Jihadi propaganda patterns and how to counter them


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2016
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This thread is dedicated to recording and analyzing jihadi propaganda patterns, particularly from the ongoing Israel-hamas conflict, and strategize on how to neutralize them if applied against India. The aim of this thread is to be as methodical as possible, clearly outlining strategies and counter strategies, with examples if available. Please do not turn this thread into a discussion on current events. The purpose here is to be focused on identifying and gaming jihadi propaganda strategies, so that that this thread can be used as a resource for our future use, and it's guaranteed that there will be occassions in the future.

I'm listing the patterns that I've observed in this conflict. Please add any that you've observed.

1) Denial of recorded and confirmed events a.k.a gaslighting

This was the most common pattern in the beginning of the conflict. They were outright denying the killing of civilians, babies, raping of women, kidnapping of the elderly
and other horrors, even though hamas terrorists themselves uploaded the videos and these were available for everyone to see in real time, and were confirmed from victim corroboration. This was typical gaslighting. The pattern continued when they simply called it resistance, refused to acknowledge these crimes, and called hamas as freedom fighters. Another thing they did was not acknowledge hamas or the terror attack at all, and simply take out "pro palestine" marches.

2) False moral equivalency aka whataboutery

When the evidence of these horrors became undeniable, and even the local goras started catching a whiff of their gaslighting, then they had no choice but to acknowledge these things happened, and started to distance their rhetoric from Hamas. Their next line was Palestinians are not hamas, and cannot be blamed for this. The culmination of this was when the Palestinian authority itself denounced hamas and said it doesn't represent palestinians. This is when the whataboutery started of how Israel also killed civilians in gaza, and that's the crux of the false moral equivalency. They refuse to acknowledge that hamas uses palestinians as human shields, how they fire from schools and hospitals, how they store explosives in peoples apartments, and even prevent civilians from leaving an area when Israel is about to bomb them. Conversely how Israel sends in leaflets, roof knocks etc to avoid civilian casualties.

3) Spamming generic slogans and statements unrelated to the ongoing events

This one is when they just spam "I support Palestine" "Free Palestine" "Israel genocidal state" etc right after the terrorist attack. These statements had nothing to do with the attack, and don't address anything relevant. But they spam these messages everywhere creating a sense that there's a lot of support for palestine

4) Leftist/marxist rhetoric

This one is something we've been facing too. "Islamophobic" "Colonial" "Indigenous rights" "Resistance" "Fascists, authoritarian" etc Blatant marxist rhetoric knowing fully well that they don't give a crap about those ideals, and in fact are worse offenders on those same metrics compared to those they accuse. The most blatant example was the Harvard student unions blaming Israel for a terror attack killing jews. Huge gora leftist cover and support in this strategy, from the media, universities and NGO's.

5) Protests, violence and indimidation

Right after the attack, before Israel even started counter action, they took to the streets all over Europe and supported hamas, made clear they hate israel, intimidated jews, intimidated the locals, made it seem like the continent has to listen to them, made it seem that there is no safe place for a jew to speak freely, made it impossible to go up to them and disagree with them, took up police resources, inconvenienced everyone around them. This then upgraded to killings, 2 in France, 2 in Belgium. The purpose of this was to not give space to jews and locals to come out and support Israel, which would make the jihadi side look even worse. They sprung straight to the victim card publicly and forcefully, even before there was something to cry victim about.

6) Ignoring or downplaying the instigating event when the response is devastating

When the Israelis started responding with the airstrikes, suddenly the horrific terror attack was brushed aside in their narrative and the entire rhetoric became about "proportionality" "consideration for civilians" "dialogue, negotiations, restraint" etc. It was as if the terrorist attack wasn't relevant or didn't even happen. Along with this was the ignoring of the innocent israeli hostages stuck in Gaza, including children. They were never mentioned or acknowledged, even when they were reminded by everyone else.

6) Faking and lying about events

Which brings us to right now, where hamas or islamic jihad literally fired a bunch of rockets, one misfired and landed in their own hospital, killing 500, for which they're now blaming Israel. This has incensed their entire community beyond what they already were (though they had no right to be). This has made Israel come out with clarifying statements, but which the jihadi side will not acknowledge and will not budge from their accusation. No amount of proof will change the jihadi side's mind on such an event, but the only hope here is to prove it to everyone in the non muslim world that the accusation is bogus.

The challenge now is to see how each strategy will be used against India, and effective counter strategies to neutralize the above mentioned points.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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This thread is dedicated to recording and analyzing jihadi propaganda patterns, particularly from the ongoing Israel-hamas conflict, and strategize on how to neutralize them if applied against India. The aim of this thread is to be as methodical as possible, clearly outlining strategies and counter strategies, with examples if available. Please do not turn this thread into a discussion on current events. The purpose here is to be focused on identifying and gaming jihadi propaganda strategies, so that that this thread can be used as a resource for our future use, and it's guaranteed that there will be occassions in the future.

I'm listing the patterns that I've observed in this conflict. Please add any that you've observed.

1) Denial of recorded and confirmed events a.k.a gaslighting

This was the most common pattern in the beginning of the conflict. They were outright denying the killing of civilians, babies, raping of women, kidnapping of the elderly
and other horrors, even though hamas terrorists themselves uploaded the videos and these were available for everyone to see in real time, and were confirmed from victim corroboration. This was typical gaslighting. The pattern continued when they simply called it resistance, refused to acknowledge these crimes, and called hamas as freedom fighters. Another thing they did was not acknowledge hamas or the terror attack at all, and simply take out "pro palestine" marches.

2) False moral equivalency aka whataboutery

When the evidence of these horrors became undeniable, and even the local goras started catching a whiff of their gaslighting, then they had no choice but to acknowledge these things happened, and started to distance their rhetoric from Hamas. Their next line was Palestinians are not hamas, and cannot be blamed for this. The culmination of this was when the Palestinian authority itself denounced hamas and said it doesn't represent palestinians. This is when the whataboutery started of how Israel also killed civilians in gaza, and that's the crux of the false moral equivalency. They refuse to acknowledge that hamas uses palestinians as human shields, how they fire from schools and hospitals, how they store explosives in peoples apartments, and even prevent civilians from leaving an area when Israel is about to bomb them. Conversely how Israel sends in leaflets, roof knocks etc to avoid civilian casualties.

3) Spamming generic slogans and statements unrelated to the ongoing events

This one is when they just spam "I support Palestine" "Free Palestine" "Israel genocidal state" etc right after the terrorist attack. These statements had nothing to do with the attack, and don't address anything relevant. But they spam these messages everywhere creating a sense that there's a lot of support for palestine

4) Leftist/marxist rhetoric

This one is something we've been facing too. "Islamophobic" "Colonial" "Indigenous rights" "Resistance" "Fascists, authoritarian" etc Blatant marxist rhetoric knowing fully well that they don't give a crap about those ideals, and in fact are worse offenders on those same metrics compared to those they accuse. The most blatant example was the Harvard student unions blaming Israel for a terror attack killing jews. Huge gora leftist cover and support in this strategy, from the media, universities and NGO's.

5) Protests, violence and indimidation

Right after the attack, before Israel even started counter action, they took to the streets all over Europe and supported hamas, made clear they hate israel, intimidated jews, intimidated the locals, made it seem like the continent has to listen to them, made it seem that there is no safe place for a jew to speak freely, made it impossible to go up to them and disagree with them, took up police resources, inconvenienced everyone around them. This then upgraded to killings, 2 in France, 2 in Belgium. The purpose of this was to not give space to jews and locals to come out and support Israel, which would make the jihadi side look even worse. They sprung straight to the victim card publicly and forcefully, even before there was something to cry victim about.

6) Ignoring or downplaying the instigating event when the response is devastating

When the Israelis started responding with the airstrikes, suddenly the horrific terror attack was brushed aside in their narrative and the entire rhetoric became about "proportionality" "consideration for civilians" "dialogue, negotiations, restraint" etc. It was as if the terrorist attack wasn't relevant or didn't even happen. Along with this was the ignoring of the innocent israeli hostages stuck in Gaza, including children. They were never mentioned or acknowledged, even when they were reminded by everyone else.

6) Faking and lying about events

Which brings us to right now, where hamas or islamic jihad literally fired a bunch of rockets, one misfired and landed in their own hospital, killing 500, for which they're now blaming Israel. This has incensed their entire community beyond what they already were (though they had no right to be). This has made Israel come out with clarifying statements, but which the jihadi side will not acknowledge and will not budge from their accusation. No amount of proof will change the jihadi side's mind on such an event, but the only hope here is to prove it to everyone in the non muslim world that the accusation is bogus.

The challenge now is to see how each strategy will be used against India, and effective counter strategies to neutralize the above mentioned points.
Once we ascertain clear patterns on their end, we can eventually start gaming their system and baiting them into traps that will benefit our side and undermine theirs.
There is a better way to counter what a random uneducated teenager from Rawalpindi writes on internet. Ignore!

Does it really matter what a random terrorist apologiser thinks? Neither Islamists are going to change their minds against terrorists nor anti-terrorists will start feeling sympathy for Islamic terrorists regardless of any argument.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2016
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There is a better way to counter what a random uneducated teenager from Rawalpindi writes on internet. Ignore!

Does it really matter what a random terrorist apologiser thinks? Neither Islamists are going to change their minds against terrorists nor anti-terrorists will start feeling sympathy for Islamic terrorists regardless of any argument.
It does matter what they do en masse online, and through the media. Jihadi propaganda refers to the entire spectrum of muzzies, from literal terrorists, to closet jihadis, to Aman ki Asha idiots, to al Jazeera journalists.

Have you not been paying attention to this conflict, especially the hospital bombing bullshit?


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
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@nongaddarliberal A very good topic. Abrahmics and its offshoot Communists are very adept at propaganda and infact consider it part and parcel of their societal dynamics and teach nitty gritty of the same to their flocks at onset. Just because some are unable to write and speak in good english doesn't discount their educated and westernized folks and allies like IAMC, HFHR, OMDIYAR n/w who are very damaging. Looking fwd to to read more on the topic


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2016
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And here is a clear counter to point 6) faking events.

We can now clearly see that there is no way this strike killed 500 people, or even 50 people realistically. It damaged around 10 parked cars, probably with no one in them, with the others cars and buildings remaining intact. This also demonstrated to what degree they will lie, and how quickly their population propagates that lie and takes to the streets.



Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
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We should also analyse recent incident in US where a Quran burning incident was used to target hindu student and his family by Muslim NGO's.

Or Senator Aisha almost got Senate Bill 403 passed where all hindus would have been discriminated and would have provided ammunition for Job denial to them.

This development shows reach and power of Muslim Orgs in US. This is the sign of things to come.. how Hindus are going to be attacked in west.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2022
Country flag
This thread is dedicated to recording and analyzing jihadi propaganda patterns, particularly from the ongoing Israel-hamas conflict, and strategize on how to neutralize them if applied against India. The aim of this thread is to be as methodical as possible, clearly outlining strategies and counter strategies, with examples if available. Please do not turn this thread into a discussion on current events. The purpose here is to be focused on identifying and gaming jihadi propaganda strategies, so that that this thread can be used as a resource for our future use, and it's guaranteed that there will be occassions in the future.

I'm listing the patterns that I've observed in this conflict. Please add any that you've observed.

1) Denial of recorded and confirmed events a.k.a gaslighting

This was the most common pattern in the beginning of the conflict. They were outright denying the killing of civilians, babies, raping of women, kidnapping of the elderly
and other horrors, even though hamas terrorists themselves uploaded the videos and these were available for everyone to see in real time, and were confirmed from victim corroboration. This was typical gaslighting. The pattern continued when they simply called it resistance, refused to acknowledge these crimes, and called hamas as freedom fighters. Another thing they did was not acknowledge hamas or the terror attack at all, and simply take out "pro palestine" marches.

2) False moral equivalency aka whataboutery

When the evidence of these horrors became undeniable, and even the local goras started catching a whiff of their gaslighting, then they had no choice but to acknowledge these things happened, and started to distance their rhetoric from Hamas. Their next line was Palestinians are not hamas, and cannot be blamed for this. The culmination of this was when the Palestinian authority itself denounced hamas and said it doesn't represent palestinians. This is when the whataboutery started of how Israel also killed civilians in gaza, and that's the crux of the false moral equivalency. They refuse to acknowledge that hamas uses palestinians as human shields, how they fire from schools and hospitals, how they store explosives in peoples apartments, and even prevent civilians from leaving an area when Israel is about to bomb them. Conversely how Israel sends in leaflets, roof knocks etc to avoid civilian casualties.

3) Spamming generic slogans and statements unrelated to the ongoing events

This one is when they just spam "I support Palestine" "Free Palestine" "Israel genocidal state" etc right after the terrorist attack. These statements had nothing to do with the attack, and don't address anything relevant. But they spam these messages everywhere creating a sense that there's a lot of support for palestine

4) Leftist/marxist rhetoric

This one is something we've been facing too. "Islamophobic" "Colonial" "Indigenous rights" "Resistance" "Fascists, authoritarian" etc Blatant marxist rhetoric knowing fully well that they don't give a crap about those ideals, and in fact are worse offenders on those same metrics compared to those they accuse. The most blatant example was the Harvard student unions blaming Israel for a terror attack killing jews. Huge gora leftist cover and support in this strategy, from the media, universities and NGO's.

5) Protests, violence and indimidation

Right after the attack, before Israel even started counter action, they took to the streets all over Europe and supported hamas, made clear they hate israel, intimidated jews, intimidated the locals, made it seem like the continent has to listen to them, made it seem that there is no safe place for a jew to speak freely, made it impossible to go up to them and disagree with them, took up police resources, inconvenienced everyone around them. This then upgraded to killings, 2 in France, 2 in Belgium. The purpose of this was to not give space to jews and locals to come out and support Israel, which would make the jihadi side look even worse. They sprung straight to the victim card publicly and forcefully, even before there was something to cry victim about.

6) Ignoring or downplaying the instigating event when the response is devastating

When the Israelis started responding with the airstrikes, suddenly the horrific terror attack was brushed aside in their narrative and the entire rhetoric became about "proportionality" "consideration for civilians" "dialogue, negotiations, restraint" etc. It was as if the terrorist attack wasn't relevant or didn't even happen. Along with this was the ignoring of the innocent israeli hostages stuck in Gaza, including children. They were never mentioned or acknowledged, even when they were reminded by everyone else.

6) Faking and lying about events

Which brings us to right now, where hamas or islamic jihad literally fired a bunch of rockets, one misfired and landed in their own hospital, killing 500, for which they're now blaming Israel. This has incensed their entire community beyond what they already were (though they had no right to be). This has made Israel come out with clarifying statements, but which the jihadi side will not acknowledge and will not budge from their accusation. No amount of proof will change the jihadi side's mind on such an event, but the only hope here is to prove it to everyone in the non muslim world that the accusation is bogus.

The challenge now is to see how each strategy will be used against India, and effective counter strategies to neutralize the above mentioned points.
Step 1 to counter against them is to not show weakness and fall for peer pressure about making statement against own.

Keep repeating the statements that come out of LibG@ndu dictionary

Ask for "solid proofs".

" no comments , let the investigation be finished".

"Let there be neutral investigation."


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2016
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One useful way of thinking about counter strategies is "what would they do if the shoe was on the other foot?"

If this hospital event was reversed, where Israel accused hamas of killing 500 people in a hospital, and the next morning it is clearly seen that only a few cars in the parking lot are damaged with no serious damage to the buildings around them, or even to cars 10 meters away from the blast, what would the jihadi side response be?

1) They would brigade every platform pointing out the lie.
2)They would fill every relevant thread with evidence that it's a lie.
3)They would come out on the streets with posters and slogans calling out the lie. They will even come up with catchphrases that can easily be disseminated.
4)Al Jazeera and gang would immediately call it out for the next week 24 hours a day.
5)They would make it a meme (in the true sense) and use this event to cast doubt on any future allegations against their side.
6)They would harass any media personalities and organizations who said it to admit that this was a lie, publicly. They would force public apologies from media platforms and politicians in the west who supported the lie.

And that brings us to what the appropriate response to such a false allegation should be. But have we seen Israel doing it? No. They are calmly disproving it, but nowhere near forcefully enough. They are not doing any of the above points

The above are things India needs to do the moment we know that an allegation is false.


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
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i cannot help but cant stop comparing incident and israeli efforts on refuting with how India was trying to prove it downed f16 in balakot aftermath by presenting technical proofs, but all that was drowned American propaganda machinery. Now same is happening in Israel's case but the opposite camp is muslim ummah who have successfully spread canard that it was Israel who bombed hospital.

What seems how fast, far and wide you can spread your propaganda has more immediate benefit than presenting truth through normal channels.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2016
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i cannot help but cant stop comparing incident and israeli efforts on refuting with how India was trying to prove it downed f16 in balakot aftermath by presenting technical proofs, but all that was drowned American propaganda machinery. Now same is happening in Israel's case but the opposite camp is muslim ummah who have successfully spread canard that it was Israel who bombed hospital.

What seems how fast, far and wide you can spread your propaganda has more immediate benefit than presenting truth through normal channels.
Hence we need to use our numbers to return the favour, and be forceful. Refer to my post above.


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Hence we need to use our numbers to return the favour, and be forceful. Refer to my post above.
More than that one needs its media to develop large following outside India. We need to develop media assets outside India. So that even if we whisper, its heard on every corner as if it was an announcement. We need our own NGO networks outside which are capable of mobilizing people for cause. All this entails lot of investment and laser focus attention from Govt or or Parties or Orgs.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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It does matter what they do en masse online, and through the media. Jihadi propaganda refers to the entire spectrum of muzzies, from literal terrorists, to closet jihadis, to Aman ki Asha idiots, to al Jazeera journalists.

Have you not been paying attention to this conflict, especially the hospital bombing bullshit?
Exactly, online spamming has little effect on political positions of people vis a vis Islam. Political wings on matter of Islam retain their position regardless of SM narrative.
On people's approach:
  1. Islamic societies unless exceptionally secularised dislike every non Muslim society.
  2. Almost every non Muslim society has a dislike for Islam in return.
On administration level:
  • Political and militant Islam is backed by left wings of all non Muslim societies to topple their government (and even left trying to dismantle it when it has absolute political power like China).
If above fact remains fact, there is no difference made by any kind of online spamming.

Power end of the day lies with economic strength, military strength and industrial capabilities. Neither any Islamic theocracy has it, nor growing towards it.


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Exactly, online spamming has little effect on political positions of people vis a vis Islam. Political wings on matter of Islam retain their position regardless of SM narrative.
On people's approach:
  1. Islamic societies unless exceptionally secularised dislike every non Muslim society.
  2. Almost every non Muslim society has a dislike for Islam in return.
On administration level:
  • Political and militant Islam is backed by left wings of all non Muslim societies to topple their government (and even left trying to dismantle it when it has absolute political power like China).
If above fact remains fact, there is no difference made by any kind of online spamming.

Power end of the day lies with economic strength, military strength and industrial capabilities. Neither any Islamic theocracy has it, nor growing towards it.
agree wrt islamic societies. But our concern is Islamic influence in non Islamic societies which affects not only Govt and its policies but common people both in and outside country.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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agree wrt islamic societies. But our concern is Islamic influence in non Islamic societies which affects not only Govt and its policies but common people both in and outside country.
Islamic influence on non-islamic societies primarily western countries, is a trajectory we have no say in. one thing we know for sure is that they are being systematically injected into those societies. from our historical perspective, we can make some assumptions on why it is happening, but no authoritative non-partisan analysis has come out as to what could be the actual end goal of such an endeavour.

since we have no control over the above aspect, might as well Indian society and govt focus on aspects we do have control on i.e our own people and policies.

-from a govt perspective, assume the worst case scenario and plan for it.
-from a society perspective, it's the platforms which are playing a major part. this part has been discussed at length in other threads in the past.


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Islamic influence on non-islamic societies primarily western countries, is a trajectory we have no say in. one thing we know for sure is that they are being systematically injected into those societies. from our historical perspective, we can make some assumptions on why it is happening, but no authoritative non-partisan analysis has come out as to what could be the actual end goal of such an endeavour.

since we have no control over the above aspect, might as well Indian society and govt focus on aspects we do have control on i.e our own people and policies.

-from a govt perspective, assume the worst case scenario and plan for it.
-from a society perspective, it's the platforms which are playing a major part. this part has been discussed at length in other threads in the past.
I disagree wrt we should do nothing in other societies. If jews, chinese can lobby for their interests and rights of people, sure we can as long as islamic soccieties have not completely taken over thosle docieties. This
Will give breather space exactly to do what you are suggesting without western socities breathing on our neck without any check.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2016
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Exactly, online spamming has little effect on political positions of people vis a vis Islam. Political wings on matter of Islam retain their position regardless of SM narrative.
On people's approach:
  1. Islamic societies unless exceptionally secularised dislike every non Muslim society.
  2. Almost every non Muslim society has a dislike for Islam in return.
On administration level:
  • Political and militant Islam is backed by left wings of all non Muslim societies to topple their government (and even left trying to dismantle it when it has absolute political power like China).
If above fact remains fact, there is no difference made by any kind of online spamming.

Power end of the day lies with economic strength, military strength and industrial capabilities. Neither any Islamic theocracy has it, nor growing towards it.
It's ok if you think countering their propaganda online means nothing. Which begs the question why you've responded to this thread twice, when that's the very purpose of this thread. Ignore the thread and move along, while those of us who do see value in it continue with this. This is not a general discussion thread about national and economic power. It's purely about recognizing their go to propaganda patterns and coming up with counter strategies. Nothing else.
Last edited:

Eagle Eye

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2022
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Delhi Anti-Hindu riots & Haryana's Nuh violence, how muslims along with journalists/media-run sucessfull propaganda, that it's anti-Muslim hate crimes.

In both cases, muslims started the violence against Hindus & killed them, destroyed their properties.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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It's ok if you think countering their propaganda online means nothing. Which begs the question why you've responded to this thread twice, when that's the very purpose of this thread. Ignore the thread and move along, while those of us who do see value in it continue with this. This is not a general discussion thread about national and economic power. It's purely about recognizing their go to propaganda patterns and coming up with counter strategies. Nothing else.
The guy has a point but it's kinda obselete since Elonwa took over twatter and turned it into wild west.
Rest the MSM gandus don't run stuff counter to their narratives and mainstream SM big techs censor things once again against the narrative, like old Jack Doosra Twitter used to do.

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