Aftermath of Trump Victory


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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It is not US elections or anytihng.
Everyone here hates Hillary.We had known how her adminstartion works.
True Trump gov will probably be better for trade with india, at least i feel.

Ancient Indian

p = np :)
Senior Member
Aug 23, 2014
True Trump gov will probably be better for trade with india, at least i feel.
Trade can come later.
But other factors got big blow yesterday.
Now our sickular gang lost big deal. They can hopefully shut up and let Indian live peaceful lives.
The thing is that these people live comfortable lives and have so much time to go on preaching.

All the while forgetting the real reason behind their supposed happiness.

I had enough with this fake humanity and simpering sweet speeches. Fuck this bullshit. Let live happy with our own decisions and some times mistakes.

Navnit Kundu

Pika Hu Akbarrr!!
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2016
The F*ck :pound::pound::pound::pound::pound::pound::pound::pound:

these Guys are funny View attachment 11500
These are smear campaigns by the Democrats. They show an inarticulate/uncouth person doing something or endorsing something or associating with something which they want to dissuade the masses from doing. They want Hindus in the US to feel "if these are the kinds of people who support Trump, I fear being associated with them if I too support Trump". That is why the opposition pays people from rival parties to do such stunts and publish in papers and social media to make all Trump supporters look bad. IF you could simply stop promoting black propaganda from the Democrats, that'd be great. There are plenty of Hindu issues you could be focusing on instead of mocking other Hindus.

Ancient Indian

p = np :)
Senior Member
Aug 23, 2014
These are smear campaigns by the Democrats. They show an inarticulate/uncouth person doing something or endorsing something or associating with something which they want to dissuade the masses from doing. They want Hindus in the US to feel "if these are the kinds of people who support Trump, I fear being associated with them if I too support Trump". That is why the opposition pays people from rival parties to do such stunts and publish in papers and social media to make all Trump supporters look bad. IF you could simply stop promoting it, that'd be great.
Our fake humanity friends got big blow, my friend.
The world will become better place with yesterday virdict. Someone should call out these liberal bullshit at global level.
I hope Trump will behave same as he had done so far.

Funny thing is, Muslims crying about the outcome.
How can they call Trump racist and threat to humanity, when they are doing the same world wide?


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2014
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We should take this opportunity to collect enough material to trash Americans when they attack with ugly intolerant hindus complain..:biggrin2:


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Looks like libtards of both India and America did fall from the same tree.Too many similarities in the narrative.

Whoopi Goldberg said she was leaving the US if Trump wins. Every RT notifies @WhoopiGoldberg that she can start packing NOW!



Regular Member
Oct 25, 2016
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Indians (that is those living in india) feel so strongly for US elections. Do they think that by supporting hillary or trump they will become some sort of secret "honorary" americans.
No we are celebrating against people who are sympathizing against radical jihadi Islam. Obama and the democrats are afraid to use the word Radical jihadi Islam.99.999% of terrorist are from Radical jihadi Islam With the Pakis as their epicenter and the world must be united to destroying them.The US must somehow find a excuse to neutralize their nukes and with Trump at the realm we can at least think in that direction.


Senior Member
Oct 31, 2015
Liberal use their heart to think not brain , they belive shark can be made to behave like goldfish

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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I don't get why Indians (that is those living in india) feel so strongly for US elections. Do they think that by supporting hillary or trump they will become some sort of secret "honorary" americans. :lol:

Heck I'm not even bothered to vote for indian elections.
It's not about liberal vs conservative for most people here. My latino friends are very upset at the result and it's very personal for them. Some people commenting here don't understand how racially and ethnically charged this campaign was and how scary this atmosphere seems like to certain minorities. Wish I could pick them up and drop them in the middle of rural Missouri for a week in the midst of the Trump supporters they are admiring and see how they feel later on.


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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No matter who is at top, nothing gonna change, be it hillary or trump.
Both will be put in their places by bigger fish.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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No matter who is at top, nothing gonna change, be it hillary or trump.
Both will be put in their places by bigger fish.
It's not about anything changing, the President can do jack shit. It's about all the loonies coming out of the wood work and all the hate and misogyny spewed out a few weeks ago and it's been legitimized by these assholes who don't give a fuck. I'm a conservative who's deeply disgusted.


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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It's not about anything changing, the President can do jack shit. It's about all the loonies coming out of the wood work and all the hate and misogyny spewed out a few weeks ago and it's been legitimized by these assholes who don't give a fuck. I'm a conservative who's deeply disgusted.
I get your point.
I hear it's this new thing called "alt-right"
Not your regular SF-type WASPs but more sophisticated, smarter ones. :lol:

But regarding other things I think Trump will scale back on his words, simply because if he did the things that he said (on the geopolitical front say) for eg: make friends with Putin and stuff. It's going to hurt america's dominance. Unsurpringly RT and other Russian media were lobbying hard for Trump, and beating Hillary at every turn.

But at the end of the day, Trump or Hillary it is the same, India remains India, no matter what. :D
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Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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I get your point.
I hear it's this new thing called "alt-right"
Not your regular SF-type WASPs more sophisticated, smarter ones. :lol:

But regarding other things I think Trump will scale back on his words, simply because if he did the things that he said (on the geopolitical front say) for eg: make friends with Putin and stuff. It's going to hurt america's dominance. Unsurpringly RT and other Russian media were lobbying hard for Trump, and beating Hillary at every turn.

But at the end of the day, Trump or Hillary it is the same, India remains India, no matter what. :D
Oh, India will remain India and has to deal with her own problems, for the people here who think he will suddenly fix India's problems with Pakistani just because he bought some ads on TV - I have a bridge I'd like to sell them. For that matter, America will remain America as well, the checks and balances in the government will make sure he can't do anything too crazy and if he does, he will not win the election after four years. I'm ok with Trump, he won fair and square and instead of being a Debbie Downer, I'm optimistic that he'll improve things. My friends and I are just disgusted at the assholes he brought crawling out of the gutter, who you called the alt-right people.


Turning into a frog
Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
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Oh, India will remain India and has to deal with her own problems, for the people here who think he will suddenly fix India's problems with Pakistani just because he bought some ads on TV - I have a bridge I'd like to sell them. For that matter, America will remain America as well, the checks and balances in the government will make sure he can't do anything too crazy and if he does, he will not win the election after four years. I'm ok with Trump, he won fair and square and instead of being a Debbie Downer, I'm optimistic that he'll improve things. My friends and I are just disgusted at the assholes he brought crawling out of the gutter, who you called the alt-right people.
Boy, nobody in India except for some idiots think that Trump will fix anything for India. In this election the Indian stake was not having a known and proclaimed jihadi lover and India hater elected as president, and we got that. Whatever Trump does, he cannot smooch the Jihadists, nor can he go militantly against Indian interest one of which escalation of USA-Russia conflict, after openly claiming those to be his poll promise. So the larger Indian interest will be served. If something more like complete alienation of Pakistan and severance of ties with China happens, those are bonus and when hoped for, not counted upon by anyone of the India who is actually taking a note of US election.

As for you and your buddies. You are still young and when you will grow up and see the world, you too would learn how under the sweet political correctness the liberals have been viciously cutting you. You in particular belong to the more prosperous section of the US youth whose parents per the Indian tradition would bear the cpst of your higher education and will support so that you'll be settled in your life without trouble. But the actual working class America, by all reports and all news when one reads between the lines, is in a very poor condition with a uncertain future. So they naturally revolted against the system that made them suffer. The so called coddled educated youth who are more passionate about the illegal immigrants than the fellow citizens from working class who are losing wages for the illegals, who are forgetting the atrocities of ISIS and Jihadi islam to support the import of muslim immigrants,ion, who cannot read the statistics of crime in USA despite their education, who got so brainwashed by the Clinton and MSM that they never asked them why their country is failing in economy, health care, education and everything that should matter, those educated youth - almost a replica of what we have in india, are divorced from the reality. In reality a nation which cannot protect its core values - the values which threatens the socialists and liberals, cannot survive. America chose to protect its values.

Also, as for uncouth stupid gutter-mouth rightwingers of Trump camp, the same could be found with the Clinton folks too, and some of them at the MSM studios sermonizing and demonising Trump.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2013
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All we want from Merika is non intervention in our domestic policy and to some degree in our foreign policy, particularly towards Pakistan. He had indicated he would work in that direction wrt to India, either he does so in his term is the question? But, as we know Hillary is pro pak with huma by her side and dead set against Modi govt. Under her term ngos, feminijim, human rights etc would have expanded many fold. And now these same people are protesting in Amerika against a democratically elected President. I for one am happy. Hope that answers your question @Razor . But, I agree with you, on geopolitical fronts he will back down. More or less, Russia also wants same thing as India. Wants to be left alone and not bothered by America, on its border or economy, so it can concentrate on its infrastructure/economy etc. But as things have passed by, for good or bad reasons, US and Russia have become Arch enemy. So, normalizing relation is akin wishing well upon enemy. It will come to bite you back may be 5 yers or 50/100 years later. Kind of like India wishing for a peaceful,democratic , prosperous Pakistan. It is suicidal and will bite you back, no matter your intentions.


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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All we want from Merika is non intervention in our domestic policy and to some degree in our foreign policy, particularly towards Pakistan. He had indicated he would work in that direction wrt to India, either he does so in his term is the question? But, as we know Hillary is pro pak with huma by her side and dead set against Modi govt. Under her term ngos, feminijim, human rights etc would have expanded many fold. And now these same people are protesting in Amerika against a democratically elected President. I for one am happy. Hope that answers your question @Razor . But, I agree with you, on geopolitical fronts he will back down. More or less, Russia also wants same thing as India. Wants to be left alone and not bothered by America, on its border or economy, so it can concentrate on its infrastructure/economy etc. But as things have passed by, for good or bad reasons, US and Russia have become Arch enemy. So, normalizing relation is akin wishing well upon enemy. It will come to bite you back may be 5 yers or 50/100 years later. Kind of like India wishing for a peaceful,democratic , prosperous Pakistan. It is suicidal and will bite you back, no matter your intentions.
Okay, you are looking at it from that perspective.
I'm looking at it from a different perspective. I do not believe in this american democracy and this republican democractic joke show.
Either republican or democratic, controllers are same, this voting is all just a farce, gullible people just fall for.

Now Trump maybe an exception considering that he at least brought out the feelings of the suppressed majority but I doubt he'll be able to do anything in that regards.

And politicians changing words is nothing, because their words don't mean much. Their actions are derived from geopolitics and desire for power. So clinton being pro-paki is the geopolitical reality. Now that the US is tilting towards India, I bet Klinton will turn pro-india if she is thus required when she is in power. Clinton pressed the "reset" (recharge?) button with russian lavrov, now look where they are. Again, geopolitics. They thought russia will oblige and play second fiddle to angle-saxon power, but putin had other ideas. Hence the reset was dumped. And $5B+ was pumped into ukraine and rest is history.

Trump is a close friend of the Clinton family and suddenly he became their enemy; :lol: Not buying it.
Everybody was taken for a nice ride.

Now @alphacentury I hope you understand the context in which I asked original Q. In effect why are people getting so worked up over the POTUS elections and who wins/loses. Results will be same, because POTUS is just a front for the real powers, nothing more.
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Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
Apr 28, 2012
These are smear campaigns by the Democrats. They show an inarticulate/uncouth person doing something or endorsing something or associating with something which they want to dissuade the masses from doing. They want Hindus in the US to feel "if these are the kinds of people who support Trump, I fear being associated with them if I too support Trump". That is why the opposition pays people from rival parties to do such stunts and publish in papers and social media to make all Trump supporters look bad. IF you could simply stop promoting black propaganda from the Democrats, that'd be great. There are plenty of Hindu issues you could be focusing on instead of mocking other Hindus.
How about endorsing these guys?

Smear campaign only works till it is us vs them(uncouth). We need propaganda to make raw and rustic Hindu cool.

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