PM Modi's photos, Indian flags spotted as massive protests continue in Balochistan


Regular Member
Nov 15, 2016
what is the polpulation of balochistan ?

KARACHI: The prince of the defunct Kalat state and chief of the Baloch Rabita Ittefaq Tehreek, Prince Mohyuddin Baloch, has warned that if the government fails to settle by the end of 2015 the Balochistan issue according to the aspirations of people, it will soon lose all control over the situation.

“We have so far managed to restrain [disgruntled] Baloch people but after Dec 31, 2015 the situation will get out of our control and our rulers will no more be in a position to do anything to reverse it. After the end of this year, we will be forced to allow Baloch people to take any path they like,” said the prince at a press conference held at a local hotel here on Thursday.

He was accompanied by his younger brother Prince Yahya Baloch of Kalat.

Take a look: Cannot rule out presence of IS militants in Balochistan: Dr Malik

He said: “So far, our 5,000 children have been killed and some 10,000 people have been kidnapped, but no one should think that the resistance has been crushed. It is correct that Baloch are by nature slow, stubborn and quarrelsome, but when it comes to war no one can defeat them.”

The entire world was increasingly becoming interested in Balochistan and trying to take advantage of it because of its strategic position. All wanted to exploit its resources at the cost of Baloch people who remained deprived with little positive impact on their life, he said.

The prince who remained federal minister in military ruler Gen Ziaul Haq’s regime said: “My father Khan of Kalat had attached his autonomous state to that of Pakistan on the advice of the Quaid-i-Azam and in the hope that a big Islamic state was in the making, but after its coming into being, the Pakistan of the Quaid-i-Azam and Allama Iqbal was forgotten.

“Though we were a small state, we were content with whatever we had. Not only were we practising Islam but we also used to have a form of democracy in line with our Baloch traditions, but after joining Pakistan, we lost everything and were grossly neglected by the new state,” he said.

He recalled that a democratic government was dismissed in Balochistan in 1972 because everyone had set their sights on its resources and every ruler wanted to exploit its strategic position.

“Sometimes Baloch people were branded as traitors and foreign agents without producing any proof. But in spite of it we always talked about peace,” he said.

He said that from 1976 to 1999, the situation remained comparatively peaceful in the province but afterwards it went downhill. “Today we see use of force, mutilated bodies dumped in deserted places, even I could have got killed but let me make it clear that at present Baloch people are not at war but are staging protests and even those who have climbed to mountains tops are not engaged in fighting,” he said.

He said the objective of the protest was to draw the government’s attention and make it listen to them but, regretfully, no one was paying any heed to their cries. “If someone thinks Baloch organisations have vanished into thin air, he is mistaken. No doubt some Baloch leaders are abroad and others lie low within the country, but all resistance groups are part of Baloch nation and everyone has its sphere of influence,” he said.

In reply to a question the prince said the purpose of his press conference was to awaken the establishment in Lahore and Islamabad from their deep slumber and bring home to them the fact that Baloch people were not happy with the present situation. “Pakistan at present is passing through the worst crisis of its history. The country has not even a semblance of governance. Some say it is being ruled by people in uniform, others say people in black suits are running the affairs and yet others say people in civvies are real rulers,” he said.

He said that he did not recognise Nawaz Sharif as a true ruler because he did not have genuine authority. “He is merely a face of the establishment. In case of any change, such rulers will fly to the country where they have amassed their assets,” he remarked.

Published in Dawn, February 27th, 2015


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
Lolx atlast you failed to show single proof.
I am saying that no such protest ever happened in Baluchistan where people hold Modi's pic and Indian flag. The pic shown with few Baloch fighters holding Modi's and Baloch leaders pic are for propaganda purpose.


Regular Member
Nov 22, 2016
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Lolx ok show me any pic or clip in which a massive protest held in Baluchistan with indian flag & modi's pic in it .( by massive i mean thousands of protestors not 10 or 20 peoples)
I dont need a lecture i need a clearcut proof of your tall claims :)
Haha.. You keep doing lolx.. Because you don't have anything to say about Bangladesh atrocities..:megusta:
And also keep saying their is nothing happening in Baluchistan.. Until there Balochistan become separate country...

Also.. It's not only India who is raising issues of Balochistan... Even BBC news has covered story of it... And Al Jazeera also..

Al Jazeera World - Balochistan: Pakistan's other war via @YouTube

Balochistan: The untold story of Pakistan's other war - BBC News

@Kunal Biswas sir or others Maderator.. Plz move this and some other comments to Balochistan threads.


Regular Member
Nov 22, 2016
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Hah ! Dumb . read my text again .
Show me a single pic or clip of massive protest in Baluchistan in which indian flag & modi's pic are waved :) .
Yeah.. Just

Congratulations you just proved you are truly Pakistani. By your argument and wild fantasy about pm Modi..
BTW.. Read my comment before and if you understand it.. Tell me when did I say about Balochistani people waving Modi photo.. Stupid :blah:.. ..My argument was about atrocities in Balochistan and I provided link for the same.. :troll:


Senior Member
Nov 30, 2011
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One thing I must say. If she is for real then believe me she's real hot chick and several Jihadists would like sow their seeds in her orifice to produce Nanhe Jihadis. And for me tonight I can SHA AG on her.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Hey,back off!!You are talking about a woman here,so at least respect her dignity while doing so.Yup,I know that she's a paki but that doesn't give any of us a right to abuse or sexually harass her becuse we are way better than this,brother.

Hemu Vikram Aditya

Senior Member
Jan 18, 2017
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Hey,back off!!You are talking about a woman here,so at least respect her dignity while doing so.Yup,I know that she's a paki but that doesn't give any of us a right to abuse or sexually harass her becuse we are way better than this,brother.
He just complemented her by saying she is hot. And kindly read what she wrote on other threads before siding with this lady.


Senior Member
Nov 30, 2011
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He just complemented her by saying she is hot. And kindly read what she wrote on other threads before siding with this lady.
Mate,we should show a certain amount of chivalry to all the women out there irrespective of their country of origin.After all,this is what a true gentleman should behave in public,specially in front of ladies.


NRI in Europe
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2009
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One thing I must say. If she is for real then believe me she's real hot chick and several Jihadists would like sow their seeds in her orifice to produce Nanhe Jihadis. And for me tonight I can SHA AG on her.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
normally lcafanboy is ok but i think here he has crossed the line, unfortunately

to say that a "chick" is "hot" is ok ....but the rest of his post has clearly crossed the line

as he is normally well-behaved my vote is not to censure him

BUT im a surprised that MODS have allowed the post to stand without deleting parts of it

as a female member of dfi , i have to report it, in order to maintain standards, but like i said im generallly ok with lcafanboy as long as he doesnt repeat this sort of mistake


NRI in Europe
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2009
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Nao nao nao ....this isnt indian

there are better ways to express oneself

Other nations and cultures use bad language doesnt mean we ape them

this is india , not pak not whatever ....... we know how to show our anger and we know how to choose our words

please dont fall into the usa europe poor behaviour which never was in the 1950's, they were better in those days

we have a chance to avoid their fall in behaviour let's not go their way ....NIP IT IN THE BUD ....where are the moderators ? well this is a weekend so ok


NRI in Europe
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2009
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This chick here needs to go to the cesspool called PDF. They would cream her in less than a minute. Maybe she should go to Bharat Rakshak and teach PC culture there.
actually i have been to pakdef and they have been v polite
you can see my posts there ....same user name .... i asked some questions about hindi and urdu

anyway lets give the mods a chance to comeback from the weekend and see if any action will be taken

our hope is that they wont allow the forum to stink because of a few
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Senior Member
Mar 24, 2013
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normally lcafanboy is ok but i think here he has crossed the line, unfortunately

to say that a "chick" is "hot" is ok ....but the rest of his post has clearly crossed the line

as he is normally well-behaved my vote is not to censure him

BUT im a surprised that MODS have allowed the post to stand without deleting parts of it

as a female member of dfi , i have to report it, in order to maintain standards, but like i said im generallly ok with lcafanboy as long as he doesnt repeat this sort of mistake
Madam ji I respect every woman. But if someone insults my nation india and trolls us I am not going to stop myself. You should have seen her posts how insulting they were. Being a Sikh I know how to respect women but I also know how to defend my nation' s pride. All her posts are removed and she left the forum for good after seeing my post. Once again I am sorry for offending any fellow dfi member but it was necessary to teach a lesson to that jihadan troller.

My nation india come s first. Rest read my fellow dfi member @Spectribution post this is psyops and we as Indian s have to respond in a way to break the morale of such enemy trollers.
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