What if I settled in India?


Regular Member
Dec 31, 2013
How would indians react to me if they knew Im roma? And I settled in India? Would they accept me as long lost cousin coming back home.

I had a debate in a roma facebook group and one guy a roma from iran said that we are a highly exotic race thats why we are discriminated and should move back to india then we wont be discriminated. But Im not sure moving back to india maybe yes, because it is our home and we have nowhere else to go but unsure about the discrimination part though.

This is what I have written
You say return back to India without being discriminated. I am not sure if in India we wont be discriminated as not all Indians are the same and equal. In India the discrimination of dalits and "gypsy" tribes is the same as of roma in europe. They see as "gypsy" tribe and have their own gypsy and untouchable tribes which they discriminate heavily. For example they are not allowed to touch the water of a upper caste and untouchable even get raped by some without police doing anything, they can even be raped by police. So returning to India maybe yes because we are from there and it is our Homeland and we have nowhere else to go but not being discriminated is uncertain. We might be discriminated in India too.


Regular Member
Dec 31, 2013
what a load of bull crap you have written ,"not allowed to touch water of upper caste" "get raped because you are dalit" I don't know where you live and what you read or watch BUT WITH THAT MINDSET STAY THE FUCK OUT OF OUR LAND.
I don't even want to elaborate on your white western prejudice crap you just spilled. Also we are over populated here so FUCK OFF. Btw
I am a "dalit" by caste.
Im innocent because I repeat only what I have read. For example in this stories the dalits do tell about discrimination they suffered but now they are millionaires. https://economictimes.indiatimes.co...f-dalit-millionaires/articleshow/34724986.cms


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2013
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How would indians react to me if they knew Im roma? And I settled in India? Would they accept me as long lost cousin coming back home.

I had a debate in a roma facebook group and one guy a roma from iran said that we are a highly exotic race thats why we are discriminated and should move back to india then we wont be discriminated. But Im not sure moving back to india maybe yes, because it is our home and we have nowhere else to go but unsure about the discrimination part though.

This is what I have written
You say return back to India without being discriminated. I am not sure if in India we wont be discriminated as not all Indians are the same and equal. In India the discrimination of dalits and "gypsy" tribes is the same as of roma in europe. They see as "gypsy" tribe and have their own gypsy and untouchable tribes which they discriminate heavily. For example they are not allowed to touch the water of a upper caste and untouchable even get raped by some without police doing anything, they can even be raped by police. So returning to India maybe yes because we are from there and it is our Homeland and we have nowhere else to go but not being discriminated is uncertain. We might be discriminated in India too.
You can come settle in India and have a very pleasant time and grow with us.
Regarding your allegations. I can only say that either you are very immature to believe magnified isolated events OR you are just a flame bait.


Regular Member
Dec 31, 2013
You can come settle in India and have a very pleasant time and grow with us.
Regarding your allegations. I can only say that either you are very immature to believe magnified isolated events OR you are just a flame bait.
Thanks. Im really not a flame bait or troll. It is just what I have read, it might be very wrong though and I would be actually happy if it is wrong, because I dont want that it is like that.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
Immigrate to this country enlist as general, there u go nobody will ever bother with your caste again.


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2013

Whatever you have read and said is true ,being a upper caste I can tell you this ,I have seen all this,will not go into details.However,I will add that things like murder and rape just because you are lower caste does not happen now days, unless it is a personal feud or you are trying to elope with the daughter of an upper caste family, against the family wish(honor killing).Overall castes ism has been reduced to a great extent in day to day life .People in cities are not bothered with it much,most of the new generation is not bothered about it ,even if it is present ,it is in a very subtle form,nothing major or in your face .

Some people will ask for your caste and some might dwell deep into your gotra ,family history in general talk but being from lower cast will not result in any form of violence or in your face insult to you.At most ,the most casteist people would avoid drinking water from your hand or eating from your home or marrying in your family ,that's it nothing more than this.Even these people will not treat you as subhuman ,their behavior with you will be like with any other normal human being ,depending upon your own behavior, like it is for everyone else.

I will again repeat ,new generation is not bothered about your cast as much,and those who are bothered will only avoid eating at your home and marrying in your family.Nothing more than this.

Overall, I think you can lead a pretty normal life in any city, without facing any discrimination .Your caste will come into play only in your marriage.Even here , if you are well off financially or in love and able to convince the parents of the girl ,there is a chance of marrying into upper caste.

Keeping all this in mind ,here are few suggestions from my side :

1 Do a tour of India ,visit at least two -three cities ,stay here for a while.Then decide for yourself.

2 If you are permanently shifting to India ,then maybe you can adopt a new upper cast and make a new family history.Such as that your predecessor move out of India in search of work ,choose a region and cast from a area your predecessor have been ,choose a village which does not exist now,there are many.So ,if you are really bothered with the lower cast tag ,you can move into upper cast and make a proper story regarding your family roots with a little bit of research.

3 I don't know about your cast but if it comes under SC/ST then you and your children will be eligible for many government benefits in various schemes ,as well as education and job opportunity in form of reservation.Here your being a lower caste will be an advantage to you.

4 If you do decide to settle here ,choose a city of your choice, but I will suggest Chandigarh,Bangalore etc because of their pleasant weather and infra ,avoid places like Delhi or Mumbai due to the weather and pollution there.

5 Other option for you can be to settle in Mauritius,Australia,Canada or England where a substantial Indian population is already present .

I know you are not happy at your place,due to the discrimination .I don't know whether you will be happy here or not ,but I can tell you this- do stay here for a while ,and then decide for yourself,it's definitely worth a try!


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
I think more than anything u need self respect boi


Senior Member
Feb 19, 2017
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Welcome to the post-liberalisation corporate India. No one gives a damn abt castes here anymore, albeit u find some cases of caste based factions in villages. We certainly r not racists. Coz we come in all shapes,colors and sizes. So,no worry of racial discrimination. Some of the things we bother abt r Politics,Sports(Cricket and Football takes the larger pie),Films and Money. Since u said Roma,u wd fall into the tree of Sanatan Dharam which is accepting in nature since eternity.U r free 2 practice watever faith gives u solace.We fight amongst ourselves,but if outsiders interfere in our chores we shove their arses.Indians wd be by far the most patriotic,lazy,fierce,kind and cunning guys u'd ever come across. I only gave a gist abt our mindset & it's mechanism.
And the 'don't touch my water' crap is pure b.s. I was brought up in a Brahmin household,but was only taught devotion to God nothing less nothing more. I eat wherever I wish,with whomever I want. All that matters is Money in my wallet to pay,not caste or creed of the guy I dine/drink with. I believe most of India is like dat. Of course exceptions exist,but they r due to unawareness,lack of education. As bhai suggested earlier,do visit and stay for sometime in India. I belive our Civilization is lot more than Caste,Poverty and Rape. Don't align towards any political entity. Everything'd be just fine dat way in India.
P.S: Honourable President of the Republic of India,our First citizen is a Dalit too.And our P.M is a Chaiwala.Think twice abt discrimination in India portrayed by BBC,Al Jazeera etc.
"Lot of Fake News"
-Donald Trump.


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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You will be discriminated against, for sure. But not for any caste reasons. Simply because of your thoughts and attitude.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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How would indians react to me if they knew Im roma? And I settled in India? Would they accept me as long lost cousin coming back home.

I had a debate in a roma facebook group and one guy a roma from iran said that we are a highly exotic race thats why we are discriminated and should move back to india then we wont be discriminated. But Im not sure moving back to india maybe yes, because it is our home and we have nowhere else to go but unsure about the discrimination part though.

This is what I have written
You say return back to India without being discriminated. I am not sure if in India we wont be discriminated as not all Indians are the same and equal. In India the discrimination of dalits and "gypsy" tribes is the same as of roma in europe. They see as "gypsy" tribe and have their own gypsy and untouchable tribes which they discriminate heavily. For example they are not allowed to touch the water of a upper caste and untouchable even get raped by some without police doing anything, they can even be raped by police. So returning to India maybe yes because we are from there and it is our Homeland and we have nowhere else to go but not being discriminated is uncertain. We might be discriminated in India too.
Realities are much different from what you've written. The things you've written are taboos of past, might be still active in a very small part of country.
For reality, India's a liberal democracy, on ground you can do same as that of what you've done with west.
We just have somewhat poorer infrastructure and lower income levels, problems which a developing country usually faces.
But its a much better place to live in than other countries of its classes. Because of freedoms Democracy & Liberalism give.

Aaj ka hero

Has left
Oct 8, 2018
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what a load of bull crap you have written ,"not allowed to touch water of upper caste" "get raped because you are dalit" I don't know where you live and what you read or watch BUT WITH THAT MINDSET STAY THE FUCK OUT OF OUR LAND.
I don't even want to elaborate on your white western prejudice crap you just spilled. Also we are over populated here so FUCK OFF. Btw
I am a "dalit" by caste.
SIRJI cool down, I think that GUY is in pinch.

Aaj ka hero

Has left
Oct 8, 2018
Country flag
How would indians react to me if they knew Im roma? And I settled in India? Would they accept me as long lost cousin coming back home.

I had a debate in a roma facebook group and one guy a roma from iran said that we are a highly exotic race thats why we are discriminated and should move back to india then we wont be discriminated. But Im not sure moving back to india maybe yes, because it is our home and we have nowhere else to go but unsure about the discrimination part though.

This is what I have written
You say return back to India without being discriminated. I am not sure if in India we wont be discriminated as not all Indians are the same and equal. In India the discrimination of dalits and "gypsy" tribes is the same as of roma in europe. They see as "gypsy" tribe and have their own gypsy and untouchable tribes which they discriminate heavily. For example they are not allowed to touch the water of a upper caste and untouchable even get raped by some without police doing anything, they can even be raped by police. So returning to India maybe yes because we are from there and it is our Homeland and we have nowhere else to go but not being discriminated is uncertain. We might be discriminated in India too.
WELCOME ABOARD if you come here then remember one thing more than 90 PERCENT people believe here "let live and let the other live."
I don't see any problem with that.
BUT DO COME LEGALLLY. :):biggrin2:


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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How would indians react to me if they knew Im roma? And I settled in India? Would they accept me as long lost cousin coming back home.

I had a debate in a roma facebook group and one guy a roma from iran said that we are a highly exotic race thats why we are discriminated and should move back to india then we wont be discriminated. But Im not sure moving back to india maybe yes, because it is our home and we have nowhere else to go but unsure about the discrimination part though.

This is what I have written
You say return back to India without being discriminated. I am not sure if in India we wont be discriminated as not all Indians are the same and equal. In India the discrimination of dalits and "gypsy" tribes is the same as of roma in europe. They see as "gypsy" tribe and have their own gypsy and untouchable tribes which they discriminate heavily. For example they are not allowed to touch the water of a upper caste and untouchable even get raped by some without police doing anything, they can even be raped by police. So returning to India maybe yes because we are from there and it is our Homeland and we have nowhere else to go but not being discriminated is uncertain. We might be discriminated in India too.
Why would a westerner want to settle in a Country which is poor, is untidy etc etc as shown in the media? India doesn’t have anything special that one will want to settle here coz one can get better jobs in America, UAE, etc.


Senior Member
Jun 20, 2020
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Why would a westerner want to settle in a Country which is poor, is untidy etc etc as shown in the media? India doesn’t have anything special that one will want to settle here coz one can get better jobs in America, UAE, etc.
> as shown in media
Are you being sarcastic here or serious? Also, it depends on the income if you earn a decent income India is a pretty decent option. Yes, we are not on the level of developed countries but it isn't bad either like you tried to put it here.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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> as shown in media
Are you being sarcastic here or serious? Also, it depends on the income if you earn a decent income India is a pretty decent option. Yes, we are not on the level of developed countries but it isn't bad either like you tried to put it here.
Yes but job opportunities are not good, if they are then lakhs of Indians would not have settled abroad.


Senior Member
Jun 20, 2020
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Yes but job opportunities are not good, if they are then lakhs of Indians would not have settled abroad.
Yeah should have stated that rather than rambling, still look at what op was asking and what you are replying, he is more focused on discrimination and you don't add anything on that or try to enlighten him about the misconception.

Ignore that, you tried to serve him a literally one sided information, which was neither needed nor it is correct since it's way more dependent on the user. I can't talk about USA or UAE but even for someone earning 50k you can have a decent living in 2nd tier city with almost all basic facilities in some cases even better than west, like food etc. There are other factors such as family etc which you ignored.

Also, number of Indians who settle in foreign are way lesser compared to the total population, even after that normally its because pay grade is way higher outside India, which is the major reason + obvious there are universities etc which are better but for average joe if they know what they are doing they can good enough job.

Yes, we are not west but next time please try to put a more reasonable outlook than just outright mudslinging at your country. Peace.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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Yeah should have stated that rather than rambling, still look at what op was asking and what you are replying, he is more focused on discrimination and you don't add anything on that or try to enlighten him about the misconception.

Ignore that, you tried to serve him a literally one sided information, which was neither needed nor it is correct since it's way more dependent on the user. I can't talk about USA or UAE but even for someone earning 50k you can have a decent living in 2nd tier city with almost all basic facilities in some cases even better than west, like food etc. There are other factors such as family etc which you ignored.

Also, number of Indians who settle in foreign are way lesser compared to the total population, even after that normally its because pay grade is way higher outside India, which is the major reason + obvious there are universities etc which are better but for average joe if they know what they are doing they can good enough job.

Yes, we are not west but next time please try to put a more reasonable outlook than just outright mudslinging at your country. Peace.
Discrimination against a foreigner can’t be seen but crimes are high here, but still far less than the USA, USA shows itself crime free, pollution free where the truth is that they top in both.


Senior Member
Sep 29, 2010
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If you look different, talk different then you will be treated differently based on how you look and how you talk. Metro cities are far more accepting as most people are busy in their own day to day lives. Villages are changing but still far away from accepting major changes as each village is a very close interconnected community.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Depends if you look "Indian" enough.
People don't know or care about a "Romani" here, and gypsy seems to be used to refer to local nomadic tribes that you find.
If you look Indian enough and fit in religion/behavior wise then it's ok, or people will treat you like just another strange clueless foreigner or NRI.
Pro Tip :- stick to the cities.

Who bumped this 2-3 year old thread btw? the OP is probably chilling in Europe somewhere

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