Turkey - News & Discussions

Tactical Doge

𝕱𝖔𝖔𝖑𝖘 𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖍 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑𝖘 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖗
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Aug 28, 2019
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A growing alliance of Islamophobes looks to lobby governments - TRT WORLD

The day after the global financing watchdog, Financial Action Task Force (FATF), added Turkey to its revised list of “jurisdictions under increased monitoring,” joining Pakistan and 21 other countries on what it calls its “grey list,” the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) posted an eyebrow-raising tweet.

“Retweet if you’re Indian, Armenian, Greek, Kurdish or Hindu, Chinese, Jewish or Muslim, or if you’re pleased to see Pakistan and Turkey held accountable for fostering hatred and financing terrorism,” tweeted ANCA on October 22.

More curious still were the inclusions of banners belonging to the Hindu American Foundation (HAF), a Hindu nationalist organization with ties to Hindu supremacist paramilitary outfit Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS); and Middle East Forum (MEF), a pro-Israel group described by the Southern Poverty Law Centre (SPLC) as an “anti-Muslim think tank.”

While commentators have pointed to the formation of an “Islamophobic Alliance” between supporters of the Israeli and Indian governments – which have become united in their respective subjugation of Muslim populations – with the latter taking a leaf out of the former’s international lobbying strategies, as observed by TRT World earlier this year, the inclusion of a pro-Armenian activist organization makes this alliance a triumvirate.

These groups have been feverishly working together to oppose Turkey and Pakistan, wherever and whenever it can, and with help from whomever. A recent press release was issued by HAF in support of a US congressional investigation into Turkey’s drone program and sale of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to Pakistan and several other countries.

“Turkey’s increasingly destabilizing role, from North Africa to the Middle East, to the South Caucasus, and to South Asia, poses a clear and direct threat to the US, our interests, and to our allies and strategic partners like India, the largest democracy in the world,” stated HAF.

“Turkish-Pakistani-Russian joint production of combat UAVs should alarm democracies around the world, and with the recent drone strikes in Kashmir the last two weeks, the addition of Turkish combat UAVs combined with Pakistan’s existing jihadi ground forces poses a real threat and would be a toxic mix for America’s ally India.”

HAF said its remarks are shared and supported by MEF and ANCA, along with the Hellenic American Leadership Association (HALC), In Defence of Christians (IDC), and American Friends of Kurdistan.

Turkey has become a target for Hindu nationalist groups because of its close ties to Pakistan and China, and the willingness of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to call out India’s human rights abuses against Muslims in India and Kashmir, including his recent address to the United Nations General Assembly, where he restated his commitment to “solving the ongoing problem in Kashmir…within the framework of relevant UN resolutions.”

What really struck Hindu nationalist sensibilities hard, however, was Erdogan’s scathing indictment of the Indian government for its role in inciting the 2020 Delhi Riots, which left more than 50 Muslims dead.

“India right now has become a country where massacres are widespread. What massacres? Massacres of Muslims. By who? Hindus" said the Turkish president during a speech in Ankara last year.

Essentially, this Hindutva-Armenian-Zionist triumvirate aims to fulfill several objectives, including pressuring the US and European Union into sanctioning Turkey and Pakistan; normalizing India’s revocation of Kashmir’s semi-autonomous status; weaponizing “Hinduphobia” against anti-Indian government opponents the same way pro-Israel groups have used bogus charges of anti-Semitism against their critics; providing diplomatic cover for Israel’s human rights violations in the occupied Palestinian Territories.

This nexus hit the ground running last year, when the pro-Israel and anti-Muslim hate group MEF launched a “smear campaign” against the secular and pluralist US-based advocacy group Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC) by baselessly accusing it of having ties to “violent and extremist” groups and peddling “Hinduphobia,” a smokescreen used by Hindu nationalists.

“The term [Hinduphobia], and the violent rhetoric employed by Hindutva supporters, is built on misinformation and fear, which are classic tools of fascism everywhere,” says Shreena Gandhi, an assistant professor of religious studies at Michigan State University.

IAMC responded to these baseless and transparent allegations by pointing to the fact that not only has MEF been identified by SPLC and the Centre for American Progress as an “anti-Muslim hate group,” but also it and its founder Daniel Pipes were cited 16 times in the manifesto of Anders Breivik, the far-right extremist who murdered 77 Norwegian students and teachers in 2012.

“The pathetic attacks published in a barely known online publication are laughable for their sheer absurdity. However, they also demonstrate the desperation of Hindu nationalist front organizations in the US to besmirch IAMC, even at the expense of collaborating with racist and xenophobic organizations like MEF that have zero credibility,” said Mr. Rasheed Ahmed, Executive Director of IAMC.

More recently, MEF, HAF, and ANCA have been working together to block the sale of F-16 fighter jets and drone technology to Turkey, and arms to Ankara-backed Azerbaijani Armed Forces, while also calling for sanctions against Turkish Airlines and Pakistan.

“Under President Erdogan, Turkey has increasingly become an ally-in-name-only, using their NATO membership as a shield to blunt criticism, more than acting as a true ally,” said MEF Washington Project Director Cliff Smith, accusing Ankara of fostering closer relations with Russia at the expense of Israel.

This gathering of pro-Indian government, pro-Israel and pro-Armenian groups is not only an alarming revelation but also damning, showing how nefarious anti-Muslim forces are coalescing to advance policies that negatively affect Muslim communities and Muslim majority countries in order to advance Hindutva, Zionist and Armenian interests.


This Werleman (seems like a Liberal clown high on Islamist money) dude seems to be on some high-quality stuff from Afghanistan. But he's quoted a lot of sources that point towards some real work being done in this regard.

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Israel, India, and the Islamophobic Alliance - TRT

I didn't know that Hindu, Armenian & Jewish lobbies were working collectively against the new MiaKhalifa. 😁


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2021
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Who is Jaby Koay?
A cringy gora Youtuber who does "reaction videos" on Indian cinema and webseries with subtitles, and the insecure Desi audience goes all gaga in the comments trying to explain him(and one or two chicas besides him) the context. He then draws dumb parallels with the movies in the West and the small hearts of his viewers feel big after gora sahib validation. He actually has a fan base in India😂.


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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A cringy gora Youtuber who does "reaction videos" on Indian cinema and webseries with subtitles, and the insecure Desi audience goes all gaga in the comments trying to explain him(and one or two chicas besides him) the context. He then draws dumb parallels with the movies in the West and the small hearts of his viewers feel big after gora sahib validation. He actually has a fan base in India😂.
Reaction videos?? Sorry, sounds Greek to me. Wow.... that sounds like a major insecure crowd that we have within.

As for Turkey, I think there are a few other wannabe mascots on the same theme Khaled Baydoun and Ali Keskin. Hardcore jihadist journalists who masquerade as messiahs of peace using Fakestine & J&K UT examples.

Erdogan has increased funding in Turkish-backed foundations that are further brainwashing Muslim denizens of India. Not to mention a lot of money going into investing in the legendary 5th columnist activists like Bollywood.


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Azerbaijan to buy Hurkus trainer and drones?

Turkish speed of exports and domestic induction is just impressive. We can pick up a lot.

NO doubt. Despite their economic woes, confrontational international foreign policy & short-sighted view of the world, their domestic military industry is inducting and exporting potent weapons platforms.

While Chinese Wing Loong drones have failed, Bayraktar TB2s have proven their mettle.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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we know that popular opinion is that emperor erdagon's policies are responsible for depreciation of lira.
but coincidentally it is also the case that lira never recovered since Turkey signed S400 deal on 29 Dec 2017.


Screenshot 2021-12-16 at 4.46.06 PM.png

Screenshot 2021-12-16 at 4.42.09 PM.png

JUST IN: Turkey's Lira has fallen by around 5% against the US Dollar amid interest rate cut.



Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Let's put things into proper perspective about Turkey's inflation woes of Turkey from The Hindu... before crazy ideas start filling the gap...

The Hindu
Explainer | What led to Turkey’s currency crisis?

Why is the lira losing value so rapidly?

The value of any currency or any good for that matter depends on, among other factors, how scarce it is compared to other things. For example, if there is an unlimited supply of liras in the market but only a limited supply of food, each lira will buy you very little food. The same logic applies when we compare currencies. The supply of Turkish liras in the market has been rising rapidly when compared to relatively harder currencies like the U.S. dollar. According to World Bank data, Turkey’s broad money supply rose by about three and a half times between 2014 and 2020 while broad money supply in the U.S. rose by around 50% during the same period. Not surprisingly, this has caused the value of the Turkish lira to drop against the U.S. dollar.

The demand for a currency too can affect its value. Turkey has one of the largest current account deficits in the world, which means that the value of its imports is much larger than the value of its exports. The country has traditionally depended on foreign investment to fund the gap between imports and exports. But foreign investors who help fund the current account deficit generally want some degree of certainty about the exchange rate. This is because their business projections depend heavily on what the exchange rate will be in the future when they try to convert their money back to dollars. As the Turkish central bank becomes erratic in how it regulates the supply of liras, the exchange value of the lira has become increasingly unpredictable. So, foreign investors have become reluctant to purchase liras to invest in Turkey, which in turn has led to a drop in the demand for the currency.

What has caused the rapid rise in the supply of liras?

Mr. Erdogan’s unconventional monetary policy beliefs have been the main culprit behind the rising supply of the lia. The Turkish President has been a fan of low interest rates, which he thinks is crucial to boosting economic growth and bringing down inflation
. It should be noted that the central bank influences interest rates by regulating the money supply. To lower interest rates, it flushes the loan market with fresh money so that the price of bonds and other forms of debt increases (thus pushing down their yield). This in turn causes the overall money supply and hence prices to rise.

Many economists do advocate the lowering of interest rates when they believe the economy is not operating at its full capacity. This is since they believe that prices are sticky downward and that the central bank can trick people into accepting lower real wages by devaluing the currency. But once an economy reaches its full capacity, economists argue, any further lowering of interest rates will only cause inflation. Mr. Erdogan, however, seems to believe that no amount of lowering of interest rates will cause prices to rise. In fact, he has argued that high interest rates are the reason prices in the economy rise as they add to costs. His regime also believes that low interest rates will bring down inflation by boosting growth which increases the supply of goods. So, according to Mr. Erdogan’s logic, a central bank can print unlimited amounts of currency and still avoid hyperinflation by sufficiently boosting growth.

Mr. Erdogan believes so much in the power of low interest rates that he has removed three central bank chiefs since 2019 because they tried to raise interest rates to boost the value of the lira. The current central bank chief has cut interest rates and has even gone on record to defend his decision to cut interest rates despite high inflation. Turkey’s official data suggest that the country’s inflation rate is at around 20% while unofficial estimates peg the inflation rate at 40%. This has led to serious doubts about the independence of the Turkish central bank and caused people to lose confidence in the lira.



Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Turkey is now choosing to publish articles by muslim cultural scholars in India. Wonder what happened to the Ummah

India-Turkey: Bound together by Sufi connection

While visiting Turkey’s spiritual sites, one would be surprised to encounter the omnipresence of a book called “Mektubat-ı Rabbani,” the collection of letters of the famous 16th-century Indian Sufi, Ahmad al-Faruq al-Sirhindi, also known as Imam Rabbani (1564–1624). Why did an Indian Sufi become so popular in Turkey?

The records of heavy traffic of Sufi travelers between India and Turkey between the 14th to 19th centuries explain why and how Istanbul and other Ottoman cities became centers for Indian Sufis. According to Christopher D. Bahl, assistant professor at Durham University, among the earlier Islamic scholarly texts brought to Istanbul, there are the works of al-Muḥammad al-Damamini (d. 1424) and Shihab al-Din al-Dawlatabadi (d. 1445). However, the Sufi networks had started spreading from the time of the Delhi Sultanate, an Islamic empire based in modern India’s Delhi that stretched over large parts of the Indian subcontinent for 320 years (1206–1526).

A journey of interaction
Throughout history, the cultural exchanges between Muslims and Hindus were observed. While Hindu scriptures became a point of scholarly debate among Muslim Sufis, several important scriptures and popular works were translated from Sanskrit to Persian and Arabic. Based on Islamic sources and principles, Indian Sufis however established their own schools, which also became popular in modern Syria’s Aleppo, modern Iraq’s Baghdad, modern Turkey’s Istanbul and Edirne, even modern Bulgaria’s Sofia and modern Kosovo’s Prizren. The very Sufi centers are known as “tekke” in Turkish or “takiya” in Urdu.

What archives say

There are nearly 150-200 Ottoman-era archives that mention the presence of Indian Sufis in Ottoman cities. According to the earliest reference of the Indian tekkes, in 1581, Indian Sufis arrived in the Bulgarian cities of Sofia and Pazardzhik (Pazarcık) and were generously supported by the Ottoman sultans. For example, the Indian Sufi circles were active in the former Ottoman capital of Bursa, located in today’s western Turkey, and Üsküdar, a historical district of Istanbul. They remained active for more than two centuries and helped the spread of the Sufi order across the region.

For example, one of the most well-known tekkes in Istanbul is the Horhor tekke in Üsküdar, which has recently been renovated. Some Mughal and other Indian diplomatic missions acknowledged the Horhor tekke. Imam Muhammed Serdar was a member of the diplomatic delegation of Tipu Sultan, ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore based in South India in the 18th century, and had stayed at this tekke where he was buried after he died. Buta Singh Uppal, later known as Maulana Ubaidullah Sindhi, a great freedom fighter for India’s independence, also used to stay at the Horhor tekke to consult with Turkish politicians and Abdur Rahman Peshawari, or Abdurrahman Bey, who would later be known as the Indian freedom fighter in Turkey. Abdurrahman Bey had convinced Sindhi about the reforms undertaken by Turkey’s founding leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.

Imam Rabbani’s popularity
The background of Imam Rabbani’s popularity is no less interesting. Here are some anecdotes from his lifetime according to Ottoman archives.

The Baghdad-based famous Sufi Khalid-i Shahrazuri met the Indian traveler and spiritual seeker Mirza Rahimullah Azimabadi, who told him about Imam Rabbani and his disciple Abdullah Dihlevi. Shahrazuri took no time in visiting Delhi in 1809 and attended the circles of Imam Rabbani’s disciples, especially of Dihlevi. He spent more than a year learning the teachings of Imam Rabbani. Shahrazuri returned to Baghdad in 1813. As per the Ottoman archives, Dihlevi also sent his disciples to Anatolia to establish tekkes.

In 1829, one of the grandsons of Imam Rabbani, Halil Efendi, arrived in Turkey’s Ordu province in the Black Sea region, where the Ottoman authorities warmly welcomed him and facilitated his smooth travel and stay.

Sheikh Masumi, a family member of Imam Rabbani, sent a request to travel to Mecca and Medina via Alexandria, asking for a reference letter from the Ottoman authorities. Masumi later died along his journey in 1862.
The extended family members and disciples of Imam Rabbani continued to receive special attention and hospitality from the Ottoman officials and were lodged in Mecca, Istanbul and other places on their visits. According to one document, a member of Shahrazuri’s tekke, Abdurrahman Efendi, was commissioned to translate Imam Rabbani’s letters and works. He died in 1853 but the translation honorarium continued. However, there is no evidence that another famous translation by the 18th-century Ottoman memoir scholar and Sufi Müstakimzade Süleyman Sadeddin, which was completed in 1780, was part of this translation project.
Researchers and academicians pay great attention while tracing the memories of Indian Sufis’ presence in Turkey. A recent book by Turkish academic Ali Emre Işlek, “Osmanlı Coğrafyasındaki Hintli Mutasavvıflar ve Tekkeleri” ("Indian Sufis and Tekkes in Ottoman Lands") covers most archival references. Historian Rishad Choudhury’s “The Hajj and the Hindi: The ascent of the Indian Sufi lodge in the Ottoman empire” and the previous works of others including academic Mehmet Baha Tanman provide detailed information on the exchange of Sufi traditions between India and Turkey.

Many of these tekkes might have lost much public attention but they remain part of spiritual memories whenever Sufis travel to Turkey. As Turkey is trying to reach out via its Asia Anew initiative, the revival and reintroduction of Indian Sufi memorials in Turkey would greatly help the initiative and reconnect India-Turkey relations beyond political exchanges.

Omair Anas is a PhD in Middle East Studies from the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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we know that popular opinion is that emperor erdagon's policies are responsible for depreciation of lira.
but coincidentally it is also the case that lira never recovered since Turkey signed S400 deal on 29 Dec 2017.


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View attachment 125818

JUST IN: Turkey's Lira has fallen by around 5% against the US Dollar amid interest rate cut.

Turkroach currency has started drowning once again…


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Another crisis for turkey, drop in gas supply from Iran and Russia, manufacturing companies are asked to work only three days a week.

and on a separate note, there was so much pressure on us not to buy Iran energy, and yet Iran is a top supplier for turkey. How does this compute?



Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Turkey’s inflation rate hits a new 20-year high of 54%

Turkey's annual inflation jumped more than expected to a two-decade high of 54.4% in February, fuelled by a crash in the lira last year and soaring commodity prices that are expected to climb higher due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

tribendra bisoi..

Regular Member
Jul 6, 2022
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There is a massive meltdown of Turkroaches on social media over Indian CAATSA waiver.

Enjoy some sweet Turk tears

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Turkey is cold war era ally of USA . A member of NATO , which means if it is attacked USA ll be forced to send army as per treaty . They were part of F35 program . India was a cold war ally of Soviet union . Do these fckrs have ny idea wht they are saying :laugh: .. They were stupid enough to be part of f35 program and buy s400 at the same time nyway .


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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Is Turkey resorting to some sort of data fudging? Here's the recent Q3 GDP report by TurkStat (their national statistical office). Look that the 3rd quarter. And as I've said before, Turkey just like Pakistan has stagnated.

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