it to the public. Check their response and bombard them more without giving a hint that we are doing it. But make sure to gather all the evidence we have did it.
on the bit about this fizzling out, as in will this bring about any irreversible change in solving any of their awam's legacy issues. there is nothing on the horizon that niazi has offered except his version of riasat-e-madina, which again he never specified the operational part of it. few speeches i have seen of niazi, he keeps saying i will tell you in the end and he never does.

nothing has fundamentally changed except that more people are expressing vocal distrust of vardi than what it was 5 years ago.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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on the bit about this fizzling out, as in will this bring about any irreversible change in solving any of their awam's legacy issues. there is nothing on the horizon that niazi has offered except his version of riasat-e-madina, which again he never specified the operational part of it. few speeches i have seen of niazi, he keeps saying i will tell you in the end and he never does.

nothing has fundamentally changed except that more people are expressing vocal distrust of vardi than what it was 5 years ago.
if i say a better way to analyse this situation in pakiland as essentially as tribal chiefs infighting instead of electoral political battles , how wrong would i be?

caveat would be, all political battles are tribal in nature, but atleast there would be a air of intellectualism around it be it rights, economic policies etc.


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
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now how was army opposition by public during zia time? Any parallels with current times? I think its same old controlled story being repeated. Something is amiss in this protest. Given high density of arms in paki, yet somehow the whole protest was just a gandhian protest gone wrong(chauri chaura type). I dont see any civil was brewing in pakistan as of now.

Edit: just saw some firing videos by protestors too. I shall hold my verdict.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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As Pakistan descends into chaos, the failed country loses its mind, claims violence post Imran Khan arrest created by BJP, RSS: What Atta Tarar said

Tarar, the special assistant to Pakistani PM Shehbaz Sharif said that “Those who are doing vandalism were deployed by the BJP and the RSS from India. These handfuls of people have links to the BJP and the RSS".


Whata name - Atta tarar
just a long shot...

i think atta tarar will be a big name in paki national level politics some day, may be even a PM if he plays his cards right. for now he is a trouble shooter for PML-N. caveat is that pakjab politics has to move beyond dynastic politics.


Senior Member
May 20, 2021
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just a long shot...

i think atta tarar will be a big name in paki national level politics some day, may be even a PM if he plays his cards right. for now he is a trouble shooter for PML-N. caveat is that pakjab politics has to move beyond dynastic politics.
Not happening as PakJab politics (and also Sindh politics) was already been dominated by the Jagirdars, Patwaris, Lalas families like the Sharifs and dominated by Bhuttos and Zardaris in Sindh.

This guy Atta can't make money like Sharifs and fund the MilEstab.

Dynastic politics is not going anywhere in Pakistan right now. They just saw what happened when they tried to bring a guy from outside a traditional political spectrum.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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mad fellow is not relenting, looks like he is going to get more of his party workers killed.
Imran Khan: "There will no deal done with anyone and Asim munir is behind everything bcos he fears that he will be fired, i will not fire anyone, asim should know".



Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Zalmay Khalilzad
afpak guy
I was concerned for #Pakistan before, but a recent speech by the Army Chief has led me to believe that things are truly dire. His closed-door angry tirade to senior officers in Sialkot has been reliably shared with me. The entire speech was alarming but two points stand out (1/6)

First, he threatened the wives and children of his critics. The May 9 violence was not a good thing and should be transparently investigated, but that is no excuse for threatening harm to innocent family members of retired officers who may have participated. (2/6)

He also used gutter language in talking about those he regards as his enemies. (3/6)

Second, he announced that if he "goes down" he will take others down with him. (4/6)

His speech demonstrates that he simply does not have the temperament to lead the armed forces of a large and important country, Pakistan. Such a volatile, angry and self-absorbed person must not have his finger on a nuclear button. (5/6)

A country's army is a critical institution that must be led by someone possessed of sobriety, calm responsibility, and political neutrality. (6/6)



Regular Member
May 13, 2018
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Immy saying is he responsibile fo mayhem by arguing as he was in jail
Immy"s 3rd divorce wife :"Yes jihadi joker you are :pound:

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