Potential Extra terrestrial objects/events - News & Discussions


Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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There is one Joe Rogan podcast with a scientist who worked at Area51, NASA, CIA etc. He says he has seen alien ships and advanced tech being researched which could not be explained with current science and physics.


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May 10, 2023
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Former Israeli space security chief says aliens exist, humanity not ready
Jews and aliens again. This rabbi went further and claimed Jews were aliens:


Even though he was using aliens as a metaphor for spirituality, the rabbi (Laitman) admits it is the job of Jews to go into foreign countries and look like the indigenous population (crypto behaviour) and influence them towards Jewish prophecy fulfilment.

So who actually popularised the alien visitation meme the most?



How about authors of other strange books about alien contact:



These loons will give up some truths amongst their deceptions. Let's find out about Swerdlow's great-uncle and first president of the Soviet Union:


Just another communist Jew. What about the silly UFO cult movements such as this guy who even used the Star of David:




End of part one due to attachment limitations....


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May 10, 2023
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Of course popular TV culture got in on the act with old Spock and his Vulcan salute:






Wonder how many people worldwide are cluelessly giving kabbalistic gestures everyday? Anyway the symbol actually resembles a goat's hoof:


Goats and Vulcan salutes....where have I seen that before?


Interesting fellow. He has another name, Baphomet:


Baphomet uses a different hand gesture and pentagram placement but we're still dealing with goats. Notice the artists name, he was a French Freemason gentile born Alphonse Louis who changed his name to sound Jewish. Interestingly, Baphomet gave rise to someone else whose devilish cult uses moon and star symbols:


End of part two due to attachment limitations.


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May 10, 2023
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Now of course the respectable scientific establishment couldn't go as far as people like Sitchin but they still put the possibility of alien contact in the minds of the general public:


Its a curious acronym Seti. Seti was the name adopted by some ancient Egyptian Pharaohs:



So who was Set?


Set was the god of foreigners. A foreigner is an alien. A curious anecdote however in earlier posts I have discussed how the proto-Jews or the Hyksos invaders of ancient Egypt worshipped....Set. So who promoted SETI to the public:


He just happened to be....


Of course Sagan is Nagas backwards, the nagas being serpentine beings in some Hindic philosophies. Serpents are often alternate symbols for the devilish ones shown above. I bring this up because the rabbi in part one spoke of Jews entering new countries disguised as the host population. So let's have a look at some nagas:


Daughter of the king of serpents. Did a Jewish woman exist with that name?


Yes, early Indian actresses actually were Jews influencing the culture towards liberalism much like Hollywood in the west.


Bollywood is a hotbed of muslims pretending to be the host population just like Jews in Hollywood.

End of part three


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May 10, 2023
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The so called face on Mars was, and sometimes still is, used as proof of aliens.


Notice the photo was taken in 1976. Modern photos do not show a face but curiously this comic came out in 1958:


The creator of the comic was:



The comics industry is uber Jewish but that's another thing most aren't aware of:


The Bible was written by Jews, Abrahamism is Jewish fantasy as are comics and the alien visitation narrative. We just looked at Cydonia, the region on Mars where we can find the face on Mars. What was Cydonia?


Sidonia was someone from Sidon. Where and who was Sidon?



Sidon was the great-grandson of Noah and was a Phoenician name originally. The Phoenicians are another proto-Jewish group like the Hyksos.


To be continued....


Regular Member
May 10, 2023
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Aliens travel in spaceships. Thousands of years ago aliens/foreigners travelled in regular ships like the Phoenicians or the British empire. Alien visitation narratives are simple metaphoric versions of maritime navigation. Even the Egyptians referred to space as the ocean in the sky whom the gods would travel in boats. Maritime navigation was a colonial endeavour, new "species" of alien/foreigner encountered by the colonialists were viewed as different races.

Shows like Star Trek wrapped an outerspace veil over the old colonial tradition. When Jewy Spock was giving his kabbalistic salute to influence whitey to "civilize" the universe we are seeing a simple metaphor for how the Jew influenced whitey to explore the earth and bring Abrahamic knowledge to foreigners. The Jew did this historically via the Church. Who did Jew Spock influence in Star Trek?

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What is a Kirk?


So in Star Trek, Kirk/Church with its Jewish advisor was "exploring" its surroundings in a ship. They would sometimes encounter other cultures who were reluctant to reform/convert/modernise etc. They wanted to cling on to their own culture. Cling on. How did Star Trek depict the villains?


Obviously metaphoric for the so-called backwards races colonial whitey encountered and subjugated because they wouldn't give up their cultures. Anyway what about the actor who played Kirk?


The wandering Jew is an alien indeed once you understand the symbolism behind this stuff. The rabbi in part one gave away some kabbalistic philosophy (shattering the vessels) which I won't go into now but this is all Maya - illusion, deception, narrative, metaphor to achieve another end.

That other end is effectively creating a world government led by the usual powers. World domination has always been at the heart of colonial endeavours. The alien visitation narrative meant that if earth faced an outerspace threat, it would have to form a world government to take on that threat. This was an idea deemed probably too far-fetched to work but the idea of a world threat to create a world government was continued and found its alien surrogate in climate change and was given a boost with the recent pandemic that "did not respect borders".

The Abrahamics have it firmly in their eschatology that the world of the future will be ruled by them. Another branch of the Abrahamics is Freemasonry and they have a lodge on the moon apparently:


I bring in the Masons because one of the most famous Freemasons of the 20th century was the British intelligence asset Aleister Crowley. He is the origin of the classical depiction of the alien grey:



Crowley claimed to be in contact with Lam, an entity depicted very similarly to alien greys.


He would create the secret society Ordo Templi Orientis or OTO. L. Ron Hubbard, who founded the religion/cult Scientology, was an admirer of Crowley. His religion claimed aliens came to earth millions of years ago and seeded life here. Hubbard's friend, the NASA scientist Jack Parsons, was a member of OTO.

This modern alien narrative is all an update of works by British propagandists such as H.G. Wells whose novel The War of the Worlds has been adapted into movies many times. Wells' other works dealt with creating a world government too. These literary works were outerspace versions of invasion literature which the British used to condition its population for war with Germany before the first World War and to setup Britain's secret services. They were political propaganda works just like the alien rubbish today:


These works were often ghostwritten by military officials to gain public support for a multitude of things the British government wanted to do. In other words they were manufacturing consent.


The west have an abundance of narratives out there to distract the public and dumb them down. I want to avoid going on further but you can easily discover how these occult groups are often intertwined with the secret services such as MI5 and the CIA, how the occult societies churn out books most likely ghostwritten by the intelligence agencies, how those same occult societies crafted the New Age movement - some of whom view aliens as gods and how the New Age appropriated Dharmic knowledge such as the Buddhist Maireya or the Hindu Sanat Kumara. This in turn cause the Abrahamics to label Dharmic philosophies as satanic - they claim Sanat = Satan. Its very fake wrestling world like creating these groups to oppose each other and discredit certain ideas. The New Age was a creation to discredit Dharmic principles. Its a rehash of how the churches had to stop a growing Indomania in Britain by diminishing Indian achievements:

Anyway that's all for now.


Senior Member
Aug 16, 2014
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Aliens travel in spaceships. Thousands of years ago aliens/foreigners travelled in regular ships like the Phoenicians or the British empire. Alien visitation narratives are simple metaphoric versions of maritime navigation. Even the Egyptians referred to space as the ocean in the sky whom the gods would travel in boats. Maritime navigation was a colonial endeavour, new "species" of alien/foreigner encountered by the colonialists were viewed as different races.

Shows like Star Trek wrapped an outerspace veil over the old colonial tradition. When Jewy Spock was giving his kabbalistic salute to influence whitey to "civilize" the universe we are seeing a simple metaphor for how the Jew influenced whitey to explore the earth and bring Abrahamic knowledge to foreigners. The Jew did this historically via the Church. Who did Jew Spock influence in Star Trek?

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What is a Kirk?

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So in Star Trek, Kirk/Church with its Jewish advisor was "exploring" its surroundings in a ship. They would sometimes encounter other cultures who were reluctant to reform/convert/modernise etc. They wanted to cling on to their own culture. Cling on. How did Star Trek depict the villains?

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Obviously metaphoric for the so-called backwards races colonial whitey encountered and subjugated because they wouldn't give up their cultures. Anyway what about the actor who played Kirk?

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The wandering Jew is an alien indeed once you understand the symbolism behind this stuff. The rabbi in part one gave away some kabbalistic philosophy (shattering the vessels) which I won't go into now but this is all Maya - illusion, deception, narrative, metaphor to achieve another end.

That other end is effectively creating a world government led by the usual powers. World domination has always been at the heart of colonial endeavours. The alien visitation narrative meant that if earth faced an outerspace threat, it would have to form a world government to take on that threat. This was an idea deemed probably too far-fetched to work but the idea of a world threat to create a world government was continued and found its alien surrogate in climate change and was given a boost with the recent pandemic that "did not respect borders".

The Abrahamics have it firmly in their eschatology that the world of the future will be ruled by them. Another branch of the Abrahamics is Freemasonry and they have a lodge on the moon apparently:

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I bring in the Masons because one of the most famous Freemasons of the 20th century was the British intelligence asset Aleister Crowley. He is the origin of the classical depiction of the alien grey:

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Crowley claimed to be in contact with Lam, an entity depicted very similarly to alien greys.

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He would create the secret society Ordo Templi Orientis or OTO. L. Ron Hubbard, who founded the religion/cult Scientology, was an admirer of Crowley. His religion claimed aliens came to earth millions of years ago and seeded life here. Hubbard's friend, the NASA scientist Jack Parsons, was a member of OTO.

This modern alien narrative is all an update of works by British propagandists such as H.G. Wells whose novel The War of the Worlds has been adapted into movies many times. Wells' other works dealt with creating a world government too. These literary works were outerspace versions of invasion literature which the British used to condition its population for war with Germany before the first World War and to setup Britain's secret services. They were political propaganda works just like the alien rubbish today:

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These works were often ghostwritten by military officials to gain public support for a multitude of things the British government wanted to do. In other words they were manufacturing consent.

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The west have an abundance of narratives out there to distract the public and dumb them down. I want to avoid going on further but you can easily discover how these occult groups are often intertwined with the secret services such as MI5 and the CIA, how the occult societies churn out books most likely ghostwritten by the intelligence agencies, how those same occult societies crafted the New Age movement - some of whom view aliens as gods and how the New Age appropriated Dharmic knowledge such as the Buddhist Maireya or the Hindu Sanat Kumara. This in turn cause the Abrahamics to label Dharmic philosophies as satanic - they claim Sanat = Satan. Its very fake wrestling world like creating these groups to oppose each other and discredit certain ideas. The New Age was a creation to discredit Dharmic principles. Its a rehash of how the churches had to stop a growing Indomania in Britain by diminishing Indian achievements:
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Anyway that's all for now.
Charan kahan hai apke Malik!


Senior Member
May 20, 2021
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@R1984 mate,

How many Marvel and DC superheroes were played by Jewish actors and actresses of Hollywood?


Regular Member
May 10, 2023
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@R1984 mate,

How many Marvel and DC superheroes were played by Jewish actors and actresses of Hollywood?
Some are of partial Jewish descent:


Iron Man/Robert Downey Jr
Ant-Man/Paul Rudd
Black Widow/Scarlet Johansson
Black Widow's mother/Rachel Weisz
Jane Foster/Natalie Portman
Hank Pym/Michael Douglas
Grandmaster/Jeff Goldblum
Happy Hogan/John Favreau
Pepper Potts/Gwyeneth Paltrow
Mysterio/Jake Gyllenhaal
Darcy Lewis/Kat Dennings
Yellow Jacket & MODOK/Corey Stoll
Wyatt Russell/US Agent
Talos/Ben Mendelsohn
Kate Bishop/Hailee Steinfeld

In addition MCU head Kevin Feige, who took over from fellow Jew Ike Perlmutter, is of the tribe as are directors James Gunn, Taika Waititi, Sam Raimi, Matt Shakman and Cate Shortland. Jake Shreier is due to direct Thunderbolts. Stan Lee featured in many films too and he was Jewish. There's other minor actors, producers and executives too. Disney, who own Marvel, are Jewish through and through.


Wonder Woman/Gal Gadot
Flash/Ezra Miller
Shazam/Zachary Levi (was also in the Thor movies)
Billy Batson/Asher Angel
Lex Luthor/Jesse Eisenberg
Rick Flag/Joel Kinnaman
Joker/Joaquin Phoenix
Steve Trevor/Chris Pine
Black Canary/Jurnee Smollett

DC are owned by Warner Brothers named after the Jewish brothers who founded the company. Hans Zimmer did a lot of the early music for DC.


Senior Member
May 20, 2021
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Some are of partial Jewish descent:


Iron Man/Robert Downey Jr
Ant-Man/Paul Rudd
Black Widow/Scarlet Johansson
Black Widow's mother/Rachel Weisz
Jane Foster/Natalie Portman
Hank Pym/Michael Douglas
Grandmaster/Jeff Goldblum
Happy Hogan/John Favreau
Pepper Potts/Gwyeneth Paltrow
Mysterio/Jake Gyllenhaal
Darcy Lewis/Kat Dennings
Yellow Jacket & MODOK/Corey Stoll
Wyatt Russell/US Agent
Talos/Ben Mendelsohn
Kate Bishop/Hailee Steinfeld

In addition MCU head Kevin Feige, who took over from fellow Jew Ike Perlmutter, is of the tribe as are directors James Gunn, Taika Waititi, Sam Raimi, Matt Shakman and Cate Shortland. Jake Shreier is due to direct Thunderbolts. Stan Lee featured in many films too and he was Jewish. There's other minor actors, producers and executives too. Disney, who own Marvel, are Jewish through and through.


Wonder Woman/Gal Gadot
Flash/Ezra Miller
Shazam/Zachary Levi (was also in the Thor movies)
Billy Batson/Asher Angel
Lex Luthor/Jesse Eisenberg
Rick Flag/Joel Kinnaman
Joker/Joaquin Phoenix
Steve Trevor/Chris Pine
Black Canary/Jurnee Smollett

DC are owned by Warner Brothers named after the Jewish brothers who founded the company. Hans Zimmer did a lot of the early music for DC.
Stan Lee was also Jew.


Regular Member
May 10, 2023
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Stan Lee was also Jew.
Yes, as mentioned:

In addition MCU head Kevin Feige, who took over from fellow Jew Ike Perlmutter, is of the tribe as are directors James Gunn, Taika Waititi, Sam Raimi, Matt Shakman and Cate Shortland. Jake Shreier is due to direct Thunderbolts. Stan Lee featured in many films too and he was Jewish. There's other minor actors, producers and executives too. Disney, who own Marvel, are Jewish through and through.


Regular Member
May 10, 2023
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So who was Set?

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Set was the god of foreigners. A foreigner is an alien. A curious anecdote however in earlier posts I have discussed how the proto-Jews or the Hyksos invaders of ancient Egypt worshipped....Set.
Set is actually still "worshipped" by a group setup by a US military officer:



I have previously discussed how you'll find intelligence agencies affiliated with setting these occult groups up and how works were often ghostwritten by intelligence officers for propaganda purposes so does it surprise anyone that the founder of the Temple of Set was a specialist in psychological warfare aka propaganda:


Now we've also seen how Aquino apparently split from the Satanist Anton LaVey. Well who was he?




LaVey was actually Levey aka Levi, a Jew. So its not just aliens these people keep pushing but also "Satanism". For the record I'm not saying Satan exists but that there is a concerted effort in the maintenance of belief in him because it ultimately reinforces Abrahamism.

What else was LaVey up to?


The Satanist claims he helped smuggle guns to Israel.

If we are aware of the Satanic panic of the late 20th century, we find this Jewish woman claiming her family were Satanists involved in child sacrifice on Oprah:

Amongst the claims of the ancient astronaut proponents is the use of an Old Testament story regarding interbreeding:


To cut a long story short, the sons of God are the sons of Seth. Seth was the third child of Adam and Eve who replaces the murdered Abel. Cain's descendants are the daughters of man, Seth's descendants are the sons of God. It is a racist supremacist story warning Jews not to interbreed with gentiles and is a remnant of an old Egyptian group known as the Suteans or Shasu or Habiru (Hebrews):


The deity Set murdered his brother Osiris. This is a common mythological motif known as fratricide. The Egyptian religion denounced Set and the Hyksos invaders who worshipped Set were proto-Jews. This possibly means the Egyptian narrative was reversed in biblical tradition to redeem Set as Seth after the fratricide of Abel by Cain. There was a Jewish gnostic group called the Sethians too and Aquino's little religion is also called Setian/Setianism.

What I'm getting at is that the narratives in popular culture regarding aliens, Satan etc are just rehashed Abrahamic myths. They're almost secularised versions and conform to what Aldous Huxley said about the use of mysteries to retain control of a population:


Its all a distraction to minimise revolt...

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