Ramayana: Ancient Indian Epic

Who was better?

  • Rama (and his cohorts)

    Votes: 18 81.8%
  • Ravana (and his cohorts)

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • I cannot pick a side.

    Votes: 2 9.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Feb 22, 2009
Vinod, do you mean the following shloka:
maa nishhaada pratiSThaamtva | magamaH shaashvatiiH samaaH |
yat krau~Ncha mithunaat eka | mavadhiiH kaama mohitam ||

It is supposed to contain entire ramayana.
Not this one. It was like:

-------------------------------, Lanka Puri dahanam
-------------------------------, ethadhi sri ramayanam

PS: OK, got it:

Aadau Rama Tapovanadi gamanam , hathva mrugam kaanchanam
Vaidehi haranam Jatayu maranam Sugreeva Sambhashanam,
Vali nirdalanam, samudra taranam lanka puri daahanam
Pashchad Ravana Kumbakarna hananam Yettaddi Ramayanam
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Feb 22, 2009
^^ I posted the complete shloka now.


Feb 22, 2009
I was told it is called "Sankshipt Ramayana" (abbridged Ramayana). Don't know the source. Let me check and get back.


On Vacation!
Super Mod
Apr 5, 2009
Not this one. It was like:

-------------------------------, Lanka Puri dahanam
-------------------------------, ethadhi sri ramayanam

PS: OK, got it:

Aadau Rama Tapovanadi gamanam , hathva mrugam kaanchanam
Vaidehi haranam Jatayu maranam Sugreeva Sambhashanam,
Vali nirdalanam, samudra taranam lanka puri daahanam
Pashchad Ravana Kumbakarna hananam Yettaddi Ramayanam
Sounds like telugu. :)


Feb 22, 2009
I think it is all sanskrit. I don't understand Telugu at all and I can understand this completely.


Feb 19, 2009
this is how the translation goes:

In the 2nd kaanda, i.e., the Ayodhyakaanda, we see “Aadau Rama Tapovanadi gamanam”, Rama leaving to the forest on 14 years exile accompanied by Sita and laxmana, to honor his father’s boon to Kaikeyi. Unable to bear this separation, the king reaches the heavenly abode. Bharatha on hearing the events is heartbroken. He rushes to Chitrakuta to placate Rama to return to Ayodhya. But disappointed, he returns to Ayodhya alone with lord Rama’s padukas. We shall hear the story in detail from Jaishreeji and Sureshji.

In the Aranyakaanda, we see Shurpanaka’s humiliation & “hatva mrugam kanchanam” the slaying of the illusive golden deer, followed by ‘Vaidehi haranam” abduction of sita by Ravana, & “Jatayu maranam“ the death of Jatayu at Ravana’s hands. Rama laments for Sita and is extremely grieved. Here ends Aranyakaanda,, which will be taken up in detail by Ushaji and Padmaji.

Kishkinda Kanda starts with “Sugreeva Sambhashanam,Vali nirdalanam”. Here Rama meets Sugreeva, forges a friendship with him & kills his brother Vali. Hanuman finds out the location of Sita, and prepares to take a gigantic leap to Lanka, wherein she is being kept as a prisoner. This is the gist of Kish Kintha, which will be explained in detail by Devarajanji and Laxmiji.

Samudra Taranam, Lanka puri Dahanam”. This forms one of the most beautiful kaandas, of Ramayana,the Sundara kaanda. Here we get to see the prowess of Lord Hanuman who takes a mighty leap to Lanka, conveys Lord Rama’s message to Sita and sets fire to the city of Lanka. He then returns to Rama and narrates the incidents occurring at Lanka, setting an end to Sundara kaanda which will be dealt by Soniaji.

Pashchaad Ravana Kumbarkarana hananam yettaddi Ramayanam”. We see now the onset of the last kaanda wherein Lord crosses the ocean, slays Ravana, Kumbakarna and rescues Sita. Then he returns to Ayodhya after the 14 years and is coronated as the king. Yuddha kaanda will be dealt by Anandiji and Usha Satyanji.

sounds sanskrit to me

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Mar 30, 2009
Some of the major avatars are:

1. Matsya, the fish, appeared in the Satya Yuga.

2. Kurma, the tortoise, appeared in the Satya Yuga.

3. Varaha, the boar, appeared in the Satya Yuga.

4. Narasimha, the half man/half lion appeared in the Satya Yuga.

5. Vamana, the dwarf, appeared in the Treta Yuga.

6. Parashurama, Rama with the axe, appeared in the Treta Yuga.

7. Rama, Ramachandra, the human prince and king of Ayodhya, appeared in the Treta Yuga.

8. Krishna: A complete avatar. He is revered as Jagadguru(teacher of the world) for giving Bhagadwad Gita.

9. Kalki: an avatar that is yet to come. It is supposed to come in Kali Yuga(we presently live in Kali Yuga).

Some people also consider Gautama Buddha to be an avatar of Sri Maha Vishnu.

I would like to correct this part. Even though a part of democratic country's military, I am personally a devout Hindu and would like to correct a small mistake here. The 9th Avatar of Bhagwan Vishnu is Gautama Buddha mainly. There are though not many but still prayers in Sanskrit in reverence to Lord Buddha. The other alternative form considered as the 9th Avatar is Balarama.


Senior Member
Apr 1, 2009
I would like to correct this part. Even though a part of democratic country's military, I am personally a devout Hindu and would like to correct a small mistake here. The 9th Avatar of Bhagwan Vishnu is Gautama Buddha mainly. There are though not many but still prayers in Sanskrit in reverence to Lord Buddha. The other alternative form considered as the 9th Avatar is Balarama.
Sir, I think there are different traditions. In some, traditions it is Lord Buddha, in some it is Balarama and in some it is Kalki.


Feb 22, 2009
Kalki is supposed to be the 10th Avatar, not 9th.

He is still to be born, at the end of the Kaliyug.


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2009
Orthodox Hindus, especially vaishnavas,consider Sri Balarama and Sri Krishna as the Eighth and Ninth avatar of Maha Vishnu respectively.During the early centuries of common era when the Baghavata cult was gaining prominence,the two heroes of Vrishni tribe, Vasudeva(who would be later referred as Krishna)and Balarama were equally revered and worshiped.Buddha's inclusion in the list( exclusion of balarama)is a late tradition,probably from the time of the later puranas(around 5th century CE)


Feb 22, 2009
From what I have read, Balarama is considered to be the avatar of "Sheshanaga" (the serpent god, Vishnu's roofing canopy), same is true for Laxman.


Senior Member
Apr 1, 2009
Ramayana Story Contd: Birth of Sri Rama

Jai Sri Ram

Dasharatha the emperor of Khoshala Kingdom was ruling in a perfect way making everyone in his kingdom happy. The people were both rich and dharmic. There was complete peace and prosperity alongwith dharmic way of life in Khosala. The success of the administration was due to the eight ministers of Dasharatha who were highly efficient and skilled, so the administration was transparent and unbiased. Everything was wonderful except one worry for the people of Khoshala and Emperor Dasharatha, the worry was that Dasharatha did not have any kids.

Every man is supposed to have three debts:
First debt is deva runam(divine debt). Deva Runam exists because every human is depending on devas(gods) in his day-to-day life. Humans depend on Varuna for rains, Vayu for winds...etc. So, people are indebted to Gods for timely rains, auspicious events...etc. This debt can be cleared by performing Yagams where havisu is given to devas(gods) through Agni Deva(fire), praying to god by visiting temples and performing other vedic rituals . Second debt is rishi runam(Rishi debt). Rishis have passed on great knowledge to humans through their works. This rishi debt can be cleared by reading/writing/teaching their works. For eg: I am indebted to Valmiki for Ramayana, I am clearing my Rishi debt by reading Ramayana.

Third debt is pitru runam(Ancestors debt). Every man is indebted to his parents for giving birth to him. This debt to parents can be cleared by giving birth to another child. A son is preferable because the son carries on the name of the Gotra(clan) forward, a son can also become putra.
A putra is a son who after the death of parents performs certain rites in a place named Gaya. Not every son is a putra, only that son who performs those rites after the death of parents so that the parents are eligible for a place in heaven is called putra. This should not be construed as encouraging one gender. Because the shastras also say that the parents of girl who do Kanyadaan(gift girl away in marriage) also go to heaven. Infact, it is said that those who do kanyadaan properly will get heaven, but not just them, 10 generations before them and 10 generations after them are also eligible for heaven. Thus a girl child is also a boon(infact, a bigger boon).

Anyway, there are these three debts. These three debts are also incurred by Dasharatha. But because he did not have kids, he could not clear his Pitru Runam, it also meant that he was not eligible for heaven. Thus Dasharatha decided to do Ashvamedha Yagam to clear his papam(bad karma) that was being a hindrance in begetting kids. Dasharatha on the advice of his minister Sumantra invited Rishi Shrunga to head the yagam. Ashva Medha yagam is performed only by Emperors. It is an extremely difficult yagam to perform. Once that yagam is started, it cannot be stopped in between. If it stops unfinished then it is said that great difficulties will befall the entire kingdom and the emperor.
Thus Ashvamedha Yagam was performed rarely. Rishi Shrunga was invited because he had great tapo shakti(meditation power). Rishi shrunga had done tapasya(meditation) for many years and hence his very presence would be auspicious to the yagam. His very presence would ensure the smooth conduct of the Yagam and eventual success of Yagam.

Dasharatha asked Rishi Shrunga for permission to start the Yagam. Rishi Shrunga gave the permission. Then Dasharatha informed his teachers(Vashishta) and puruhits. Then a horse(ashva) was unleashed. This horse would traverse the entire empire into different kingdoms. The horse must not be stopped by anyone. If it is stopped then it is a challenge for war towards Dasharatha. Dasharatha would himself have to lead the army and defeat the opponent and get back his horse. So, the horse would be accompanied by a small battalion of army. The horse would traverse in this way for one year. Till the horse returned the couple(Dasharatha and his elder wife Kaushalya) should not enter yagya vatika(place for conducting yagya). Meanwhile many other vedic events would go on for one year. Many visitors from many different countries all over the world would come to watch the yagam. All of them would have to be dined(anna danam) for that one year.
Dasharatha then told the following to his servants,"
We will have to employ lot of people for the smooth conduct of impending Yagam. So, employ old people, employ those people who had already attended other yagams and vedic rituals before, employ experts of vastu, employ dharmic people. Employ good managers, event organisers, and accountants. Employ builders to build temporary housing for the visitors, employ carpentors, employ actors and actresses, and employ labours. Employ those people who know shastras, employ those who follow shastras in their life.We will be having to dine all the visitors for one year till the yagam is being conducted. Different people will come for dining. People from both rural areas and urban areas will come. But be careful, dont look down upon the rural people. Give them more priority. People from different castes will come, so be careful, employ only those people at those dining places who do not succumb to anger and emotion. Take precautions so that flare ups do not happen. Also, many Kings have to be invited. Some kings have to be invited by personally going to their house, some kings have to be invited through emissaries, some kings have to be invited by messangers...etc. Sumantra, you should personally go to Mithila's King Janaka's house and invite him because he knows all shastras and has great respect for vedas. Similarly, go to Kashi King and invite him personally because he is my close friend. Also, go and invite and King of Kaikeyi, my father-in-law, along with his sons. Similarly, invite King of Anga personally.
Invite the Kings of old kingdoms Sindhu, Saurasthra and Saveera. Invite the Kings who rule the kingdoms of south." Thus Dasharatha gave many orders to ministers to invite many kings from around the world.
Meanwhile, eager visitors kept pouring into Ayodhya from all quarters of the country and around the world. Many Kings came to the Yagam. All the ingredients used in the yagam were brought and the yagam started. Many vedic programmes were being conducted along side for the one year. Finally, after one year, the horse that was left one year ago, returned. The yagya vatika was built at the banks of river Sarayu. In that Yagam, every ritual was being conducted exactly as the shastras had prescribed them. This was being supervised by Guru Vashishtha. Finally, havisu was given so that Indra was satiated.Then after that, many people dined. Many lakhs of Brahmanas dined, many lakhs of servants dined, many lakhs of sanyasis dined, and many lakhs of citizens dined. Many old people dined, many women dined, and many children dined. People who were well-dressed and decorated with ornaments like Mukut(headgear) and ear-rings made of gold were serving to all the people who dined there. These servers very polite. These words were being heard outside these dining stalls," eat, eat; do you want more; give them silk clothes;....etc". Only such words were heard but not one harsh word was heard in that place.All the people who ate there were extremely pleased with the food, hospitality, serving and politeness. With their heart's content and stomach's full, all those visitors gave ashirvaad(blessings) to the Dasharatha.
A agni kunda(place where fire is prayed to) was built in shape of Garuda(divine vehicle of Sri Maha Vishnu) in the position of descending on the earth with golden bricks. Then Kaushalya(the eldest queen of Dasharatha) would be required to kill that horse(that has traversed the entire earth for one year) with three small knives. While killing Kaushalya would have kill without any malice, fear or cruel feeling. Kaushalya did as prescribed in a patient manner. Then that night the dead body of horse would be laid down at a certain place. Kaushalya would have to sleep that night along side the dead body. Again, she should not get frustrated and be cheerful the whole night. Kaushalya did so.Then the next day, the horse's medha(brain) is removed and it is refined. Then it is heated in the fire while chanting some vedic mantras. At this time certain smoke comes out of it, this smoke must be breathed by Dasharatha, so as to remove his papam that was being the hindrance in his beggetting children. Then, Dasharatha would have to gift away his wives to ritwicks(priest who conduct yagam). Because the ritwicks do not accept wives, Dasharatha would have to give money and take back his wives. All this is part of the yagam. Hence, this yagam is extremely difficult perform. Dasharatha did all that.Once the yagam was over, Dasharatha gifted away his entire Kingdom to four ritwicks who conducted the yagam. This rule was put by none other than Brahma. So, Dasharatha did it. Then the ritwicks said,"O, great one, what should we do with this empire? Only you are capable of running it, so, please take it back." Thus, those ritwicks gave back the entire kingdom to Dasharatha.
Dasharatha, then, gifted to those ritwicks ten lakh cows,ten crores gold coins,and forty crores silver coins. To those brahmanas who had just come to watch the yagam, Dasharatha gave one crore gold coins.

Then Dasharatha turned to Rishi Shrunga and said thus,"O venerable sire, you have guided this yagam to success and now my papam that was being hindrance to me begetting progeny is removed. sire, now for the cause of begetting progeny, please head an appropriate ishti(a vedic ritual similar to yagam conducted after a yagam)."
Rishi Shrunga said,"I am telling to you, Dasharatha that you will have four sons who will increase your kula's reputation. I have thought about it and decided that you should perform putrakameshti prescribed in shashtras."

Havisu is the ghee(and other items) that is poured into yagam along with mantras. This havisu is received by the devas(gods). The havisu is also divided among devas in a certain manner. When a yagam is conducted, then all the devas come to receive their share of havisu. In the kali yuga, devas are not visible. In dwapara yuga, they were visible to only some. In treta yuga, devas(gods) were visible to everyone. Thus, when Dasharatha started doing putrakameshti, all the devas, gandharvas, siddhas, and Brahma came there to receive the havisu. All the devas were seated and Brahma was also seated. The devas were waiting to be called to receive havisu. Devas on seeing Brahma asked him,"Bhagwan, a rakshasa(demon) named Ravana after receiving boons from you, has started troubling and torturing everyone.
He has not left anyone in peace. He is troubling rishis, yakshas, gandharva and even weak brahmanas. No one is able to stop him because of the boons you granted to him. He has started ordering even the nature. Surya(sun), Marut(wind), Varuna(rain),and even Samudra(sea) are being commanded by him according to his wishes."

Then, Brahma said,"Yes,sons, I know, he is torturing everyone. He has not left alone anyone. He is troubling devas, gandharvas, kimpurushas, nagas, siddhas and yakshas. Ravana had performed a great tapa(meditation), so I had to give him a boon. But, there is a way out. Ravana had asked that day when I came before him after his tapasya(meditation) that he should not die in the hands of devas, gandharvas, siddhas, kimpurushas, kinneras, nagas, and asuras(demons). He did not mention naras(men) and vanaras(half-men). He did not forget them, he did not mention them because of deep disrespect towards those races. He underestimates their prowess. So, a human can kill Ravana."

Suddenly at that time, Sri Maha Vishnu appeared at that place. Sri Maha Vishnu appeared along with a divine counch(shanka) and disc(chakra). On seeing Vishnu, everyone rised and started praying to Sri Maha Vishnu. Then devas requested Sri Maha Vishnu thus," Bhagwan, you are a great one. You have always saved us when we were in trouble in the past. Today, also you are our refuge. So, you must take a birth as a human. This Dasharatha is a dharmic emperor, his wives are well natured and mild mannered. You must take the avatar as a man being taking birth as a son of Dasharatha and his queens. Please bless us and help us."

Before we go further, I will have to mention one thing. Sri Maha Vishnu will not just kill Ravana because devas requested. In Bhagavatham, Vishnu gives conditions on which he will kill someone. Vishnu says,"When someone starts troubling/misbehaving/torturing/criticizing with sudha sadhu(those who harm no one and are living by complete belief in me), devas, vipras(those who study vedas and are living as vedas prescribe), cows, vedas and finally me, then once the threshold is crossed, I will kill that person." Also, when Vishnu kills, he does not do so out of anger but he does so the same way a surgeon removes a rotten part that threatens to harm the rest of the body. So, when Vishnu kills it is out of love and kindness and not anger.

So now Sri Maha Vishnu replied to devas' request thus, "I will kill Ravana because he is frightening and torturing everyone without reason. I will kill Ravana along with his sons, brothers, army, relatives, friends and allies. Then, I will live and rule this earth for 11000 years. I will prove that humans are not as weak as the arrogant Ravana assumes. I will live a perfect human's life. I will be born as the son of Dasharatha." Then devas said,"Bhagwan, once you have killed Ravana and his supporters, please come to heaven." Vishnu agreed. Thus, there were two objectives of Rama avatar: One was to killl Ravana once he crossed a threshold by committing the sins mentioned in the paragraph before. Second objective was to live the life like a human being in a perfect manner so as to prove that a human being is not weak and is capable of achieving great things life without going away from the path of Dharma. That was the reason, Rama went to forest and bore many other sorrows in his avatar. Otherwise, if the only objective was to kill Ravana, then it could have been done very quickly without much fuss or effort.

Then Dasharatha started putrakameshti and gave havisu to all the devas. Suddenly, a great figure appeared in the fire(agni). It was huge like a mountain, he was red in colour. He was dressed in red and black dress. His face was shining bright. He had a huge moustache. He had huge eyes. He was holding a golden bowl which was covered with a silver plate. He came out of the fire. Everyone in that assembly was astonished and watched him. His voice echoed like a drum. Then he spoke to Dasharatha thus," This payasam(a food dish) created by devatas(gods). Receive it, you will get kids, fortune and prosperity. Give it to your favourite queens. You will beget kids."
Dasharatha was pleased to hear it. Then he he circumabulated that figure, and received the payasam. The figure vanished. Dasharatha halved the payasam and gave it to his eldest queen Kaushalya. Kaushalya ate it. Then he halved the remaining half and gave it to his another queen Sumitra. Then Dasharatha halved the remaining part again and gave one part to Sumitra and gave the rest to another queen Kaikeyi. All the three queens ate the payasam.

Meanwhile, Brahma called all the devas to his lokam(world) and said," Vishnu will be born as human by the name of Rama to kill Ravana. But along with Ravana, several other rakshas(demons) have to be eliminated. You all have to create beings who possess your powers in vanara(half-human) race to support Ramachandra. I have already created a vanara named Jambavantha before. You all do the same." A vanara named Vali was born with Indra's powers, a vanara named Sugreeva was born with Surya(sun)'s powers, Tara was born with Brihaspathi's powers, Gandhamadana was born with Kubera's powers, Nala was born was born with Vishwakarma's powers(Vishwakarma is a divine engineer/architect who builds cities for devas, Nala who is born with his powers builds the famous Ramasethu in Ramayana.),Neela was born with powers of Agni, Mainda and Divida were born with powers of Ashwini devas, Sushena was born with powers of Varuna, Sharaba was born with powers of Parjanya, Hanuman was born with powers of Vayu. Hanuman was most mighty of all these vanaras, who is also the first devotee of Rama, who has extra-ordinary intellect was born with powers of Vayu. Thus, many crores of vanaras were created.

All these vanaras were endowed with great physical might, courage and beauty. These vanaras had the power to play with mountains, they can jump more than 100 yojanas(1yojana is about 8 KM), they can jump and touch the clouds with their hands, they can fight with elephants in forests, they can fight with ferocious animals and kill them, they have the power to uproot huge trees, they can use their nails, teeth, elbows, knees and hands to kill their opponents in a fight, they know the use of all the astras(weapons with mantras) and sh'stras(weapons). They can move on earth, sky and water.Meanwhile, Dasharatha who had divided the divine payasam and distributed it to his queens was waiting eagerly for the birth of his kids. Yagam was completed and Dasharatha returned to his palace. All the visitors who wore the dresses gifted by Dasharatha went back to their places pleased with the hospitality.
After one year, in Chaitra(an indian month) month on the navami(ninth), at Karkataka lagnam punarvasu nakshatram(an indian astronomical time) when five astronomical planets like kuja, chandra, surya..etc were at their high point(supposedly an auspicious time), Sri Maha Vishnu himself who is prayed to by whole world was born to Kaushalya as the eldest son of Dasharatha. At his birth, all the devas were pleased and made divine noises to convey their happiness. Both the mother Kaushalya and her son were glowing divinely. Kaikeyi gave birth to a son who would be later named Bharatha. Then two sons were born to Sumitra. Thus Rama was born first, then Bharata, then Lakshmana and lastly Shatrughna. Devas were extremely happy with this occurance and flowers were dropped from heavens. Apsaras(divine dancers) danced in the sky. Divine drums were beaten in the skies. Everyone in the kingdom of Khosala was happy and overjoyed. Everyone celebrated as if a child was born in their own home. Even the visitors and tourists joined in. Dancers danced, actors entertained, there were celebrations at every place in the kingdom. Dasharathadonated and gifted away many cows and riches to the needy and deserving. After eleven days,Dasharatha requested the kula guru(teacher of family) and purohith(priest) Vashishta to give names the newborns. Vashishta named the eldest son as Rama so that it is easily pronouncable to all and sundry because the name had the power to take away the troubles of the people. Rama is made of two beeja(seed) aksharas(alphabets): Ra and Ma. One is agni(fire) beeja akshara and the other is amrutha beeja akshara. One beeja aksharam is from ashtakshari maha mantram(om namo bhagvate vasudevaya) and one beeja askharam is from panchakshri maha mantram(om namah shivaya). This name thus derives great power which can give immediate relief to anyone who utters it. Vashishta took great care so that the name is easy for everyone to pronounce it. Thus the name Rama came into existance. Thus Vashishta named the son of Kaushalya as Rama, then he named the eldest son of Sumitra as Lakshmana, then he named the son of Kaikeyi as Bharata and the youngest child of Sumitra and Dasharatha was named Shatrughna.

Jai Sri Ram

To be Contd...(Next Episode is Introduction of Vishwamitra and killing of Tataka)
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Senior Member
Apr 1, 2009
Sita Ramula Kalyanam, Bhadrachalam, 2010.

On the auspicious occasion of Sri Rama Navami, in Bhadrachalam(famous as Ayodhya of south), Andhra Pradesh, Sita Rama Kalyanam(marriage) was conducted magnificently. Here's the video:

Sri Rama Navami is actually the birthday of Sri Rama and is celebrated with great joy across India. But in down south, specifically, Telugus celebrate Sri Rama Navami by conducting the marriage ceremony of Sri Rama and Sita. It is said that the date of marriage of Rama and his birthday are both same. Thus, while the north celebrates the birthday of Rama on Ramanavami, the south celebrates his marriage anniversary. The marriage of Rama and Sita is conducted in the pure telugu style(which coincides closely with the marriage as prescribed by Vedas). This tradition has been started by a certain devotee named Kancharla Goppanna.
The legend goes that Kancharla Goppanna was appointed as the collector of Bhadrachalam by Nawab of Hyd, Tanisha. Before that a tribal lady had found an idol of Rama, Sita and Lakshmana and was worshipping it. But the idol had no temple. Later, when Goppanna came to Bhadrachalam, he built a temple for the Rama by collecting funds. He also dedicated a few jewelleries to Rama and Sita. These jewelleries were made with the collected fund as well. Goppanna for his devotion to lord Rama came to be known as Ramadas(servant of Rama).
Some courtiers in the Hyderabad Nawab's court had malice towards Ramadas, they misinformed the Nawab Tanisha that Ramadas had misused the Govt Funds to built the temple. Nawab was angered and punished Ramadas with rigorous jail punishment in Golconda fort. In the jail, Ramadas wrote many heart wrenching renditions devoted to lord Rama.
Then, one day Tanisha saw a strange dream. In his dream two soldiers appeared before Tanisha and told him that they had come to pay the money that Ramadas owes to him. Tanisha laughed at the two soldiers' words, the amount was huge and the soldiers would hardly afford that money. Tanisha told them so. Then the elder one among the two soldiers ordered his younger mate to give the money to the Nawab. The younger soldier took out a purse and started pouring gold coins from it. Suddenly, Nawab Tanisha woke up. He realised he was just dreaming, he saw that there were no soldiers around. But....to his great surprise there were indeed lot of gold coins on the ground. Nawab inspected them and found that those coins were not of his era and had markings of Rama. Nawab immediately released Ramadas from jail and also donated money to the temple in Bhadrachalam. He himself used to bring clothes on the occasion of Sita Rama Kalyanam(marriage) on Sri Ramanavami to show his respect.
That is the legend. Even to this day that tradition is followed. The Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, himself brings clothes for Rama and Sita to show respect at marriage ceremony on Ramanavami. This year, CM of AP, Rosiah had the honour of carrying forward this tradition.

Carnatic music mostly consists of renditions from three stalwarts. One of those stalwarts is none other than Ramadas. The other two are Annamayya and Tyagaraja.
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Senior Member
Apr 1, 2009
The 9th Avatar of Bhagwan Vishnu is Gautama Buddha mainly. There are though not many but still prayers in Sanskrit in reverence to Lord Buddha. The other alternative form considered as the 9th Avatar is Balarama.
Sir, recently I heard from a knowledgeble person about this matter. He told that one of the avatars of Vishnu is indeed Buddha but not Gautama Buddha. It seems there was an avatar of Vishnu mentioned in Puranas named Buddha. He had taken the avatar to eliminate a certain set of Rakshasas(demons) and humans who were doing papams(sins) but they also had huge account of punyams(good karma) because they used to perform lot of vedic rituals like yagams, building temples...etc. So, the lord Vishnu took a avatar named Buddha. Buddha spread a false religion that condemned the vedas and prescribed an alternate method. That religion soon became popular and even these Rakshasas and humans converted to this new religion. Once they converted, their account of punyams became empty and they were killed by Buddha. Thus freeing the earth from such sinful people.


Feb 22, 2009
Another viewpoint:

The Buddha Avatar

It is well known that the Buddha is one of the avatars of Vishnu. What is not so well known is that this avatar is not about the historical personage known to the Buddhist faith. This is something else altogether, a peculiar attempt at cooption which took the form of a badly designed myth. Buddhism was driven out of the land of its birth and rendered almost extinct there too, but the sheer greatness of the Buddha required a cultural adjustment, if not downright assimilation. It was an intolerable humiliation if such greatness was not somehow part of the Great Tradition and remained forever as a powerful heresy that actually reduced the mother faith to a minority status for a while. The inclusion of the Buddha in the avatar cycle was a somewhat confused attempt to include aspects of spirituality that had seemed to have had bypassed the Hindu Weltanschauung.

The avatar story as it exists in the texts is unique in that it is not a grand narrative as are the other avatar stories. There is more than a modicum of sheer embarrassment at the nature of this engulfing invented narrative. The Bhagvata Purana, for instance, has only four paragraphs devoted to the most important avatar ever known to India after Krishna. It is not even a myth, for the nature of a myth is that it is rarely real but always true. This is an afterthought, an alternative explanation for a faith that swept the land and was reabsorbed only by integrating all its features to the extent that the man who contributed the most to the process of re-establishing the intellectual dominance and popularity of Hinduism, Adi Shankara, was called a hidden Budhhist. The Buddha was too important, too influential and too obviously a genuine spiritual giant to be disregarded - once the faith itself was rendered sterile. Only by making Buddha an avatar of Vishnu could any backsliding be prevented.

The stories about Buddha are simple and also, alas, somewhat insulting, reflecting as they do the medieval degeneracy of intellect in India that could not rise above such productions. The core narrative usually goes something like this. Danavas and daityas, demon enemies of the gods, had gained supremacy over the sacred cities of the earth through their exemplary moral conduct and control of the fire sacrifices. (Moral conduct is following the rules of theology, not genuine goodness, which explains why the demons often had an advantage.) To win back the supremacy of the gods, Vishnu incarnates on earth as the Buddha and preaches a doctrine that there is no soul, fire sacrifices and other sacred rituals are useless, the Vedas just priestly scribbling, the caste system a useless contrivance, while the body is supreme and should be indulged as there is no life after death. Convinced by these pleasurable doctrines, the demons sin often and mightily, fall from grace, and the old religion was reinstated with relief by a people who were ostensibly yearning for it all the while. In some other versions, notably the Skanda Purana, Vishnu resorts to this trickery to get back the sacred city of Kashi for Shiva, who had been driven from it by the unbearable power of austerities practiced by the King Divodasa.

In yet another version in the Shiva Purana, the Buddha is an incarnation of the sage Gautama. This worthy was too saintly and great for his jealous Brahmin neighbors to bear with equanimity and they conspired to drive him away on a false charge of cow slaughter. The angry Gautama retaliated by propagating a faith that smashed Brahmanical privileges and reduced their social influence drastically. This is an attempt to explain away the phenomenon that was the Buddha, by playing with the similarity in names, for the Buddha's original name was Siddhartha Gautama. It also grimly concedes a ressal fallout of the Buddhist faith, the Brahmins came very close indeed to being marginalized forever.

It is worth recording here that the Swami Vivekananda, who was indulgently tickled by all alternative versions of sacred stories in India, used to lose his temper when ever he considered what had been done to the Buddha's life -going so far as to say that the Hindus were the real demons for making up such scandalous tales about the greatest religious figure India had for many thousands of years. Such tales were Hinduism's backhanded compliment to the greatest man to ever arise from within its body and offer a credible challenge with an alternative viewpoint of spirituality. The Buddha remained an inexplicable, perpetually threatening counterpoint to the Great Tradition until he was covered over by the obscuring mass of the mythology of Vishnu. Most Hindus today are innocently unaware of these developments and really believe, in total sincerity, that the Tathagatha of the Sangha is identical to the avatar of Vishnu.


Senior Member
Apr 1, 2009
Vinodji, I think the author wants us to believe that Hinduism was desperate to assimilate Gautama Buddha into the pantheon of gods. But why? Why couldnt Gautama Buddha be simply ignored by Hinduism? Author gives no answer.Frankly the author is alleging Puranas with a subterfuge without any proper backup. His only building block for this entire theory is that to him the explanation of the avatar is not 'good narrative'. This is most juvenile kind of analysis.
I would give a benefit of doubt to Hinduism and Puranas here and say that it is entirely possible that there may have been another Buddha before Gautama Buddha. Buddha means someone who has attained eternal wisdom. It is always possible that many people may have claimed to be Buddhas in their time and age. Gautama Buddha happened to be one of the more famous ones, doesnt mean he is the only one.
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