Pakistan, Caste and dilemma of quislings


Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
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Zaid Hamid says....

"For example..
I am a Syed...a pure Arab bloodline whose ancestors came with Islamic armies to capture India...attacking India is our family tradition after all..:)
My wife is an is from Bokhara...settled in Peshawar.
same is the case with most Muslims here..."

Yeh self proclaimed pure blood Syed, converted Pakistaniyon ko suicidal advices dekar marvayega.
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Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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Zaid Hamid says....

"For example..
I am a Syed...a pure Arab bloodline whose ancestors came with Islamic armies to capture India...attacking India is our family tradition after all..:)
My wife is an is from Bokhara...settled in Peshawar.
same is the case with most Muslims here..."
I'm wondering why they have to cry for "peace" to UNSC when its India's turn in that case.


Senior Member
Jun 23, 2010
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Bahawalpur student stabs professor to death over 'anti-Islam' remarks

A third-year student at Bahawalpur's Government Sadiq Egerton College on Wednesday allegedly stabbed a professor to death over what he vaguely described as the academic's "anti-Islam" remarks, police sources and persons familiar with the incident said.

Associate professor Khalid Hameed, the head of the English department, was seated inside his office at the college when he was allegedly accosted and attacked with a knife by the student.

According to initial information noted by police at the scene of the crime, Khateeb Hussain, a 5th-semester BS student enrolled in the English department, had exchanged hot words with Prof Hameed at around 8:40am over the arranging of a 'welcome party' at the college.

The event, which Hameed was overseeing, was to be held on March 21 to welcome new students to the college, police said.

Police sources told DawnNewsTV that Hussain was averse to the event being organised because he viewed the mingling of male and female pupils at the function as "un-Islamic".

Following an argument, Hussain stabbed the professor in the abdomen and head, police said. Hameed was taken to the Bahawalpur Victoria Hospital, where he succumbed to his injuries.

Police have arrested the suspect along with the murder weapon and registered an FIR under Section 302 (intentional murder) of the Pakistan Penal Code and Section 7 of the Anti-Terrorism Act on a complaint of the deceased teacher's son.

'Promoting obscenity'
In the application submitted to police for the registration of a First Information Report (FIR), Prof Hameed's son stated that the incident took place when he had gone to drop his father off at the college along with two others. He said his father proceeded to enter his office while he (the son) was still in the parking; he said he saw the attacker hiding behind a pillar and then suddenly charging at the teacher.

“As my father was about to step into his office, the guy attacked him with a knife, hitting him on his head and stomach,” he told AFP.

“My father then fell down and I rushed to him; the student held his knife and started shouting 'I have killed him, I had told him that a gender mix reception is against Islam',” he said.

According to the deceased's son, the attacker also said he had killed Prof Hameed because he supported the scheduled function in which "obscenity is promoted".

“We took him to hospital but he had already died,” he said.

He said the student dropped his knife and the guards arrested him.

No remorse
A video confession of the suspect, aged around 20, was obtained by DawnNewsTV.

In the video, seen by, the suspect identifies himself as Khateeb Hussain and says that he attacked the English professor because he allegedly "spoke against Islam".

In response to a question, he says he assaulted the teacher with a knife in the office where he was sitting. Both of the suspect's hands are bandaged, indicating he received knife injuries during the scuffle.

When informed that the professor had died at the hospital, the suspect expresses satisfaction with his actions.

He is then questioned on why he did not use a lawful way of voicing his complaints against the academic, to which he responds that the country's laws are "freeing the blasphemers (gustaakhon) ".

When asked if he regrets his actions, he expresses no remorse.

'How many more lives?'
Speaking to reporters in the evening at his residence, Hameed's son said his father's murder was a result of "brainwashing". He said the function was a matter of the college administration and his father was not directly involved in it.

He said the incident had put question marks on the government's efforts to curb extremism in society.

"He was [an] employee of the Government of Pakistan, the event happened in the premises of [a] government college ... but there has been no word from the government on this regarding protection and implementation," the son said.

He said the PTI government kept raising the issue of a South Punjab province, "but this incident took place in south Punjab as well [and] the entire city is sitting in fear".

"I want to ask you this; this has happened before and continues to happen but until when? How many more lives?"

He questioned whether the government will act on the National Action Plan "only when there is pressure from India or the United States" and whether there was "no value" of the lives of Pakistani residents.

The Government of Punjab had tweeted in the afternoon that Chief Minister Usman Buzdar sought a report from police and ordered an investigation of the incident.

He asked authorities to "ensure in every condition the provision of justice to the heirs of the deceased professor".

'Moment of reflection'
In a press release, the Punjab Professors and Lecturers Association strongly condemned Hameed's murder.

It demanded that the district administration bring the perpetrators of the crime to book under anti-terrorism laws within 10 days. It also asked the district and college administrations to take steps to ensure the safety of the teachers.

The professor's murder sparked an outrage on social media, with people condemning the act and calling for action.

Former chief minister Shahbaz Sharif tweeted that the teacher's murder at the hands of a student because of a difference in opinion was "a moment of reflection for the entire nation".

"Unbelievably tragic how we've created hordes of young people who believe having a mild amount of fun is reason enough to murder someone," wrote Ammar Rashid.



जय परशुराम‍।
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2015
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Bachabazi ka shikar Balak ,aatmahatya krne par mazboor


जय परशुराम‍।
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2015
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Two Battagram men who blackmailed boy into suicide over rape video arrested


Tuesday Mar 26, 2019

BATTAGRAM: Two men who had filmed the sexual assault of a minor boy here in the city a few months ago to harass and blackmail him were arrested Monday night, the district police officer (DPO) of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa district said.

According to DPO Battagram, Abdul Rauf Babar Qaisrani, the boy had committed suicide following persistent harassment and blackmail from the two rapists.

Also read: Are incidents of child sexual abuse on the rise in Pakistan?

The two arrestees had recorded raping the boy on video and were taken into police custody following an investigation via scientific methods, Qaisrani added.

He further mentioned one of the two rapists has also confessed to his crimes in the court as well.

Cases of child sexual abuse are not uncommon in Pakistan.

On March 2, 16 suspects were detained in connection with the brutal rape and murder of a minor girl in Karachi.

16 suspects held in connection with rape, murder of nine-year-old Karachi girl

The real culprit behind the sexual assault and subsequent murder of the nine-year-old will only be ascertained once the DNA reports come in, police had said.

The deceased's family had not named anyone in the first information report (FIR). The incident had taken place a few days earlier in the metropolis' Bin Qasim Town.


जय परशुराम‍।
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2015
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Lagta hai ISI ka Farman AA gya hai ,yeh news gayab ho rhi hai


Jul 11, 2011
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First thing any paki will do is ask yur caste or biradri when they meet any indian from North India.

And if you are from upper caste they will go on and on to prove how related he or his biradri to upper castes of India.

I am talking about Canada, US or Europe.

England is filled with wannabe Arabmuslims of Desi and Iranic countries
Caste system was always prevalent among Persians and Indian Muslims.

Ziauddin Barani, the 14th century political thinker of the Delhi Sultanate recommended that the "sons of Mohamed" (i.e. Ashrafs) be given a higher social status than the low-born (i.e. Ajlaf). His most significant contribution in the fatwa was his analysis of the castes with respect to Islam. His assertion was that castes would be mandated through state laws or "Zawabi" and would carry precedence over Sharia law whenever they were in conflict. According to Barani, every act which is "contaminated with meanness and based on ignominity, comes elegantly [from the Ajlaf]". Barani also developed an elaborate system of promotion and demotion of Imperial officers ("Wazirs") that was primarily based on their caste.[5][6

What is strange in Indian Muslim casts is that on conversion, the converted started calling themselves after highest status Muslims of Turkey, Persia and Arabia. Thus one will find Bihar, UP anf Pakistan filled with Quireshis - the tribe of Muhammad, zais, Sayads, Khans, Pthans, Aabbasi, Noorani, Irani etc doing all menial work like butchery, cleaning, barbers, carpenters, blacksmiths, weavers, etc.

Calling oneself as Turk / foreign origin Muslim was so prevalent that the great Indian poet Kabir had to ask:

Tu Jo Turk Turkini ka Jaya, Bhitar Khatan kyon na karaya.
( If you claim yourself to be a Turk (meaning pure Muslim) why were you not incised in your mothers womb.)

Later in 20 th century the Indian kashmiri convert poet Iqbal asked :

yuuñ to sayyad bhī ho mirzā bhī ho afġhān bhī ho, tum sabhī kuchh ho batāo musalmān bhī ho
( Though you call yourself a Sayad and also an Afghan but tell me if you are a Mulim also)

To wash themselves of the sin of conversion, they all are on the path of being the next Khalifam In this respect a conversation between a TTP Commander and a Paki Military Officer is very interesting :



Senior Member
Apr 24, 2016
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Saudi Arabia has always believed that it was the true land of Islam. However even though they consider other Muslim nations inferior, they still believe they are the direct...

by Asian World2018-07-17
Saudi Arabia has always believed that it was the true land of Islam. However even though they consider other Muslim nations inferior, they still believe they are the direct descendants of Muhammad. Saudi Prince Muhammad Bin Suleiman had made a controversial statement humiliating Pakistan.

The prince believes that Pakistanis are the slaves of the Arabs. The prince’s statement suggests that Saudi’s look at every other Muslim country with the ‘converted-Muslim country perspective. Saudi’s call Muslims who come from Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, ‘Hindu-Muslims.’

They consider Muslims from these particular nations to have converted to Islam from Hinduism. The Bangladesh, Indian and Pakistan Muslims are also known as ‘Al Hindi-Muskeen.’ Referring to them as second-grade Muslims. Arabs are always ‘preferred to ‘Hindu Muslims’ be it any job or top post.

The top posts are always reserved for the Saudi Arabians. Muslim Citizens from other nations are considered to be inferior. Which is why they are given insignificant posts in their army.

A Pakistani journalist posted a letter, which showed the Saudi Defence minister referring to Pakistanis as slaves.

Tanveer Arain is a renowned Pakistani journalist who works for Dawn News, which is Pakistan’s English newspaper.

Tanveer Arain posted a quote on Twitter, which shows the Defence minister referring to Pakistan as a slave country and saying that it will continue to remain a slave of Saudi Arabia forever.

The quote also said: “Indian & Pakistani Muslims grow beards to look good like us, but they look like they’ve come straight from the forest.”


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Feb 9, 2013
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Why Pakistan’s official narrative is not serving it well
Nadir Cheema

The evolution of this national narrative, however, did not happen in a straight line.
Correct; basically Pakistani identify narrative has been and still is a developing and evolving process. That is why this incessant need - even after seven decades - to discuss about, 'ideology of Pakistan' and 'nation building' and the curious relationship and contradictions between military (and lifestyle-liberal Pindi-Islamabad PTI types/Army brats on social media), local (regional, paindu) political parties, Islamists, and the polished lifestyle-liberal people (mostly Shia and Mohajirs?) in english media.

In his 2016 book, The Army and Democracy: Military Politics in Pakistan, he described how Pakistan’s early efforts at nation-building – informed by the ruling Muslim League’s understanding of a unitary Muslim nationalism – “politicised and polarised ethnic (especially Bengali) identities”. These developments, he says, “spurred movements for autonomy that [in turn] sparked military and civilian-elite fears of internal fragmentation … put[ing] a premium on assimilation”.
..the state’s top-down narrative and a popular opposition to it have been there since the start. This clash was reinforced by the way the state’s own institutions have taken shape. As distinguished scholar Dr Tariq Rahman explained in an interview, the military and civilian bureaucracy developed more quickly and more robustly than political parties and the legislature during the early days of Pakistan. This was mainly because both the military and the bureaucracy inherited their rules, regulations and infrastructure – including trained human resources – from British colonial rule. On the other hand, all those institutions that represented and were meant to enforce the will of the people had to start from scratch. An overdeveloped state, thus, came to lord over highly underdeveloped political and societal structures, something that Hamza Alavi, a Pakistan-born sociologist who taught and worked in England, elaborated in a seminal essay he wrote in 1972
A couple of decades after independence, the civilian bureaucracy started experiencing a gradual decline in its quality, competence, efficiency as well as power. The biggest blow to it was served by the government of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto which, in the 1970s, lowered the bar of entry for it and sacked hundreds of well-entrenched senior bureaucrats.
If you read the above points, it may feels like some non-specific rambling making hardly any sense. It is like a black and white chaotic line diagram. To make it easy to visualize you have to fill in the colours. If you know the different actors/institutions mentioned have distinct Caste/ethnic connection, the chaotic story of Pakistan might become easier to comprehend.

So things to know
  • Islam - as an imperialist ideology
  • Bureaucracy -initial years- almost entirely made of upper caste Urdu speaking mohajirs
  • Regional political parties especially PPP- voters from Jahil awam- natives- led by regional feudal Lords.
  • "The biggest blow to it was served by the government of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto which, in the 1970s, lowered the bar of entry"- quota system/ political patronage for appointment of native language speakers in bureaucracy.
  • Army- now this is interesting. Their composition was mostly from a distinct region in North Punjab and adjacent regions and hence connected with the land, their identify narrative was however defined by others i.e. Pakistan's creators (whose identity narrative needs them to see themselves as foreign invaders). Hence the funny incidents like some 'Khan' from Potohar calling himself ''royal rajput" and feeling proud for 'invading and ruling India for thousand years'.
    • These were supposed to be loyal mercenaries of the creators of Pakistan- Urdu speaking muslim royals and other upper caste Indian elites and their local collaborators (the feudal lords). After all, thinking is not soldiers job, his job is to follow orders.
    • But now they are the power center. (Not unfamiliar story for India is it? - a general who was supposed to serve the king and make him powerful himself becomes the ruler and original royal family is sidelined.). They have become educated too. They also have to face information on internet and answer Indians on internet.
  • Then there is jahil awam trying to make sense of all this and figure out whare they stand. Slooooooooowwwwly getting educated and exposed to outer world.


जय परशुराम‍।
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2015
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It Tells about how paki still view itself part of india ,one of their many identity crisis.Somedays they are afghan warlords,some days bastards of Turkish sultan's and his harem,some days they are civilised of kushan empire and Indus valley civilisation and some days they are savage hordes of bin qasim and ummayads even after 70 years they haven't figured it out but now added another one to it "minions of nadir shah" :crazy:


Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
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This long Phd thesis about Balochistan is mostly Pakistani narrative. But the second chapter on history has lot of info about Baloch people/Balochistan (i.e. from whatever available sources of information; hardly any details about Baloch history before 15th century are known). Rest of the thesis is some nonspecific Pakistani narrative claiming that Baloch 'elite leaders' are using people for their own political gains.


जय परशुराम‍।
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2015
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Al Bakistan in it's full glory,HIV has highest rate in Al Bakistan in the region and apparently inbred pakjabis are doing good job to keep that going.


Sep 7, 2015
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Zaid Hamid says....

"For example..
I am a Syed...a pure Arab bloodline whose ancestors came with Islamic armies to capture India...attacking India is our family tradition after all..:)
My wife is an is from Bokhara...settled in Peshawar.
same is the case with most Muslims here..."

Yeh self proclaimed pure blood Syed, converted Pakistaniyon ko suicidal advices dekar marvayega.
I fuked this pseudo Arab clown so hard that he's frikkin blocked me on Twitter!! Lol! :pound::bounce::biggrin2:


Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
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Northern light infantry regiment

The Northern Light Infantry (NLI) Regiment is based in northern Pakistan. Today the NLI Reget consists of 15x Reg units. The unit is not dominated by major ethnic groups like the Pashtuns or Punjabs and instead is comprised by a mix of men from the small tribes of the Kashmir region. The NLI sepoys are drawn from eight major ethnic groups: the Baltees, Shins, Yashkuns, Mughals, Kashmiris, Pathans, Ladakis and Turks who speak the dialects of Balti, Shina, Brushaki, Khawer, Wakhi, Turki, Pushto, Urdu and Persian. Of the NLI sepoys, 49 per cent are Shias and 18 per cent Sunnis, while the Ismailees and Noor Bakhshis make up 23 and 10 per cent respectively.Fifty-five per cent of the sepoys come from Gilgit while 35 per cent hail from Baltistan.
paramilitary force
In 1993, the NLI battalions were organised into regular battalionsof the Pakistan Army with the Regimental Centre at Bunji near Gilgit. The Northern Light Infantry Regiment was formed in 1971 when several Scout units -- some of which had British-era origins and others which were more recent -- were consolidated. Among these, the Gilgit Scouts fought with distinction against India during the 1947 war.
In the tradition of the scout units, the NLI originally functioned as a local government-controlled militia meant to maintain order in remote areas.
In 1869, Gilgit was annexed to Kashmir State. Gilgit Agency was re-established in 1889. In 1889 a force with the name of Gilgit Levies was raised under the command of Colonel AlgernonDurand in order to establish better writ of Government. The force, in 1891, fought the battle of Nilt against Hunza. In 1913 Major JC Bridges reorganized the force on company basis and the force was thus named as Gilgit scouts.
When Gilgit scouts were raised, its strength was 582. The recruitment in the Gilgit scouts was based on the recommendation of Mirs and Rajas of the area. Close relatives of Mirs and Rajas were used to be given direct viceroy commission in corps of Gilgit scouts.
On partition, Gilgit agency was handed over to Maharaja of Kashmir by the Britishgovernment. Brigadier Ghansara Singh arrived at Gilgit to take over the charge as Governor. Later on Major General H L Scott the chief of military staff of Kashmir also joined. The troops of Gilgit Scouts being 100% Muslim were in favour of accession to Pakistan. On 31 October 1947, in the afternoon, Honorary Captain Muhammad Baber Khan called the meeting of the Junior Commissioned Officers of Gilgit scouts in the Junior Commissioned Officers' mess, where it was unanimously decided to over throw the dogra rule.

The governor surrendered on 1st November 1947. The Muslim company of 6 Jammu Kahmir infantry battalion coming to Gilgit from Bunji under command Captain Hassan Khan also joined the scouts. The scouts attacked and destroyed dogra check post and burnt Partab Bridge. The Sikh and dogra elements deserted and were later captured. 27000 sq miles were thus liberated from Dogra Raj. The force was then placed under command Major Muhammad Tufail Shaheed (Nishan-i-Haider), Honorary Captain Muhammad Baber Khan of 1st Northern Light Infantry Regiment who played the most vital role in the war of liberation (from Dogra Raj) in 1947.

Tufail Mohammad

Tufail Mohammad was born in Hoshiarpur, Punjab in India into a Punjabi family on 22 June of 1914 according to his gravestone markings.:45[5] His family was of the Gurjardescent[1]– and was educated at the D.A.V. College in Jalandhar.[1]
The regiment's soldiers are drawn from small tribes in mountainous areas and are less prone to altitude sickness and cold temperatures that characterize mountain warfare. The unit was therefore chosen to fight against Indian forces in the 1999 Kargil War,
Most of the officers who led the NLI battalionsin Kargil were from other regiments and included Punjabis, Mohajirs and Pathans
.......Meanwhile, the absence of a civil defence force since 1975 led to uncontrolled sectarian strife in Gilgit-Baltistan, exemplified by the 1988 Gilgit massacre.[5] A new civil armed force was created again in 2003 under the name Gilgit Baltistan Scouts to take the place of the old Gilgit Scouts.[3]

1988 Gilgit massacre

In 1988 a revolt by the Shias of Gilgit Baltistan(northern region of Pakistan) was ruthlessly suppressed by the Zia-ul Haq regime.[1] The Pakistan Army led an armed group of Sunnitribals, from Afghanistan and the North-West Frontier Province, into Gilgit and its surrounding areas to suppress the revolt......


Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
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The Maratha disaster at Panipat was bound to happen because their practice of chauth and sardeshmukhi ensured they made enemies wherever they went. If they had conquered the lands and ruled it firmly, they would have finished of their enemies. But their yearning for revenue without responsibility was militarily as well as financially disastrous. They still used the revenue techniques of the 27 year old war when the context was completely changed. They had too many factions and no ideological/doctrinal or operational coherence.

Another thing to note is that Ibrahim Khan Gardi was not a Pashtun but belonged to the Pardhi community. Gardis continued to be bodyguards of Peshwas for a long time.
Shhhhh... How should be an Indian story? There should be a Kshatriya King and his obedient queen and a Chatur Brahman. Or there there is a Prince and a Pradhan Putra and one princess. For a change you want to tell kids a poor man's story? ...Once upon a time there was a poor Brahmin who was tormented by his wife and he went away and cried and was granted a boon.... and so on.

How should be a bollywood movie ? Everyone's last names are either Khatri, Baniya, Brahmin, XSingh, just (lately) or Khan or Sayyad. Even if for a change hero is to be shown poor, his surname has to be from the above castes. For a little bit of variety you can use surname of local dominant community as a funny corrupt policeman or a funny Madrasi called Aiyar. It is in Jew-Leftist hollywood where a blacksmith and a pirate can be heroes and the film franchise makes billions; Or in some Sci-fi movie the villians are the ones who create society strictly divided in to classes and heroes are the revolutionaries who fight to break it up.

How should be history? All the actors must be Brahmin or Kshatriya or Sayyads and Khans and no one else needs to be recorded or if they must be recorded for some reason they must be proved to be from the above castes. No one else exists.
Not sure if the name was Ibrahim Khan Gardi or its just Ibrahim Gardi. Anyway if you google search for Gardi, there is hardly any info on the entire internet.
Anyway coming back to 'Khan', everyone of us believe surname Khan invariably means Pashtun (including all the Khan's themselves).

Strange thing - if you see the names of Pashtun tribals in news related to the bombings and terrorism, they either don't mention last name or the name of tribe is used as last name. Hardly any 'Khan's. They probably start using khan after settling in mainland. Pakistani members if any left can clarify.
Who is the most important Pasthun because of whom present Afghanistan as a nation came into being? Isn't it Ahmad Shah Abdali? And that is AFTER the fall of Mughal empire, not long long ago. Before that, that region itself was mostly ruled by Turk rulers, not some Pasthun warriors of Islam. (Ahmed Shah Abdali himself was servant of Turk ruler of Persia, he inherited/ claimed wealth of his master after he died)

And is there a 'Khan' in the name of Ahmad Shah Abdali? :confused1:
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Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Caste is part of govt records in pakistan...
This is in context of guru nanak palace destruction recently......



Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
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Copied from here

The biggest bane of Indians is that they don't dig into FACTS THAT MATTER and further don't know to argue based on PRIORITIZED FACTS!!!

The BIGGEST FACT that Indians should be show casing to Kashmiris and the entire world is this:

POK (despite calling itself AZAD Kashmir) has not had a single head-of-state who was an ethnic Kashmiri.........for the last 70+ years they've all been Pashtuns......How can a region be called 'liberated' when it's native people are enslaved by a non-native tribe??
There's a special breed of Pashtuns called the Poonch Pashtuns or the Sadozais. These scumbags had settled in Poonch from centuries old Afghan war...never assimilated with local Kashmiris; and when Paki-army/Pasthun-tribals invaded Kashmir in 47-48, these scumbags helped fellow Pasthuns rape/loot/burn ethnic Kashmiris. Pakis have rewarded these scumbags by making them head so called "Azad Kashmir" for 70+ years. When Pakis claim that 'locals' welcomed them during the 47-48 period, they're referring only to the minuscule numbers of Sadozais!!!

I've presented this simple fact (of ZERO Kashmiris heading 'Azad Kashmir', while Muslim Kashmiris have always headed J&K) to few pro-Pakistan, 'Azaadi' seeking , jihad supporting Kashmiris on Twitter; and they now proudly say that they love India and now despise Pakis and Paki sponsored jihad in Kashmir.

Sadozai can refer to:

Durrani Empire
The Durrani Empire (Pashto: د دورانیانو امپراتوري‎), also called the Sadozai Kingdom (د افغانانو واکمني),[6] and Afghan Empire (د افغانانو واکمني),[7] was founded and built by Ahmad Shah Durrani. .......

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